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Nigel Farage says

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The Jews declared war in March, you seem to have forgot that bit, what did you think the Germans should have done as retaliation handed out cakes in April,

buy a calendar your single neurone doesn't know what day it is.


I think I've got the answer to this one. What about, give their plan to eliminate every Jew from Europe a second thought?


Like I said, once more we get some defending looking sympathetically towards the Nazis on a UKIP thread.

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And there we have it. Goebbels is alive and well and votes UKIP.


Still got that Hitler fetish going have you? you'll go blind.


---------- Post added 02-04-2015 at 17:23 ----------


I think I've got the answer to this one. What about, give their plan to eliminate every Jew from Europe and second thought?


Like I said, once more we get some defending looking sympathetically towards the Nazis on a UKIP thread.


The Nazis get no sympathy from me, it seems LeMaquis

has a bit of a fetish going on though.

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Still got that Hitler fetish going have you? you'll go blind.


---------- Post added 02-04-2015 at 17:23 ----------



The Nazis get no sympathy from me, it seems LeMaquis

has a bit of a fetish going on though.


Not openly perhaps but all the signs are there.

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Well they did imprison my uncle and probably led to my fathers death, so where are the signs,

now where is that evidence I asked for??


I'm not your errand boy. If you make ridiculous assertions the burden of proof lies with you.

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Then you should be able to show the evidence, come on were waiting.


It's already been pointed out to you. A negative can't be proved. What you have to provide is evidence that Jews declared war on Germany?


The mere fact there is no evidence is evidence there's no evidence...dizzy yet?

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Isn't it odd how every single conversation about Farage on SF descends into a debate about stuff the Nazis did. There's got to be something behind that.


Although, given the reports online this afternoon alleging where Farage has spent the last five hours, it may be more apt to be discussing stuff that Paul Gascoigne did. Or George Best. Or [insert name of random drunk person here.] If those reports are true, this could be epic viewing.

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Yet you specifically chose to go for the one which snuggly fits a racist agenda.


Jews in Germany at the time were not in authority, neither were American Jews at the time in authority over Germany. British citizens were involved in a sustained campaign against an undesirable situation (poll tax) It was never defined as a 'war' unless by the redtops for disinformation purposes. It could have though using your chosen definition. At the most it could be defined as an insurrection. En mass German Jews didn't use violence as a means...they couldn't, they were being systematically murdered.


Do you think the Jews declared war on Germany. Yes or no?


You do understand that the quote I quoted and the link I provided isn't my work, its just history, ignore if you want but it doesn't change the fact that it happened.

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Isn't it odd how every single conversation about Farage on SF descends into a debate about stuff the Nazis did. There's got to be something behind that.



Sure is. It attracts nutters who attach themselves to the furthest right, if the furthest right make no headway politically they go for the next best option...ukip.


Stormfront could declare war on Cameron tomorrow and as a nation we should tremble in our boots.




or wet ourselves laughing.


---------- Post added 02-04-2015 at 18:27 ----------


You do understand that the quote I quoted and the link I provided isn't my work, its just history, ignore if you want but it doesn't change the fact that it happened.


So you believe the British declared war on Westminster over the poll tax? Don't forget it's you that selectively quotes links and references to back up your opinion when other quotes and links deny them. Where you fail consistently is in context.

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So you believe the British declared war on Westminster over the poll tax? Don't forget it's you that selectively quotes links and references to back up your opinion when other quotes and links deny them. Where you fail consistently is in context.


What are you talking about? A question was asked and I provided a link with quote which answered the question.

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