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Pitsmoor in the 60s

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Regarding the Braley brothers.There were two younger brothers- John who was the youngesy and Stephen. They would be around 51/54 years old, the sams age as my brother and i.We were good mates with them. Also there was Mick Barker Jeoff Cryer, Steve & David Walmsley who all lived on Edgar Street.John Braeley also lives in the USA (Florida) as does Steven.(Boston)

Do you recall anybody callecd Michaell Wilkes.They lived near the post office

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Mister Freedom ,Can you remember the Gaumont cinema ,i think it was quite near the City Hall (although ime not quite sure).A gang of us went there on a Saturday morning (or was it Friday). We lived in Pitsmoor (might have been Burngreave) .We all went bell ringing (or was it choir singing).Can you remember .

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Regarding the Braley brothers.There were two younger brothers- John who was the youngesy and Stephen. They would be around 51/54 years old, the sams age as my brother and i.We were good mates with them. Also there was Mick Barker Jeoff Cryer, Steve & David Walmsley who all lived on Edgar Street.John Braeley also lives in the USA (Florida) as does Steven.(Boston)

Do you recall anybody callecd Michaell Wilkes.They lived near the post office

I think those two brothers must have come along after my time. Just to clarify was their house in a small yard within the main yard, you had to go down a couple of steps and theirs was the first house. Their father was a radio ham although I did hear he died a few years after I left, as we moved to Malton St. in 1959. There is about 11 years between us so I doubt whether I would know any of the guys that lived on Edgar Street in your younger days.

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I think those two brothers must have come along after my time. Just to clarify was their house in a small yard within the main yard, you had to go down a couple of steps and theirs was the first house. Their father was a radio ham although I did hear he died a few years after I left, as we moved to Malton St. in 1959. There is about 11 years between us so I doubt whether I would know any of the guys that lived on Edgar Street in your younger days.

You are absolutely right about the location of the house. It was on the opposite side of the road to Peperdined the green-grocers.I also think their dad was a radio ham like you said. Unfortunately as i recall he did get killed in the early 60s during the very severe gales which we were having at the time. Apparently he was hit on the head by a falling chimmney pot.I felt so sorry for Mrs Braeley having to bring all those boys up on her own.

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I dated a girl that lived at the Territorial army depot, corner of (I think) Herries Rd and Norwood Rd. She worked at Wigfalls on Spital Hill. Sad to think, can't recall her name


It wasn't Bbeverley, was it? i used to be friends with a girl called Beverley, who lived on the army housing at the back of the old people's home..


she'd have been the same age as me, left school in about 1980, born about 1964-ish?

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I am a bit late picking up this thread, but noticed there was a mention of the Braerly (spelling?) family on Lyons Street. I new David Braerly but last year I made contact with his brother Allan who now lives in USA. I just remembered Allen as he was a baby when we used to play in their big back yard. There was another brother in between David and Allan but can't recall his name. There was also a Malcom Sacks who lived on Edgar St. Remember he climbed the drain pipe up to the roof which then gave way, he ended up with a broken ankle. We used to play kick-can at night and hiding in the back yard entrance tunnel by laying full length along the edge. Many a time we scared the living daylights out of people walking down the passage as we lay on the floor. I lived at the Petre St post office just up from Pepperdines on the corner of Lyons Street and Edgar Street. Another family was the Hardisty's that had the newsagents shop between Edgar Street and Petre Street.


But alas he is deceiced now and leaves a son and daughter in Canada.And yes the Braeley yard was on two levels the Egans and Cowleys on top yard and the Braeleys on the bottom.And yes there was a 30 foot pole for mr Braeleys radio.

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This is very wierd coming across this forum - I feel like I know most of you! I know I went to school with some of you - and yes, even Michael Wilkes-who was just mentioned and the Walmesleys, and many more...

I went to All Saints School - does anyone remember Mrs Frost the art teacher and hall, the headmaster?

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