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Deliberate attack (s) on cyclist (s)

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Just had a call back from a sergeant, confirming SYP are unable to look into this.


Probably they are. Did you ask him which force he would be handling off to investigate? I never saw the video so unsure if it's clear where it was or who the posters were.


I once had a discussion about bank fraud and the desk sergeant was adamant that I couldnt report it as I wasn't the victim. I enquired how they prosecuted murder then, as the victim would of course never be able to report the crime. I was told to stop being silly and would be charged with wasting police time if I carried on. :roll:

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Well I've contacted London Metropolitan Police so we'll see where that takes us. The only evidence I have that it occurred in london is that the person who posted the vid is from there. He could very easily deny he had anything to do with it though so I'm doubtful they'll be able to do anything even if they wanted to.

Edited by TimmyR
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Nope don't think so.. can't see the location either..or the cyclist's face if I remember rightly..


Yes its a long shot really. Not the best evidence. Just thought perhaps a message from the police to the kid would scare him a bit and help him understand that what he's posting isn't so nice.

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The original links now dead. Does anyone have a link to the facebook account it was posted on? Or, can anyone remember the account name? (I think it was Jonothan something?)


---------- Post added 01-04-2015 at 11:06 ----------


Just found an article on it here-




linking to another facebook page holding the video here-




currently 7th video down, for anyone who wants to report it to facebook again


---------- Post added 01-04-2015 at 11:16 ----------


Errr, what did they think SheffieldForum had to do with a video on facebook?

I guided them to the vid via the sheff forum page as the first post had a link to the vid. I did tell them it was posted on facebook, not sheff forum.


Again, I'm confused, it wasn't a video of yours, or with you in it. How could it be rude to you?

This is why I often remind people I'm autistic, as these kind of misunderstandings are rife.


She was saying that she was refusing to watch the vid there and then (as I had requested she do, so I would know at least one member of the police staff had actually seen the video) on the grounds that it would be rude to me if she watched a video while on the phone to me!!


That struck me as utter rubbish, so I told her I would not find it rude, and, that she had my explicit consent to view the vid. She still refused to do so. As of this moment, I have no reason to believe that any of the police/staff involved in judging this video to not be a concern for the police, have actually seen it.


---------- Post added 01-04-2015 at 11:19 ----------


It could well be the case that it's outside their jurisdiction though. The person who posted the video lives in London, so reporting it to the Met might be more appropriate...


I think it would have been appropriate if the police I spoke to contacted the the Met.


All I've tried to do here is report a possible assault, on a day when I was already VERY stressed (I'm currently in the middle of an appeal against the DWP, which is harsh on anyone, never mind someone who's autistic).


Reporting that (and getting nowhere) involved probably an hour in total on the phone, being fobbed off, taking notes etc.


And they wonder why people don't report stuff!!

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onewheeldave Just to reiterate from before, big thanks for reporting and having the sense to download the video. At least you tried!


---------- Post added 01-04-2015 at 12:23 ----------


London police just rang me. They can't do anything as there's no way of knowing where the vid was taken and no image of the perpetrators. I guess the only other option would be to try and find the person who was assaulted but I think for me it ends here. Was worth a try.

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I have given some thought as to whether to post this here, firstly, because the video below was posted by someone in london and secondly because there are a lot of cyclist haters on this forum. But anyway here goes, the following video shows a deliberate unprovoked act of violence towards a cyclist.




The cyclist doesn't appear to be injured but it could easily have been worse. If you read the comments on his page a lot of his kid friends think its hilarious. At the time of writing 5000 people have liked the vid so thats 5000 people who condone and find funny a deliberate act of violence against an innocent bystander (assuming its real, if it isn't the message is still there) I think we need to, via social media or otherwise, try and get this video taken down by FB - they claim it doesn't violate their "community standards" so the more people who report, the more likely they are to listen. Also try and get the london met police to investigate.

So far I have contacted FB to report the vid.

Shared the vid as widely a possible with a message saying we need to get the perpetrators and request FB remove the vid.

Contacted the london met police.

Contacted the beeb

Contacted the guardian (Not got any further with contacted newspapers)


So if anyone cares do the same as I have! Or if anyone has any better ideas on whether there's something we could do please post below.


I don't think this kind of hatred towards a minority should be allowed to be published online. Other hate crimes (racially motivated or towards disabled people for example) would not be allowed.


Very bad example of an incident, that; As a cyclist for over 30 years now, I remember when I lived in Sidcup in S.E. London being verbally abused when wearing a cycle helmet, which was in those days a rarity, but kept me safe. On one occasion about 1983 I was abused by two women shouting out of the open side door of a small Suzuki van as it passed me to cross a traffic lights and next thing I heard a huge BANG because it slammed into a Post Office lorry, as the driver was clearly also not looking where he was going; no one seriously hurt but I daresay it taught them a lesson they never forgot!:hihi::hihi:

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Ive just clicked on th OP`s link on Facebook ,but the video is no longer on there. where else can i find it ? i want to watch it .


You arent missing much. Its staged fake at best, a non incident at worst. All these people frothing at the mouth encouraging people to report it are just wasting the polices time. They wont follow it up. They have better things to do.

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