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Should anyone be allowed to parent?

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I believe the state should either interfere in someones right to parent and conceive or not interfere at all.


Really? :hihi:


What are your views on drugs? Either everyone should be an addict or they should be completely banned?

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So the 40 or more children produced by the man in the OP are likley to be as selfish, careless and irresponsible as he is, so will likley do as he is doing, wow that means our society is in deeper crap than I thought.


There is no doubt that some of them will very probably repeat the example that they have been given - and respond to the genes they have inherited - and carry on in the same way, equally there's a good chance others won't.


Whilst there is science behind it, it isn't an exact science.


The problem with suggestions that this problem should be resolved by drastic government action is that pesky little inconvenience ( to politicians ) called freedom.


All in all, despite examples like the clown in question, I believe personal freedom - even when it entails acting like an idiot - has to be protected.


Education on the responsibilities of citizens to the country and one another from a young age is about the farthest I'd want to push it.

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There is no doubt that some of them will very probably repeat the example that they have been given - and respond to the genes they have inherited - and carry on in the same way, equally there's a good chance others won't.


Whilst there is science behind it, it isn't an exact science.


The problem with suggestions that this problem should be resolved by drastic government action is that pesky little inconvenience ( to politicians ) called freedom.


All in all, despite examples like the clown in question, I believe personal freedom - even when it entails acting like an idiot - has to be protected.


Education on the responsibilities of citizens to the country and one another from a young age is about the farthest I'd want to push it.


Allowing him the freedom to procreate and then palm is offspring onto the state removes the personal freedom of working people to spend the money they earn on their own children, instead they are forced by law to hand some of their income over to the state so that the state can support his brood.

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Allowing him the freedom to procreate and then palm is offspring onto the state removes the personal freedom of working people to spend the money they earn on their own children, instead they are forced by law to hand some of their income over to the state so that the state can support his brood.


Yes, very unsatisfactory.


Although if you place it alongside the Multi-Billions the state wastes in their ongoing IT fiasco's, the insistence on spending trillions on weapons of mass destruction - which if we ever get to use them we'll all be dead minutes later - and the continuing waste of public money at both national and local level due to sheer incompetence, I can't get too over excited about it.

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Yes, very unsatisfactory.


Although if you place it alongside the Multi-Billions the state wastes in their ongoing IT fiasco's, the insistence on spending trillions on weapons of mass destruction - which if we ever get to use them we'll all be dead minutes later - and the continuing waste of public money at both national and local level due to sheer incompetence, I can't get too over excited about it.


So you believe people have the right to reproduce as often as they like without the consequence of supporting their brood just because the government wastes billions every year.

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The other option of the state controlling who can and cannot breed is not something that I would like to see.


I don't like to see the suffering that is caused by people such as the man in the OP and would rather prevent it, to me preventing the suffering he causes is far more important than his right to cause it.

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I don't like to see the suffering that is caused by people such as the man in the OP and would rather prevent it

The suffering of his children is caused by him not providing for his children.


Are you going to means-test everyone before they're allowed to have children?

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