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Should diesel vehicles be banned from the city centre?

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Yeah keep off of the parkway if you Carnt be bothered to car share you silly little maggot !


The only way I go to the hell hole city centre now is on my bike which enables me to weave in and out, pass either side, get away from lights in a blink of an eye lol


Starlc, Thank you for your intelligent sensitive reply. Obviously your arguments are as bad as your cycling and spelling, (it's can't)

I, like many others have no intention of sharing a car with a stranger.

I'm not sure but isn't it illegal to cycle on the Parkway? But that won't stop an illiterate, obnoxious idiot like you.

If you don't drive on the Parkway what on earth are you ranting on about?

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There should be a conjestion charge for all vehicles with one person as these idiots cause massive problems everyday on the parkway and we have a name for them but won't share it as I think t may be against forum rules lol !


I drive a van and as a sole trader who works for myself,this would mean I would have to pass this charge onto my customers ,I do agree it winds me up seeing only 1 person in a car ,I've worked in offices where they all drive in and I know they could car share

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I'm not sure if it's been mentioned but if all Diesel vehicles are banned how would stuff get to shops ??????? Lorries that bring them stock are DIESEL or will they be charged more thus putting prices up ?

will this just kill off the town center and we all go to out of town shopping centers?

Just something to think on



If we are banning all Diesel vehicles then, as well as road vehicles, the diesel powered trains should also be banned. So that's most public and private transport within the city and into and out of the city banned.


So it looks like we will have to revert to horse and oxen transport and haulage, ahhh but there may be a couple of problems there :huh: still the roses could benefit and we could use the methane for lighting and heating ... or powering cars and lorries ... and we have come full circle :confused::hihi:

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That's fine,but its still 10mpg less,plus mine is a larger car/hatchback and an auto to boot with a 1.8 fuel injected petrol engine..AND, it doesn't sound like a farm tractor as all diesels do,...don't knock it unless you've tried it,far too many armchair critics...my last two diesels were a "C"/"E" Class and both were very noisy running about locally,but ok an a motorway at 70mph,but to get back to the original post....Should diesel vehicles be banned from the city centre?,..NO...


The less well off drive old Cleo's Berlingo's, Fords, Vauxalls etc and as usual it will be they who bare the brunt of any new restrictions that come in regarding banning these older cars from the road in any future Government plans.


If you can afford the new hybrids then all well and good but as stated its them at the bottom that will suffer.

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There should be a conjestion charge for all vehicles with one person as these idiots cause massive problems everyday on the parkway and we have a name for them but won't share it as I think t may be against forum rules lol !


Why are they idiots?

It is not always viable to car share.


People who come from outside Sheffield certainly would struggle, unless you're wanting them to find people in Sheffield to go pick up on their way in.


For me, I work 12 hour shifts, I wouldn't have any issues with car sharing. However, finding someone who does the same shifts and works near me is unlikely, then they would also have to live near me.


The only way I go to the hell hole city centre now is on my bike which enables me to weave in and out, pass either side, get away from lights in a blink of an eye lol


So do you always have someone on the back of your back? I assume not as you're 'weaving' in and out and getting away in a blink of eye.


So if that is true, then surely you're one of the 'idiots' you refer to.

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I drive a van and as a sole trader who works for myself,this would mean I would have to pass this charge onto my customers ,I do agree it winds me up seeing only 1 person in a car ,I've worked in offices where they all drive in and I know they could car share


Ahhhhh the truth !


Yes the office bums could share but they are to up there own bums to give a monkeys.


---------- Post added 26-03-2017 at 11:22 ----------


Starlc, Thank you for your intelligent sensitive reply. Obviously your arguments are as bad as your cycling and spelling, (it's can't)

I, like many others have no intention of sharing a car with a stranger.

I'm not sure but isn't it illegal to cycle on the Parkway? But that won't stop an illiterate, obnoxious idiot like you.

If you don't drive on the Parkway what on earth are you ranting on about?


Yep can't spell but don't care as I have done very well in business and all from a un educated illiterate, obnoxious idiot with loads of dosh lmao !


You obviously don't understand the word bobber do you, cycle, lol


The offices are full of people who could car share but won't and block the parkway every day, as I said "idiots"


---------- Post added 26-03-2017 at 11:26 ----------


you really are an embarrassing little individual aren't you?


Yep say it as I see it and I'm far from little I'm 6ft 3 and 18 stone lol "wazzock " lol

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You've confused idiot with selfish. It's arguably selfish to not car share when you could.


"I'm Starlc, I do what I want !" That is also arguably selfish.


I think your arguably a idiot, but it would be selfis... or is that your arguably selfish ???? Hmmmmmmmm ????


Right now off to be selfish on my very load bobber, to Matlock !!

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Starlc, I've no idea what a bobber is but I'm an adult and can communicate without childish names. I don't believe anything you say. Cycle to Matlock? Sat in front of television with a can of lager more like. The ones that brag and insult others usually are all talk.

By the way next time you are cycling illegally down the Parkway, let us all know so we can either report you or avoid it to make sure that a selfish idiot like you is not held up.

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Starlc, I've no idea what a bobber is but I'm an adult and can communicate without childish names. I don't believe anything you say. Cycle to Matlock? Sat in front of television with a can of lager more like. The ones that brag and insult others usually are all talk.

By the way next time you are cycling illegally down the Parkway, let us all know so we can either report you or avoid it to make sure that a selfish idiot like you is not held up.


Who mentioned cycling on the parkway? Or cycling to Matlock (not like that's a ridiculous distance anyway) Other than you I mean?

Edited by Squiggs
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