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Did you ever walk along Downing street?

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I remember visiting fairly early one morning with my parents back in the late 60's. There was a women on her hands and knees scrubbing the front step (I don't think it was Mary Wilson).


We also saw Jimmy Tarbuck filming a commercial in Trafalgar Square.

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I think it is a dreadful reflection on how society has altered when we need to close off a street like this.

Shutters to protect shop windows when the shops are closed, bouncers outside pubs, police wearing protective vests and carrying gas sprays etc. are now an accepted way of life which is very sad and thought provoking.


It was the IRA that instigated the extra security measures.


Unfortunately as soon as they laid down arms another group rose to prominence so the gates have remained in place.


To be fair I'm quite surprised it was open back in the 70's, there were loads of Terrorist groups around at the time.

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I did in the 1970's and on down some steps at the far end that give access to the HorseGuards area. The paint job on that front door was, and still is, like glass. I hinted at my kids to write off to "Jim'll fix it" for us to have the same job done on our's. ...oo-err (I'll get my coat).


I also remember a wanted man photographed in front of the Bobbie which made the papers along with the usual "whats this world coming to when the common criminal can make a mockery of the law.....blah, blah, blah......"

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I walked down there in about 1979 or 1980. We had to stand behind a barrier but you could get quite close to the house and the barrier was only about 3 feet high. I think the extra security came into force after the 1984 Brighton bombing.


Yeah, the big gates went up sometime around 1984, so highly appropriate. There must have been a policeman on point duty ever since it was first the PM's residence, as well as other more discrete officers patrolling or parked outside in cars, particularly at times of great crisis such as WW1 and WW2 when Downing Street would have been such a sensitive target for spies, assassains, etc.

In 1984, when the gates were put up, it must have been necessary to revoke the 'Public Right Of Way' status for Downing Street, or has the street been always of special status, for example does it count as 'Royal Estate', like all those vast estates at places like Windsor, Highgrove and Balmoral, etc?;)

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The paint job on that front door was, and still is, like glass.


Aided by the fact that the door is steel (there are two of them to allow for refurbishment to be done off site), so is most likely coach enamel. Interestingly, the zero in the '10' is always fixed out of kilter in respect of the original.




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I have a photograph of 'me' strolling by the door of No. 10 Downing street... taken by my wife.....with just the one policeman standing there. I would think this was the early 1970s.... By eck ! what a difference in security today eh !

Anyone else ? .. out there who recall those times ?



Got a photo of me outside No 10,hot summer of 76.

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