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Green Party Wants To Put The Queen In A Council House

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Which house do you mean she has a few .Also wouldn't she have to go on the housing list first like every body else,thats if they have not sold them all off.I would put her on the manor or something similar.


Do you think she would qualify for housing benefit ?She would surely be on the dole there is not much call for queening up here.She could take in washing to help ends meet and Phil could get a window cleaning round don't you think.As for walking all those ruddy corgies Phill would need a lot of poo bags.Don't forget the Rolls,I don't mean sausage rolls I mean the car I think that might get vandalized if they are not careful.They will have to put one of those blokes with the big woolly hat there to guard it.It would be a bit of a shock for them at first but they would get used to it after all we are all in this together are we not.So next time you are shopping in Aldi just look who is in the queue and if there is someone waiting with a tiara on the green party have cracked it.

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The Queen only regards herself as ' a caretaker ' for tax purposes.


In fact the Crown - in the person of the Queen - is the ultimate owner of all the land in England.


If you own your own house and the land it's on is freehold you may be under the impression that you are the outright owner with no strings attached.


You would be wrong in that impression.




You certainly would. The proposed Mansion Tax removes the right to hold land free of charge (at least above a certain valuation) so the government will be a sort of rent collector on property which was legally purchased as freehold.

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You certainly would. The proposed Mansion Tax removes the right to hold land free of charge (at least above a certain valuation) so the government will be a sort of rent collector on property which was legally purchased as freehold.


Yes, they and the Crown working together rarely miss a trick.


Bring an extra tax in which initially only applies to a minority and then once in place alter it to include a majority.


The Mafia would be impressed. :)

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A bit of charity here and there or a stint in the army learning to fly helicopers is hardly working for a living.

They pulled a great PR trick with that jubilee mind you..


The queen is 88 years old. According to their stats she does around 430 different engagements each year. She has constant meetings and ceremonies to host with all sorts of heads of state and leaders. She has indirect responsibility for her two personal Estates and staff therein. She has her own official correspondence duties which although obviously she does nothing personally with in terms of preparation she still has to read and sign the bloody things. I think that's enough for an 88 year old pensioner to be getting on with don't you?


During the war years pre her reign she trained and work as a driver/mechanic in the forces and from 1951 has been doing her job day in day out. Might not seem very important nor hard work to you but its still a job. A job she will continue to do until she dies. Not a prospect many of us, thankfully, have to think contemplate. All of her family have done active military work and despite you very disrespectful claim they have done far more than just "learning to fly a helicopter". All princes have done active service and continuing work behind the scenes. Harry was significantly involved in the invictus games and still does significant work with the armed forces. William also did operational service and continues to work in a civilian pilot role for the air ambulance.


The royals are always a target and these arguments rise up every time. "they are privileged" "they have all that state funded wealth" "they don't do anything" "they never work"


Well, when you see millions of people around the world focused on one person -that shows what exactly they do.


Firstly, most of that wealth does not actually belong to the Queen. It belongs to us. The state. She can nor sell it, benefit from it nor have any real practical use out of such opulence anyway. Its a showpiece. Its like living in a Museum. She hardly nips down for breakfast each morning in her robes and crown. She hardly sits on the gold covered throne to read her parliamentary papers.


Her personal wealth, while indeed a fortune, is relatively much smaller than what most people think. The Crown Estate (which is actually us taxpayers) is worth around 7.3 billion in assets whereas the Queen's own personal wealth is around 300 million.


Yes is a fortune, but in the big world not even in the top 250 of the richest in the world.


The fact is that all these revolution ideas fizzle to nothing. You would not get the worlds media descending onto London and millions of worldwide viewers on television and lining the streets to witness the wedding of David and Samantha Cameron. You don't get thousands of tourists peaking through the fences of 10 Downing Street desperately hoping to get a glimpse of Ed Milliband. You certainly wouldn't get hundreds of members of the press camping outside a hospital to witness the birth of the first Clegg Child.


That hype, that demand is because of the Royals. Its what people associate with this country. She is host, ambassador and representative of everything we do. Even the modern Jesus H Christ himself, Obama would not attract that sort of crowd and certainly isn't in his home country.


Show me many other state figureheads in history who have attracted such interest as the British Royalty.


At just under 36 million a year out of taxpayers money they are cheap at half the price. 36 mill would be pocket change that the government would waste on some white elephant. in fact some local council can easily fritter that away in no time at all and for nothing.


We had a revolution 373 years ago. Remember the result - we cried for the monarchy to come back.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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The queen is 88 years old. According to their stats she does around 430 different engagements each year. She has constant meetings and ceremonies to host with all sorts of heads of state and leaders. She has indirect responsibility for her two personal Estates and staff therein. She has her own official correspondence duties which although obviously she does nothing personally with in terms of preparation she still has to read and sign the bloody things. I think that's enough for an 88 year old pensioner to be getting on with don't you?


During the war years pre her reign she trained and work as a driver/mechanic in the forces and from 1951 has been doing her job day in day out. Might not seem very important nor hard work to you but its still a job. A job she will continue to do until she dies. Not a prospect many of us, thankfully, have to think contemplate.


The royals are always a target and these arguments rise up every time. "they are privileged" "they have all that state funded wealth" "they don't do anything" "they never work"


Well, well you see millions of people around the world focused on one person -that shows what exactly they do.


Firstly, most of that wealth does not actually belong to the Queen. It belongs to us. The state. She can nor sell it, benefit from it nor have any real practical use out of such opulence anyway. Its a showpiece. Its like living in a Museum. She hardly nips down for breakfast each morning in her robes and crown. She hardly sits on the gold covered throne to read her parliamentary papers.


Her personal wealth, while indeed a fortune, is relatively much smaller than what most people think. The Crown Estate (which is actually us taxpayers) is worth around 7.3 billion in assets whereas the Queen's own personal wealth is around 300 million.


Yes is a fortune, but in the big world not even in the top 250 of the richest in the world.


The fact is that all these revolution ideas fizzle to nothing. You would not get the worlds media descending onto London and millions of worldwide viewers on television and lining the streets to witness the wedding of David and Samantha Cameron. You don't get thousands of tourists peaking through the fences of 10 Downing Street desperately hoping to get a glimpse of Ed Milliband. You certainly wouldn't get hundreds of members of the press camping outside a hospital to witness the birth of the first Clegg Child.


That hype, that demand is because of the Royals. Its what people associate with this country. She is host, ambassador and representative of everything we do. Even the modern Jesus H Christ himself, Obama would not attract that sort of crowd and certainly isn't in his home country.


Show me many other state figureheads in history who have attracted such interest as the British Royalty.


At just under 36 million a year out of taxpayers money they are cheap at half the price. 36 mill would be pocket change that the government would waste on some white elephant. in fact some local council can easily fritter that away in no time at all and for nothing.


We had a revolution 373 years ago. Remember the result - we cried for the monarchy to come back.

Ho dear you have brought a tear to my eye and thats a glass un.I can't say I remember the revolution and us crying .And you say she does this for only 36 million a year and thats just loose change you say.How does she do it?By the way just read about Hugene or some name like it she has just had her ninth holiday in the last twelve months.Isn't she airmiles Andy's lass? it must be terrible fitting in all those holidays in such a busy schedule between all those jobs.If only miss Queenie had not such a dumpling of a son she could have put her feet up and using her bus pass along with Phill and go down to the local homeless hostel and do some proper work like Diana use to do.Or she could have gone and visited some off her relatives in Germany.


---------- Post added 29-03-2015 at 16:20 ----------


By the way I wish the press would not do as you say and camp out waiting for any snippet of news about these people.I am really amazed and I mean amazed that any body other than direct family are interested at all.What type of lives do these people lead have they not a family of their own to worry about?We will be getting a running commentary on their toilet habits next.(PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THAT AS A SUGGESTION )you never know some body might take it up.

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Don't you think that Cameron's announcement that he wouldn't serve a 3rd term, when he hasn't even won the second, and couldn't form a majority on his first government, has that ringing sense of entitlement?


No. He got asked a question and he answered it. I think there are other examples you could have used, but not that one.

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By the way how many babies could get immunized against meningitis at a fiver a time with 36 million pounds.I know you think 36 million pounds is only loose change but I the money would be better spent on those jabs.The present government think a fiver is to much to safeguard all those babies from meningites yet 36 million is just loose change,how strange.

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By the way how many babies could get immunized against meningitis at a fiver a time with 36 million pounds.I know you think 36 million pounds is only loose change but I the money would be better spent on those jabs.The present government think a fiver is to much to safeguard all those babies from meningites yet 36 million is just loose change,how strange.


But the £36 million a year gets the UK £26.4 billion of the economic benefits, so we gain far more than she costs.



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But the £36 million a year gets the UK £26.4 billion of the economic benefits, so we gain far more than she costs.




Oh well thats ok then .When do I get my share ?I can't wait..

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