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Pitsmoor in the 60s

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33 minutes ago, Patricia cox said:

Hi everybody 

I used to be pat Egan lived on Lyons street and  shared the the big yard I was in the same class as at school all saints with John brearley and mrs brearly looked after us when mumm was at work when mr brearly died in 1963 my mom Mavis was there he was in her arms such memories of those times I am now in my 67 year hmmm living in Spain with my hubby keith I know all you boys from Edgar st   AND would like to hear from anyone who remembers me we were poor then but happy I will drop a line again soon xx 

Did you have a brother called Barry and did you live next door the Cowley's ?

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Hello to you , oh yes, my brother Barry is now 63 happily married with a very grown up son  so glad somebody out there remembers 

how  are you ,whoever you are lol 

 Yes the Fowler’s I remember as our first neighbours 











The cowleys ,sorry 


Why do I feel you are Peter brearley  

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14 hours ago, Patricia cox said:

Hello to you , oh yes, my brother Barry is now 63 happily married with a very grown up son  so glad somebody out there remembers 

how  are you ,whoever you are lol 

 Yes the Fowler’s I remember as our first neighbours 











The cowleys ,sorry 


Why do I feel you are Peter brearley  

I'm not Peter Brearley but I knew the family: (In age descending order) David, Peter, Alan, Stephen and John and I thought Mr.Brearley-the father- passed away before 1963 but could be wrong on that.

Edited by St Petre
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Hello again yes in order mr brearley  lost his life after being hit by a chimney pot during the gales I was about 10  and John too and 1963  is about right I’m sure  did you know my brother Barry  we left there in 1968 approx he would have been 11 then I last  saw Mrs B and Steven and John when I was a young teen julia my sister and I went to see them in Norfolk park where they moved to and we all went for a walk  mrs b kept in touch with my mum and  Then they moved on to America hoping all the boys are still around and are all well still   

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4 hours ago, Patricia cox said:

Hello again yes in order mr brearley  lost his life after being hit by a chimney pot during the gales I was about 10  and John too and 1963  is about right I’m sure  did you know my brother Barry  we left there in 1968 approx he would have been 11 then I last  saw Mrs B and Steven and John when I was a young teen julia my sister and I went to see them in Norfolk park where they moved to and we all went for a walk  mrs b kept in touch with my mum and  Then they moved on to America hoping all the boys are still around and are all well still   

Thank you Patricia and I thought that Mr. Brearley (I never knew the parent's first names) was killed by a falling chimney pot during the gales -which happened in February 1962- near the Thorndon Road corner I believe. The same morning, my father and other men were coming down Lyons Street on their way to work and  just missed the tragic incident.

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5 hours ago, Patricia cox said:

Of course you are correct and I am so sorry if your father and friends had to see the tragedy and again they missed it oh dear  all over now and moved on  but always in our thoughts  stay safe 


Patricia, if you can access Picture Sheffield and in the blank space at the top type in: s25672 and you will see a photo (from 1970) the same stretch of Lyons Street where the incident happened in 1962 and perhaps your old house too.

I know Alan Brearley emigrated to Massachusetts USA in the 70s and perhaps other brothers too, also on Facebook at 'Pitsmoorians of the Past', there are people on there that still see David Brearley around, try it !

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Hi found it goodness me our house further up the hill on the corner of Edgar st called back of 50 Lyons st  all looks so old I cannot believe now we lived there but I really do have good memories and friends at all saints school and burngreave girls high school at the top of malt on  st  Thankyou for that mr St. Peter THE godsons lived in Edgar st and Barbara was our  babysitter  she married my uncle Barry and had 6 children unfortunately he died at the age of 57 from cancer the children were so beautiful  

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I was born on Spital Lane, moved to Petre St. early 50's.  Lived on the block of houses directly behind All Saints School, next door to Sturdy's shop. Started school life at All Saints before moving away after a couple of years.Grandfather was superintendant at Burngreave Cemetery. Most of my relatives, from both sides, were scattered around Pitsmoor.

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I lived in Pitsmoor early 60s but only for about 3 years on Pye Bank Drive. I went to Burngreave school and remember Clive Morris, Delroy Palmer, Pete Simmonite who lived on Carwood Lane and 2 others who was a bit older than me Mick Megson and Dave Williams who both lived on Pitsmoor road. My brother in Law came of Petre Street John Keightley and John Kelly who's family had beer off shop at the bottom of Carwood Lane.

Edited by alan p
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