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Indoor games for all ages

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We are having a family gathering this Easter weekend. In view of the pretty horrible weather forecast I am looking for games that we might play. Youngest are 5 and oldest are , well old. So something not too energetic nor too brainy, just good for a laugh would be ideal.


As an example, we like the one where names are written on a post-it and stuck to foreheads, then we have to guess 'who we are'.


Any ideas please?

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For double the enjoyment, why not play two games at once? 'Pin a tail on the Scrabble board' is always fun, as is 'Karaoke hide-and-seek'.

Although not two-in-one, 'hide the granny' and 'Musical electric chairs' always set the party on fire ... especially if you've got 3-phase! :thumbsup:

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Some interesting ideas there. Alcoblog's ideas need thinking about further.


I like electrolove's idea. It reminds me of a game from my childhood. One person,usually a man or boy, was stood on a chair and asked the question, Where do you get down from?

Every time a wrong answer was given an item of clothing had to be removed. (Bear in mind we wore a lot more in those days, ties, waistcoats,vests etc for men) It was all kept in good taste.

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I have a huge family over in the Netherlands, when we get together one thing we like doing is Chinese Whispers. You create a circle, the youngest or oldest starts with a sentence that everybody has to pass on to the next person. We've gone from "Bobbe bear is leaf" ("Bobbe bear is sweet" in Frisian) to "Wat bole bringt is us klear" (What bread brings is clear to us, again in Frisian) and "De BMW heeft een dikke motor" (The BMW has a big engine, my uncle got a new car...) to "The Bedumerwei is een dikke sprotter" (The Bedumerroad is a big sparrow...).

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