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Could we be heading for another Scottish Independence Referendum?

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It does seem as though the May General Election is heading for a stalemate with both major parties heading for around 265 to 285 each.

With the Lib/Dems likely to be hard hit their 20 or so MPs would not be large enough to form a coalition with either Labour nor the Conservatives to form a stable government. UKIP are expected to win votes but only 5 or 6 seats at best

Also it looks like Labour will get trashed in Scotland with the SNP taking the vast majority of Labours current seats. The SNP are likely to end up as king makers with perhaps 45 seats.


So what could the major parties offer the SNP that would earn their support?


Looking at the polls it seems 66% of Scots want another referendum on independence. As this is the prime aim of the SNP which of the major parties might be prepared to offer this to Nicola Sturgeon?


Would Labour risk loosing what remains of their Scottish seats and wind up with a minority government, or could the Tories actually do a deal where they allowed Scotland to go it alone in exchange for support on the boundary changes?


Maybe what the Scots really want is full independence from the rest of the UK but continuing to receive all the benefits provided as being part of the UK.


That wouldn't surprise me at all :D

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My opinion, for what it's worth, is that the Scottish Nazi Party will keep pushing until they get what they want or are destroyed.


Well, lets hope that this time THEY pay for the damn thing and that the entire country should be able to vote

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Well, lets hope that this time THEY pay for the damn thing and that the entire country should be able to vote


You mean all of the United Kingdom or Great Britain should vote?


I like that idea!


Let's get rid of them miserable scots, quickly!

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The Scots think they are a nation, the EU think they are an EU region.


Scottish independence fits in very well with the EU's plan to regionalise Europe so it stands a good chance of happening in the next ten years.


The Scots are indeed a nation. I'm not sure what else they might be.


The EU has no influence at all on any decision for the Scots to hold a referendum. A year ago Barroso put pressure on the Scots by saying it would be difficult for an independent Scotland to join the EU.




---------- Post added 03-04-2015 at 20:01 ----------


My opinion, for what it's worth, is that the Scottish Nazi Party will keep pushing until they get what they want or are destroyed.


The dummy comes out of the pram when the Labour baby realises the Scots are going to ruin his first birthday party.

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The EU has no influence at all on any decision for the Scots to hold a referendum. A year ago Barroso put pressure on the Scots by saying it would be difficult for an independent Scotland to join the EU.


Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. If you google "the regionalisation of Europe" or "a Europe of the regions" you will see where I am coming from.


Small nations OK in an EU of the Regions. So Scotland and Wales, fine. England, not fine at all. A Scottish person can have Scotland, a Welsh person can have Wales, an English person can have - a "region".

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IF it became independent many businesses would head south since a newly independent Scotland would no longer be a member of the EU.


That would leave them relying on oil with prices going down the toilet and whisky exported to America for the consumption of those who were rich enough to be able to pay double of what a bottle of Tennessee of similar stuff costs. They could also start exporting bagpipes for the use of American police bands until the Chinese started to make them at half the price.

Edited by Harleyman
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Not really, because the SNP look like joining the tories http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2015-32177315 After all, the SNP are nationalists and therefore rightwing; they'd be right at home with the Nasty Party


In a few weeks when Miliband is looking to do a deal with Alex Salmond you're going to look even sillier than you usually do.


---------- Post added 04-04-2015 at 08:17 ----------


Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. If you google "the regionalisation of Europe" or "a Europe of the regions" you will see where I am coming from.


Small nations OK in an EU of the Regions. So Scotland and Wales, fine. England, not fine at all. A Scottish person can have Scotland, a Welsh person can have Wales, an English person can have - a "region".


I haven't a clue what you're on about. The EU is an organisation of 28 nation-states. Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Spain et al are not regions. You are making something up to prove something that is not factually correct.

Edited by LeMaquis
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