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Could we be heading for another Scottish Independence Referendum?

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I think the Scots should go for independence and think they could be heading for another referendum soon.


The SNP has illustrated really well what power close to the power can do. The success of the administration north of the border has empowered people in Scotland to want more as it's so successful and they can finally get rid of Westminster.


The answer to their, and our problems does not lie with more powers at Westminster - they have failed big time as their priorities are the City and what London wants.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Wow. A lot of anti-Scottish crap then lol


I can tell most of you get your "facts" from newspapers. Unfortunately newspapers are owned by individuals and companies that are part of Westminster establishment. They feed us crap every day.


Only a very, very small percentage of Scots dislike English people. Last time I looked most have English relatives. The only people even talking about English people were the No campaign as one of their smears.


The main issues they have most people in Northern England, Wales and Cornwall would share. Spending remains firmly in South East England, decisions routinely show bias towards the Home Counties. It's been that way for generations. Scots are just fed up with a system that is biased against them and shows no interest in changing.


Two other things. England does not subsidise Scotland. Look at the GERS figures (published by the UK government). Scotland contributes more than it receives. Has done in every year on record bar one. The subsidy myth is perpetuated through the press... But really, the figures speak for themselves.


Oil. The price per barrel is down, yes, but fully 1/7th of the U.K. Economy was generated through North Sea oil in Q1 & Q2 2015. In preparation for the referendum tax per barrel was increased to reduce the profit margin, so much it made some fields instantly unprofitable. The U.K. Government als massively increased the levy on exploration deliberately to reduce exploration so less new fields would be found. It's all there in black and white.


Scotland is in deficit. As is the UK, including England. Currently, the U.K. borrows money that it gives to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. This is the so called subsidy. Each nation, including Scotland, services the debt based on a population based formula. So uk borrows money from world bank etc, U.K. lends money to Scotland, Scotland pays full repayment amount to UK, U.K. pays the world bank etc.


The media talks crap all the time. Why on earth would you think it's true relating to Scotland?


The U.K. Government borrows against oil. They don't much care if they kill off oil extraction because it's true value is as an asset to borrow against... Just like any sevure loan, it is secured against oil (among other assets.


The tories have also been busy dismantling Scottish green initiatives, the fishing industry and any other industry that would make it possible for Scotland to be a successful nation. The UK need is to keep oil as an asset, and they will and say anything to keep a hold of it.


Feel free to keep hating Scots, why let a little thing like facts get in the road?

Nicola Sturgeon admits independence oil figures were wrong


Nicola Sturgeon has been forced to admit for the first time that the SNP had got its independence predictions for North Sea oil wrong as it emerged the growing shortfall in Scotland’s finances is the equivalent of a 17p hike in income tax.


The First Minister bowed to opposition pressure and promised to produce revised estimates after the Telegraph disclosed official figures predicting oil will generate more than 90 per cent less than she claimed during the referendum.



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Nicola Sturgeon admits independence oil figures were wrong


Nicola Sturgeon has been forced to admit for the first time that the SNP had got its independence predictions for North Sea oil wrong as it emerged the growing shortfall in Scotland’s finances is the equivalent of a 17p hike in income tax.


The First Minister bowed to opposition pressure and promised to produce revised estimates after the Telegraph disclosed official figures predicting oil will generate more than 90 per cent less than she claimed during the referendum.




Ouch! Next time they have a referendum can they include independence for everyone north of Yorkshire and Lancashire too? :D We don't need oil, we have, erm, flat caps?

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How are they ever going to get another referendum anyway?


They were told and agreed that it was a once in a generation thing, now it's all over and the dust has settled they've been proven to have lied on the most important aspects.


There's no chance of a referendum, Westminster won't even contemplate the idea and the Scottish people don't trust the lying SNP either.

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They were told and agreed that it was a once in a generation thing, now it's all over and the dust has settled they've been proven to have lied on the most important aspects.

To be fair, the price of oil has plummeted from over $100 a barrel at the time of the referendum to about $40 a barrel now. What where optimistic estimates for oil prices at the time seem ridiculous now - but so do even the most pessimistic estimates from that time.


SNP's fault or not, this does of course leave a big hole in their planned finances and would have a consequent impact on any referendum.

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It does show quite how ridiculous and full of crap the entire proposal was though.


They'd bet the house on constantly high and ever improving oil prices, they've immediately fallen off a cliff and it shows just how crap at planning those idiots were.

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How are they ever going to get another referendum anyway?


They were told and agreed that it was a once in a generation thing, now it's all over and the dust has settled they've been proven to have lied on the most important aspects.


There's no chance of a referendum, Westminster won't even contemplate the idea and the Scottish people don't trust the lying SNP either.


A referendum will happen if the UK vote out of Europe.

The SNP are dominant in Scotland, every other party got wiped out. I despise the SNP.

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