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Pitsmoor in the 60s

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Hi Mike


Don't remember a Gill. Did she go to Pyebank? I left in 1961, aged 11. I did know several Denise's (very popular in our year), Avril Hastings, Susan Bamford, Kathleen Pilgrim, Audrey Vallance, Catherine Marshall, Marjorie Johnson, June Lee, Josephine Gale, Joan Gould, Chrisitine Bluff, Jennifer Mallinder.


Best wishes


Kathryn Dodd


Don't know her, but if any one had an aspiring film actress' name, then 'Audrey Vallance' it would be!

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My father's oldest brother. Raymond Steer, lived at the top of Andover Street. It was a double fronted victorian terrace. It seemed very grand to me in 1950. At the bottom on the main road there was the remains of a church that had been bombed during the war, where myself and cousins played. Does anyone remember the name of that church?

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  • 2 months later...
Hi Kathryn,was so excited to get a reply, i'm 59 this year.Did you have a sister called Jennifer? some of the other families on our street were the Readings, Glossops who's daughter my brother kevin married then later divorced.Further up the street on the opposite side were the ellis's and next door to them i think were the first black family on our St, at the top were the Sheppards





Hi United 01, was there a Terry Glossop ? The name seems to ring a bell, likely a footballing friend of my Dad's many years ago.


thank you.



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  • 2 years later...
Hi Kathryn ,My name is Denise Morgan it used to be Cotton .i remember all the names you mentioned plus a few more . would be nice to talk over old times .please get in touch[/QUOTe


Hi Denise. Only just logged back after may months, so apologies for not replying. We children who lived on the even side of Nottingham Street in the fifties seemed to play out all the time with no adult supervision. It was a great freedom which I now appreciate when looking round the streets today. But I'm not good on names (now 65). There was you and your brother, the Froggatts? Norman? me (Kath), my sister Di, and perhaps brother Jimmy. Who else? We played on the corner round the telephone box and lamp-post and played tiggy round the police box in the middle of the road - no cars then.


I was at Pyebank school from 1955-61. Were you in my year or Di's? Who do you remember? In my year there was Susan Burns, Avril Hastings, Kathleen Pilgrim, Audrey Vallance, Catherine Marshall, Denise Matthews, Denise Marsh, June Lee, Josie Gale, Jennifer Mallinder. (Denise a very popular name that year!)


Anyway any memories you have would be gratefully received. Best wishes Kathryn Dodd (nee Jones)

hi kathyrn im pauline biggins ive lovely memories of nottingham st and pitsmoor in general. you kids used to climb up your dads ladders that he used to leave in your yard (no health and safty then)on a more serious note .i fell in sutherland rd baths in the deep end and wasnt a strong swimmer .your sister jumped in and saved me .i will never forget her or your siblings l left in about 1967 not long after my dad died .do you remember our philip?


---------- Post added 08-06-2018 at 17:29 ----------


hi kathryn it was your Diane that saved me.


---------- Post added 08-06-2018 at 19:13 ----------


hi kathryn, .im pauline biggins .Lovely memories of nottingham,st and the area .I remember your family .you kids used to climb up your dads ladders when he left them in the yard.no health and safety then . i went to sutherland rd baths and fell in at the deep end .i wasnt a strong swimmer and was in trouble .your Diane jumped in and pulled me out.I think you was more my brother philips age .we left about 1967 not long after our dad died.went to the area a while ago .hardly recognised the place.

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Hello brecklands I think I know Philip first at Burngreave school then years later Norfolk park. The last time I saw him would be around 67/68. How is he doing?I also remember a couple of girls that katflap mentions Christine Bluff and Jennifer Mallender. Denise Marsh.alan P.

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love reading all of this stuff.i lived on nottinghham st in the50s - 60s. went to pye bank school then burngreave.does anyone know john biggins that lived on ellesmere road ?loved my childhood .went to visit the area a while ago hardly recognised the area .half of nottingham wasnt ther .i lived opposite the co-op and police box

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yes philip lives on the Lansdowne estate in sheffield.I remember a few of the names mentioned .Loved my childhood years .when i visited a while ago the bottom half of nottingham st didnt exist . we lived at 70 nottingham st.


Hi Pauline, I've not seen you or Philip for many many yrs. must be over 40 yrs. now. I often wonder about my old school mates, and how they are doing. Philip was in my class at Pye Bank, and Burngreave, we "knocked about" with each other in the evenings and weekends, then we left school, the area got redeveloped people moved away and contact get's lost. I would love to meet up with him again for a good chin wag. we could talk for hours..

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Hi Pauline, I've not seen you or Philip for many many yrs. must be over 40 yrs. now. I often wonder about my old school mates, and how they are doing. Philip was in my class at Pye Bank, and Burngreave, we "knocked about" with each other in the evenings and weekends, then we left school, the area got redeveloped people moved away and contact get's lost. I would love to meet up with him again for a good chin wag. we could talk for hours..


What years did you go to 'Burney' ? I was there from 1958-1962 , (when I got parole).

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