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Deliberate attack (s) on cyclist (s)

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A stark warning to anyone trying to emulate this stunt, due to a classic case of equal and opposite forces in action. See how the force of pushing the cyclist off resulted in the car tipping over on it's side? ... that'll cost a lot to repair.

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This is not out of the ordinary for cyclists. Only last week i was kicked by a man who was at the side of the road as i past on my bike.

He shouted something about not giving he the right of way as he

tried to cross in front of me. this was on the main road not a crossing or anywhere near any lights at all of course i stopped and took exception to this in response he told me to f off and gave me a quick shove in the chest.of course i restrain myself and told him but i hope all of this was on cctv but of course after the incident i noticed there was none available this is just a one of many examples of people intolerance to cyclists.

its so common its not reporting it to anyone

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I've been attacked while out on my bike. Also had a few incidents running. I'm quite a fast cyclist and runner though and if they get stuck at some lights ahead I can sometimes catch them up and appear casually at their side window, for a polite word. Nobody has ever got out their car - they drive off and one time a guy even took off through the red light to get away :hihi:.


It's surprising though what the profile is of people who act menacingly toward other road users. On Sunday I saw a young mum with young kids in the car deliberately steer into standing water to soak some walkers. That was up between Bradway and Dronfield Woodhouse. I got her licence number and phoned it through to 101.


I think there needs to be more positive action from cyclists and other road users. Confront where possible and safe. Bring a phone and get a picture of their licence plate. Video incidents. Shame these people. Report them.


---------- Post added 31-03-2015 at 19:26 ----------


That attack is as inappropriate as 'happy slapping' in general. I worry for the souls of anybody who finds this sort of thing funny.


This forum needs a 'like' button :)

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I've been attacked while out on my bike. Also had a few incidents running. I'm quite a fast cyclist and runner though and if they get stuck at some lights ahead I can sometimes catch them up and appear casually at their side window, for a polite word. Nobody has ever got out their car - they drive off and one time a guy even took off through the red light to get away :hihi:.


It's surprising though what the profile is of people who act menacingly toward other road users. On Sunday I saw a young mum with young kids in the car deliberately steer into standing water to soak some walkers. That was up between Bradway and Dronfield Woodhouse. I got her licence number and phoned it through to 101.


I think there needs to be more positive action from cyclists and other road users. Confront where possible and safe. Bring a phone and get a picture of their licence plate. Video incidents. Shame these people. Report them.


...or a photo of their face if it's a cyclist or pedestrian

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...or a photo of their face if it's a cyclist or pedestrian


Indeed, I'd be happy for people to take my picture or video me when I'm having a polite word. I never get nasty or abusive. In fact their picture/video when they submit it will confirm their identity and help correlate times/locations with my own footage. Sadly I don't film when I'm running but I do when I cycle.

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We don't see the run-up to what happened, whilst I don't condone the action at all - it is out of context and we don't know if the cyclist did something to provoke or was just completely innocent.

Obviously, to pick on a cyclist, because he is a cyclist, is just moronic.

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We don't see the run-up to what happened, whilst I don't condone the action at all - it is out of context and we don't know if the cyclist did something to provoke or was just completely innocent.

Obviously, to pick on a cyclist, because he is a cyclist, is just moronic.


What the cyclist did before is irrelevant- that's a serious assault in that video. If the cyclist had grabbed out at the car or arm to save himself, he could easily have been dragged under it.


If the cyclist had done something provocative (zero suggestion he had) then assualting him would still not have been appropriate, would it?


The longer that videos up, the more idiots are going to try and emulate it.


I've reported it to facebook, and, I'm about to report it to the police.

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What the cyclist did before is irrelevant- that's a serious assault in that video. If the cyclist had grabbed out at the car or arm to save himself, he could easily have been dragged under it.


If the cyclist had done something provocative (zero suggestion he had) then assualting him would still not have been appropriate, would it?


The longer that videos up, the more idiots are going to try and emulate it.


I've reported it to facebook, and, I'm about to report it to the police.


We don't see the run-up to what happened, whilst I don't condone the action at all - it is out of context and we don't know if the cyclist did something to provoke or was just completely innocent.

Obviously, to pick on a cyclist, because he is a cyclist, is just moronic.

.... my bold :|

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I have given some thought as to whether to post this here, firstly, because the video below was posted by someone in london and secondly because there are a lot of cyclist haters on this forum. But anyway here goes, the following video shows a deliberate unprovoked act of violence towards a cyclist.




The cyclist doesn't appear to be injured but it could easily have been worse. If you read the comments on his page a lot of his kid friends think its hilarious. At the time of writing 5000 people have liked the vid so thats 5000 people who condone and find funny a deliberate act of violence against an innocent bystander (assuming its real, if it isn't the message is still there) I think we need to, via social media or otherwise, try and get this video taken down by FB - they claim it doesn't violate their "community standards" so the more people who report, the more likely they are to listen. Also try and get the london met police to investigate.

So far I have contacted FB to report the vid.

Shared the vid as widely a possible with a message saying we need to get the perpetrators and request FB remove the vid.

Contacted the london met police.

Contacted the beeb

Contacted the guardian (Not got any further with contacted newspapers)


So if anyone cares do the same as I have! Or if anyone has any better ideas on whether there's something we could do please post below.


I don't think this kind of hatred towards a minority should be allowed to be published online. Other hate crimes (racially motivated or towards disabled people for example) would not be allowed.


Well done for reporting it.


How did you get a response from facebook? I've just reported it, but there seemed to be no facility for getting feedback as to what would be done.


I'd suggest you hang onto their reply message, if they persist in refusing to take that vid done, I suspect they may well be breaking the law.


---------- Post added 31-03-2015 at 21:16 ----------


.... my bold :|


here's my bold-

We don't see the run-up to what happened, whilst I don't condone the action at all -it is out of context and we don't know if the cyclist did something to provoke or was just completely innocent.

Obviously, to pick on a cyclist, because he is a cyclist, is just moronic.

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