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Ponds Forge, Hillsborough and other Sheffield swimming pool temperatures

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I was trying to find out the water temperatures at Ponds Forge swimming pool and Hillsborough leisure centre and discovered there are some incorrect figures on the internet, so I`m putting this thread on for people to find the correct info.


Ponds Forge

The competition pool is usually around 28 degrees, though this is usually dropped to 27 degrees for important competitions. Thus for a while afterwards, till it warms up again, it`s less then 28. Personally I`ve noticed it sometimes seems to overshoot and go a bit warmer than usual before settling back down. The competition pool is the best pool for lane swimming because it`s cooler than all other pools, it`s a bit chilly when you first jump in but once you start working it`s perfect.

The leisure pool is normally around 29 degrees.

I didn`t ask about the diving pool but I`ve noticed it`s a bit warmer than the competition pool but slightly cooler than the leisure pool.


Hillsborough Leisure Centre

Both pools (the leisure pool also known as "The Beach" and the 20m lanes pool) are about 29.5 degrees. Unfortunately because they both use the same water (it was originally built as one 33m pool for the World Student Games water polo competition) they cannot make the lane pool water any cooler than the leisure pool, which is a pity because most keen swimmers find the water is too warm for hard work. I certainly do, I can`t do more than 50m before having to stop to cool down !

The water is plenty warm enough for kids. Our lad`s been swimming there at least once a week since he was 11 weeks old, and he was born three weeks early ! And that`s without him wearing a wetsuit / long cossie, I`m very much of the view that kids like to feel the water on their skin and will get into swimming much quicker if they can. The first time he went he started shivering after about 25 minutes (so we got him out at that point) but that was only because he wasn`t moving much, plus the fact he was a bit thin and tiny, surface area to volume ratio and all that ! Once he started getting into it and moving more he`s been absolutely fine ever since. In fact he generally moans to high heaven when you get him out of the pool, even after an hour !


I have to say I`m a bit surprised to hear there`s apparently only 1.5 degrees difference between Ponds Forge (competition pool) and Hillsborough leisure centre, but the duty managers at each pool actually went down to the plant rooms to check on the readout !


Added 26 March 2016 : When we swam at both Concord pools with our three year old yesterday and a sign said the teaching pool was 31 degrees and the lane pool was 29.5 degrees. I have to say the latter felt marginally cooler than that, but maybe that was only in comparison to the teaching pool which is warm !

Edited by Justin Smith
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And the point of your post is...? A competition pool should be cooler than a leisure pool. Did you actually ask the staff to check the temperatures? Was there a valid reason to do so because reading through what you have written above sounds like you are moaning. But I cannot see what about.

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Sport Sheffield (Goodwin) says:

Swimming pool guidelines suggest that pool water temperature should be maintained around 27 - 29 degrees, with the air temperature about 1 degree higher. A competition pool is normally kept at 27 degrees and a leisure pool at 29 degrees. The swimming pool at Goodwin Sports Centre is kept to 28 degrees.


Goodwin is definitely warmer than the PF competition pool and cooler than the Hillsborough pools, although I have no idea what the absolute temperatures are. The worst pool for swimming (for me) is King Edward's - far too warm.

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The worst pool for swimming (for me) is King Edward's - far too warm.


It is very warm - but much of their business is parents with kids and swimming lessons. It is a good teaching pool, kids can watch the instructor whilst not getting too cold. But not a great 30 minute continuous lane swimming pool!

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And the point of your post is...? A competition pool should be cooler than a leisure pool. Did you actually ask the staff to check the temperatures? Was there a valid reason to do so because reading through what you have written above sounds like you are moaning. But I cannot see what about.


I`m putting on the info because there are figures on the internet which are incorrect. One of the first searches brought up by Google quotes PF and H/B as being the same which they never are, not by a long way.

And anyway I`m being just as positive as negative in my comments, it`s most certainly not "all moaning".


---------- Post added 06-04-2015 at 15:34 ----------


Sport Sheffield (Goodwin) says:

Swimming pool guidelines suggest that pool water temperature should be maintained around 27 - 29 degrees, with the air temperature about 1 degree higher. A competition pool is normally kept at 27 degrees and a leisure pool at 29 degrees. The swimming pool at Goodwin Sports Centre is kept to 28 degrees.


Goodwin is definitely warmer than the PF competition pool and cooler than the Hillsborough pools, although I have no idea what the absolute temperatures are. The worst pool for swimming (for me) is King Edward's - far too warm.


Ponds Forge definitely drop the temperature slightly (they say 1 degree) when big competition is on, it then rises again afterwards.


It`s a while since I swam at Goodwin. I too thought it slightly warmer than P/F (competition pool) yet they claim it`s actually the same temperature. I have to say I think all these pool temps are only a guide anyway, I`ve swum at P/F when it`s definitely warmer then normal yet when you query it with the staff they check it and say "no, it`s the same as usual". My sense of curiosity is such that I`d like to get a thermometer and actually check for myself ! The problem is the digital body temp thermometers won`t read down to 28 degrees, I know I`ve tried !

Edited by Justin Smith
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Google quotes PF and H/B as being the same which they never are, not by a long way.


I cannot see any official literature where this is stated. Maybe the reference is to the leisure pool at Ponds Forge being the same as Hillsborough? As you have stated, Hillsborough "lane swimming pool" is fed from the same water system as the leisure pool so is therefore the same temperature. Nothing they can do about that and I cannot see it suggested anywhere that it is anything different. Ponds Forge "competition pool" is regulated seperately and therefore can hold a lower temperature than the leisure pool to suit its primary intended purpose.


Fair comment on putting the info out there but the tone of your post suggests that you aren't happy about something. That is what I couldn't understand.


Just an FYI too. This is a grave accent (`) and this is an apostrophe (').

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I cannot see any official literature where this is stated. Maybe the reference is to the leisure pool at Ponds Forge being the same as Hillsborough? As you have stated, Hillsborough "lane swimming pool" is fed from the same water system as the leisure pool so is therefore the same temperature. Nothing they can do about that and I cannot see it suggested anywhere that it is anything different. Ponds Forge "competition pool" is regulated seperately and therefore can hold a lower temperature than the leisure pool to suit its primary intended purpose.


Fair comment on putting the info out there but the tone of your post suggests that you aren't happy about something. That is what I couldn't understand.


Swimmer`s guide is the site which is highly ranked on Google which is putting out incorrect information about Ponds Forge and Hillsborough leisure centre pool temperatures.


Other than getting hold of a digital thermometer (capable of reading down to 27 degrees) myself I don`t see how I can get a more accurate water temp reading than asking the duty managers who then checked the readouts in the plant rooms. I have to say I still find the reported temperatures a little surprising (the small difference) but they are more accurate than the ones reported in Swimmer`s Guide.


Just an FYI too. This is a grave accent (`) and this is an apostrophe (').


I know, it`s a habit I got into years ago, but since it makes no difference to readability (it`s not like spelling mistakes or not using upper/lower case or commas....) I`ve never bothered changing it. Most people can`t tell the difference.

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If im honest i think both pools are too cold- especially if you are going in with little ones- my daughter is freezing after 5 minutes and her bottom lip quivers- It should be warmer.


I think you've partly missed the point here...


I find Hillsborough very uncomfortable to swim in - I feel nauseous if I try and do a proper session. It's interesting that both pools there are on the same temperature regulation, that explains it!

I love PF for the temperature (even if it's a shock getting in!).

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If im honest i think both pools are too cold- especially if you are going in with little ones- my daughter is freezing after 5 minutes and her bottom lip quivers- It should be warmer.


Are you saying your daughter is shivering after 5 minutes at Hillsborough ? If so can`t understand that at all. The first time our lad went to H/B he started shivering after about 20 minutes but he was only 11 weeks old ! Once he started moving (I wouldn`t go so far as to call it swimming, not then anyway ! ) he was fine for any length of time. Now, he`s 2 years 1 month, he stays in for an hour and then complains when we take home out !

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