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Nigel Farage says

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Yes he said and more,

“I want to live in a community where our kids play football in the streets of an evening and live in a society that is at ease with itself, and I sense over the last decade or more we are not at ease….

“If we went to every town up eastern England and spoke to people about how they felt, their town, their city had changed in the last 15 years, there is a deep level of discomfort, because if you have immigration at these sorts of levels integration doesn’t happen.” Mr Farage said he wanted net migration to “return to normality” to “a net 30,000 people a year” coming into this country.He said: “A net level of about 30,000 a year is roughly what we have from 50 years from 1950 almost to the turn of the century.“It was a level at which the country was comfortable, integration was possible and it did not crucially push down the wages of ordinary people."

This seems like a perfectly reasonable position to take.

As regards areas that are not 'theirs' I thought I had expressed myself clearly that these are not Nigel Farage's words but words of the asian gang my son had to contend with.


You expressed yourself clearly,but I thought I had expressed myself clearly when I said that it is not an over simplification what he said,and then I quoted what he said so that you knew going into 'their' area had nothing at all to do with what Farage had said,so your anecdote was irrelevent.


---------- Post added 31-03-2015 at 19:28 ----------


how very nostalgic :)


there are very few streets where that's possible either because there is too much traffic or there are cars parked down one or both sides of the street so there isn't the space to play.


perhaps if we went back to a 1950/60's level of traffic and car ownership it would be possible but that would cause other problems.


anyway, i thought children these days were more interested in xbox's, psthingys and iwotsits these days than running around in the fresh air


I thought it was illegal to play street football.


---------- Post added 31-03-2015 at 19:29 ----------


Farage appears to be repeating what a lot of people are saying to him. Right or wrong - it is what people say. Regularly. They are of course shouted down by the right on brigade as racist or as bigots. But to most normal people they are normal people repeating what they experience in their real lives.


I'm not voting UKIP.


But how are immigrants stopping people playing football?

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I agree with Our Nige' on this.


I wish he had toured Page Hall when he last visited Sheffield, and witnessed first-hand the deterioration of the area caused by the massive influx of thousans of Roma gypsies over the years instead of hanging around with the drunks at the Bankers Draft.


What an odd choice of establishment to visit. Did he expect it to full of stockbrokers and financial advisers?


I hope he sacked his PR handlers after that event.

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You expressed yourself clearly,but I thought I had expressed myself clearly when I said that it is not an over simplification what he said,and then I quoted what he said so that you knew going into 'their' area had nothing at all to do with what Farage had said,so your anecdote was irrelevent.


My "anecdote" is absolutely relevant to the topic being discussed and highlights a problem that is happening on our streets, I could also point to the unsociable behaviour that the people living around Page Hall are having to contend with, would you want you children playing amongst the garbage that is littering the streets there?

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I think the other parties could learn a lot from Farage. Listening to what people say to them and basing policy on that, instead of having people in ivory towers dictate policy and then trying to tell people what is best for them, and decrying anyone who disagrees as "bigots".


What Farage appears to be doing is saying to people,'I feel not at ease when I hear foreign voices on a train,and I want you not to feel at ease too'


He might as well say,I feel not at ease when I am near spiders,and I want you to feel not at ease too'

Or...........I feel not at ease when I am at a great height.and I want you to feel not at ease too.....................hang on a minute,I figured it out............there are no votes in being Anti spider or Anti great height.

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Farage appears to be repeating what a lot of people are saying to him.


It isn't what people say. It's what he feels. He blames immigrants for traffic jams on the M4. He blames immigrants for kids not playing football in the street. He just makes things up so that narrow-minded bigots will vote for him.

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My "anecdote" is absolutely relevant to the topic being discussed and highlights a problem that is happening on our streets, I could also point to the unsociable behaviour that the people living around Page Hall are having to contend with, would you want you children playing amongst the garbage that is littering the streets ther?


No.........it's not relevent,because Farage is not talking about that,he is talking about immigrants stopping people playing football in the street,not stopping people going into 'their' area...........white English people have stopped others for going into 'their' area,it used to be a common occurance years ago,and probably still does now...........but you only anecdote about immigrants being responsible...........I wonder why?

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I agree with Our Nige' on this.


I wish he had toured Page Hall when he last visited Sheffield, and witnessed first-hand the deterioration of the area


How's he supposed to witness the deterioration of the area first-hand? That would require him to have witnessed the area before it deteriorated (and that ship sailed decades ago).

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What Farage appears to be doing is saying to people,'I feel not at ease when I hear foreign voices on a train,and I want you not to feel at ease too'.


Are you calling Our Nige' a hypocrite, just because he allows his germanese wife to speak germanese to his half-germanese daughters at the same time he complains about foreigners not speaking English?


And are you calling Our Nige' a liar because he would never ride with the great unwashed and dirty foreigners in peasant-class on a train when his millionaire Euro MP expenses allow him to comfortably ride in first-class at British taxpayer's expense?

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It isn't what people say. It's what he feels. He blames immigrants for traffic jams on the M4. He blames immigrants for kids not playing football in the street. He just makes things up so that narrow-minded bigots will vote for him.


He blamed the FACT that there were more cars on the M4 on the FACT there were more people in this country. The reason there are more people in this country is because of the open door immigration policy started by the Labour party. This is FACT.

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How's he supposed to witness the deterioration of the area first-hand? That would require him to have witnessed the area before it deteriorated (and that ship sailed decades ago).


There was a brief period in the mid-noughties when the Labour council and government threw tens of millions of pounds into the area.


Homes were improved, house prices increased, empty homes were filled and things started to improve. . . sadly, it didn't last long.

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