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Should anyone be allowed to parent?

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I did explain how, sterilization stops people reproducing and I even posted a link so that you could better understand the process of sterilization.


When you consider the fact that nurses and doctors would not be allowed to take park in the procedures, how would you suggest that the procedures are carried out?

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That appears to suggest that with our current reproductive trends the available workforce will decline, whilst the people in need of support will increase, the consequences of such a trend will be be disastrous for the country.

Mike Holpin is doing us a service then, procreating so rapidly.


He deserves a medal. :)

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When you consider the fact that nurses and doctors would not be allowed to take park in the procedures, how would you suggest that the procedures are carried out?


The state would employ people that can carry out the procedure.

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The state would employ people that can carry out the procedure.


What type of people do you think could carry out the operations and look after the people afterwards? Car mechanics, landscape gardeners, painter and decorators or maybe you believe that they should use the unemployed?

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Not if the children end up being dependent on state support instead of paying into the sate.

Then we measure everyone and see if we think their children will be state dependants, and castrate them accordingly.


This plan is getting better as we go along. I'm into this.

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I would agree if it was linked to the forced sterilization of anyone deemed unfit to parent, but the state as decided that everyone as the right to reproduce so it should also accept that everyone as the right to bring up their offspring as they see fit. Forcible sterilization would have prevented the suffering that Baby P and any subsequent offspring his parents might conceive.

I believe the state should either interfere in someones right to parent and conceive or not interfere at all.


Unless you're also expecting the state to be prescient, it's impossible to know in advance how someone will behave.

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It wouldn't be that much of a challenge, and must be better than snatching kids after they are born.


Ask yourself which would be worse.


You can create kids but you can't keep them.


You can't create them.



In a purely logical way you are right, however, thankfully we have to consider that the 'feckless' parent may well become a potentially better parent with education and support and once 'neutered' has minimal chance of conceiving again even with corrective surgery.


This is purely an ethics ones, on the face of it, making some people infertile would be a sensible decision, until a) you are on the receiving end of it b) it starts being used a political cleansing tool. Once you allow this kind of thing once it will be manipulated by those in power. Just look at the internet being monitored day in day out because they can.

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