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Did you ever walk along Downing street?

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I have a photograph of 'me' strolling by the door of No. 10 Downing street... taken by my wife.....with just the one policeman standing there. I would think this was the early 1970s.... By eck ! what a difference in security today eh !

Anyone else ? .. out there who recall those times ?

Edited by oscar2157
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I walked down there in about 1979 or 1980. We had to stand behind a barrier but you could get quite close to the house and the barrier was only about 3 feet high. I think the extra security came into force after the 1984 Brighton bombing.

Wow ! that was a speedy reply cheers !...;-)

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Downing Street is still part of the highway and therefore a public right of way. It's blocked under laws relating to civil disturbances. In theory if the police manning the gates have no suspicion that there will be a civil disturbance they cannot refuse to let you through. I took a party of Scouts there a year or so back, asked politely if we could have a walk up to Number 10 for a photo and they just unlocked the gates and let us all through for a photo.


Apparantly the gates went up in 1989, but they had some lighter weight moveable ones much earlier, in 81 according to the sargeant I was talking to.

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I think it is a dreadful reflection on how society has altered when we need to close off a street like this.

Shutters to protect shop windows when the shops are closed, bouncers outside pubs, police wearing protective vests and carrying gas sprays etc. are now an accepted way of life which is very sad and thought provoking.

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Theres a picture of my Dad stood outside No 10, standing next to a bobby of course.

The photo was taken in 1972...


As a small child, the security guards at stonehenge let me walk up to the stones and run through them. Theres a photo of me leaning against them with a smiling security guard. I'd say that was taken in the early 80s.

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The big gates were added in 1989 but did not deter the IRA from firing a mottar towards the Cabinet room while it was in session in 1991. The Palace of Westminster did not get its big security upgrade until after 9/11.

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