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Could we be heading for another Scottish Independence Referendum?

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Wow. A lot of anti-Scottish crap then lol


I can tell most of you get your "facts" from newspapers. Unfortunately newspapers are owned by individuals and companies that are part of Westminster establishment. They feed us crap every day.


Only a very, very small percentage of Scots dislike English people. Last time I looked most have English relatives. The only people even talking about English people were the No campaign as one of their smears.


The main issues they have most people in Northern England, Wales and Cornwall would share. Spending remains firmly in South East England, decisions routinely show bias towards the Home Counties. It's been that way for generations. Scots are just fed up with a system that is biased against them and shows no interest in changing.


Two other things. England does not subsidise Scotland. Look at the GERS figures (published by the UK government). Scotland contributes more than it receives. Has done in every year on record bar one. The subsidy myth is perpetuated through the press... But really, the figures speak for themselves.


Oil. The price per barrel is down, yes, but fully 1/7th of the U.K. Economy was generated through North Sea oil in Q1 & Q2 2015. In preparation for the referendum tax per barrel was increased to reduce the profit margin, so much it made some fields instantly unprofitable. The U.K. Government als massively increased the levy on exploration deliberately to reduce exploration so less new fields would be found. It's all there in black and white.


Scotland is in deficit. As is the UK, including England. Currently, the U.K. borrows money that it gives to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. This is the so called subsidy. Each nation, including Scotland, services the debt based on a population based formula. So uk borrows money from world bank etc, U.K. lends money to Scotland, Scotland pays full repayment amount to UK, U.K. pays the world bank etc.


The media talks crap all the time. Why on earth would you think it's true relating to Scotland?


The U.K. Government borrows against oil. They don't much care if they kill off oil extraction because it's true value is as an asset to borrow against... Just like any sevure loan, it is secured against oil (among other assets.


The tories have also been busy dismantling Scottish green initiatives, the fishing industry and any other industry that would make it possible for Scotland to be a successful nation. The UK need is to keep oil as an asset, and they will and say anything to keep a hold of it.


Feel free to keep hating Scots, why let a little thing like facts get in the road?

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Wow. A lot of anti-Scottish crap then lol


I can tell most of you get your "facts" from newspapers. Unfortunately newspapers are owned by individuals and companies that are part of Westminster establishment. They feed us crap every day.


Only a very, very small percentage of Scots dislike English people. Last time I looked most have English relatives. The only people even talking about English people were the No campaign as one of their smears.


The main issues they have most people in Northern England, Wales and Cornwall would share. Spending remains firmly in South East England, decisions routinely show bias towards the Home Counties. It's been that way for generations. Scots are just fed up with a system that is biased against them and shows no interest in changing.


Two other things. England does not subsidise Scotland. Look at the GERS figures (published by the UK government). Scotland contributes more than it receives. Has done in every year on record bar one. The subsidy myth is perpetuated through the press... But really, the figures speak for themselves.


Oil. The price per barrel is down, yes, but fully 1/7th of the U.K. Economy was generated through North Sea oil in Q1 & Q2 2015. In preparation for the referendum tax per barrel was increased to reduce the profit margin, so much it made some fields instantly unprofitable. The U.K. Government als massively increased the levy on exploration deliberately to reduce exploration so less new fields would be found. It's all there in black and white.


Scotland is in deficit. As is the UK, including England. Currently, the U.K. borrows money that it gives to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. This is the so called subsidy. Each nation, including Scotland, services the debt based on a population based formula. So uk borrows money from world bank etc, U.K. lends money to Scotland, Scotland pays full repayment amount to UK, U.K. pays the world bank etc.


The media talks crap all the time. Why on earth would you think it's true relating to Scotland?


The U.K. Government borrows against oil. They don't much care if they kill off oil extraction because it's true value is as an asset to borrow against... Just like any sevure loan, it is secured against oil (among other assets.


The tories have also been busy dismantling Scottish green initiatives, the fishing industry and any other industry that would make it possible for Scotland to be a successful nation. The UK need is to keep oil as an asset, and they will and say anything to keep a hold of it.


Feel free to keep hating Scots, why let a little thing like facts get in the road?


SNP activist infiltrates Sheffield Forum.:D

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You mean all of the United Kingdom or Great Britain should vote?


I like that idea!


Let's get rid of them miserable scots, quickly!


No chance . They wont want independance now that north sea oil is worth nothing and they will close all the rigs within a few years. :hihi::hihi:

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No chance . They wont want independance now that north sea oil is worth nothing and they will close all the rigs within a few years. :hihi::hihi:

It's never going to happen, the Scottish Nationalists were all for independence before the referendum, then realised the financial implications and voted against it. Once that was out of the way they got back to voting Scottish Nationalist at the general election and talking about independence.

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Wow. A lot of anti-Scottish crap then lol


I can tell most of you get your "facts" from newspapers. Unfortunately newspapers are owned by individuals and companies that are part of Westminster establishment. They feed us crap every day.


Only a very, very small percentage of Scots dislike English people. Last time I looked most have English relatives. The only people even talking about English people were the No campaign as one of their smears.


The main issues they have most people in Northern England, Wales and Cornwall would share. Spending remains firmly in South East England, decisions routinely show bias towards the Home Counties. It's been that way for generations. Scots are just fed up with a system that is biased against them and shows no interest in changing.


Two other things. England does not subsidise Scotland. Look at the GERS figures (published by the UK government). Scotland contributes more than it receives. Has done in every year on record bar one. The subsidy myth is perpetuated through the press... But really, the figures speak for themselves.


Oil. The price per barrel is down, yes, but fully 1/7th of the U.K. Economy was generated through North Sea oil in Q1 & Q2 2015. In preparation for the referendum tax per barrel was increased to reduce the profit margin, so much it made some fields instantly unprofitable. The U.K. Government als massively increased the levy on exploration deliberately to reduce exploration so less new fields would be found. It's all there in black and white.


Scotland is in deficit. As is the UK, including England. Currently, the U.K. borrows money that it gives to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. This is the so called subsidy. Each nation, including Scotland, services the debt based on a population based formula. So uk borrows money from world bank etc, U.K. lends money to Scotland, Scotland pays full repayment amount to UK, U.K. pays the world bank etc.


The media talks crap all the time. Why on earth would you think it's true relating to Scotland?


The U.K. Government borrows against oil. They don't much care if they kill off oil extraction because it's true value is as an asset to borrow against... Just like any sevure loan, it is secured against oil (among other assets.


The tories have also been busy dismantling Scottish green initiatives, the fishing industry and any other industry that would make it possible for Scotland to be a successful nation. The UK need is to keep oil as an asset, and they will and say anything to keep a hold of it.


Feel free to keep hating Scots, why let a little thing like facts get in the road?


and you get your "facts" from where exactly?


---------- Post added 18-10-2015 at 11:12 ----------


It's never going to happen, the Scottish Nationalists were all for independence before the referendum, then realised the financial implications and voted against it. Once that was out of the way they got back to voting Scottish Nationalist at the general election and talking about independence.


i'm not sure that's quite true. in the referendum just over 50% of folk voted against and just under 50% voted for.


in the general election 50% of scotts voted snp and 50% voted for other parties. i'm not sure what can be concluded from that.


my suspicion is the scots played a canny game. they got lots of goodies from westminster as part of the staying in the union deal. if you look beyond the snp standing for nothing more than independence and view their voters as a localised interest group it makes more sense.


why go independent and have to pay your own bills when by causing a fuss you can get the english to pay them for you?

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Maybe they're just banging the drum to try and eek out a few more concessions in the power transfer??


There's zero chance of another referendum anytime soon though, and if they overplay that card the Torys are only going to make them suffer for it.


Silly thing is the one person most likely to give them another referendum is Corbyn, but with everyone voting SNP instead of Labour there's no chance of him getting into power.

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Maybe they're just banging the drum to try and eek out a few more concessions in the power transfer??


There's zero chance of another referendum anytime soon though, and if they overplay that card the Torys are only going to make them suffer for it.


Silly thing is the one person most likely to give them another referendum is Corbyn, but with everyone voting SNP instead of Labour there's no chance of him getting into power.


The SNP will raise taxes for the middle class when power is handed over from the UK Gov. Lets see how loyal their supporters remain when all is revealed.

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