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Dog with grass allergy advice please


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karma32128, How did you get on with your dog? I did try the Turmeric and coconut oil and had no luck. Im now trying to find Piriton/Chlopheniramine but a lot of the chemist sites are saying you have to fill out a form or speak to the pharmacist to show you need this medication. I did try pet super market but it looks like have stopped selling it. I know a few of you use this for your dogs, where do you get it from?

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I've already posted this today which is weird on another post . But this worked for mine so far .

I have a choc lab and he had problems with allergies . I manage it with piriton and Yumpro bioactiv tabs. In fact after a few months he was fine and he's off everything now . When he starts again I will introduce them back but so far so good . I get mine from http://www.pet-supermarket.co.uk . Seems to work better than steroids for mine , but every dogs different . Might be worth a shot . Also try changing diet if you can feed your dog RAW food this might help . There is a lot information that suggests allergies are caused by a damaged immune system either through stress or diet . So probiotics may help . It seems to have worked for mine and it's better than giving steroids which seem to work for a while and then it keeps coming back . That's my experience I hope it helps .


Allergies are an overactive immune system not a damaged one. The drugs in Piriton (antihistamine) damp down immune reactions.


Edit - its usually genetic too. In humans the same gene for eczema is the same one for other allergies eg asthma etc.

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Well his allergies have gone altogether now and the vet said he'd have them all his life .

We also got him a companion so maybe this has helped . We settled on a mix of ardent grange (lamb) and tinned chappie for diet. But I have to say he was on piriton for a while when he had allergies it did dampen them down . I read about the probiotics and allergies on a Labrador website especially for choc labs which I have. And they seemed to help with the allergies . I usually give him a two week course before going on holiday because he use to get stressed in the car and have the runs on holiday and it works no runs on holiday.

But it's been over a year since we have had any skin problems now .

Sometimes it's just trial and error it took me a few month to find out that my other lab was allergic to chicken. I don't know the science behind things but it's common sense that if you can manage it through diet or natural products it's got to be better than having steroid injections. which when I first got him every time I went to the vets they gave him a steroid injection. Research your breed of dog as well. And I've found stress was a big factor with mine as well a companion has defiantly helped him . But yes sometimes bad breeding and genetics can play apart as well and I know not everything can be managed at home .

Edited by rubydo1
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It sounds like food allergies was the big problem. One of our dogs had a sensitive stomach. A lot of people don't realise that even good quality dog food is often filled with grain. The grain changes depending which is cheapest. We moved to a dog food with potato or rice in it rather than grain then went on to raw food. She was much better after that but she didn't have grass allergy. Poop wasn't as bad smelling or as much volume and they smelt less 'doggy'.


Stress can cause problems with the digestive system and general health.

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Well after 8 years of trying different foods,medication,herbal remedies, and keeping a close on my dog( who is not stressed at all). I can say for sure he is allergic to grass and maybe other pollen's all i want to do is ease the itching.

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Well after 8 years of trying different foods,medication,herbal remedies, and keeping a close on my dog( who is not stressed at all). I can say for sure he is allergic to grass and maybe other pollen's all i want to do is ease the itching.


Hi Jan2665. Sorry if I confused you. I never doubted you knew what ailed your dog. My comments were really aimed at rubydo1 with him/her mentioning the food, tummy troubles and skin problems.

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Thanks Chez2, It's just so frustrating. You think you've got it cracked then it starts again. Now all i can do is give piriton which i will have to lie to a pharmacist to get.

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Thanks Chez2, It's just so frustrating. You think you've got it cracked then it starts again. Now all i can do is give piriton which i will have to lie to a pharmacist to get.


I'm not aware of Piriton or other antihistamines being prescription meds. There are two types of active consituents readily available. You can walk into Boots and buy what you want. I get them on prescription for my hayfever but they are not POMs. You can buy non branded fairly cheap. Often the supermarkets will do a weeks tablets for 99p in the summer.

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try FULLER,S EARTH !! its an old old remedy for multi problems .. it comes in powder form and can be used on skin or taken internal with no harmful side effects ...look up the benifits online ..it can be made into a cream if required for any skin compaints or powder can be mixed with water and taken internal ..i order mine online and pay around £8 for a kilo which lasts around a year for 3 dogs and myself .. oh and forgot to say it KILLS/REPELS FLEAS ..

Edited by cyb1
forgot to say
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I have tried all the ones you can get off the shelf but piriton is the only one with chlorphenamine maleate and for some reason you have to speak to a pharmacist to prove that it is what you need and must never say its for your dog or they will not sell it to you(already made that mistake) You don't need a prescription You can get this in generic form cheaper too but still the same problem.

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