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Russell Brand rears his head again

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Cameron called Brand a joke. That was a massive mistake. Even with many of Brands followers giving him some backlash over his Labour endorsement, Cameron needs to bare in mind that he has 10 million twitter followers, 3.3 million YouTube subscribers. His endorsement could just see David Cameron moving out of No 10 very shortly!


How many of these followers / subscribers are British voters? He is an international name, with an international ego to boot.

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Could that be because he speaks the truth, and certain people don't like it?
Yes it could be.


As I mentioned before on the thread that was removed about him, I feel his heart is in the right place and do think he genuinely cares, but I've sometimes disagreed with some of his statements and thought it was foolish to suggest people shouldn't vote as he has done previously.


If we all followed that advice, I can only imagine what that could lead to.

Edited by janie48
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How many of these followers / subscribers are British voters? He is an international name, with an international ego to boot.


Your guess is as good as mine dude. No idea. But I'd say the majority of his 3.3 million YouTube subscribers are brits

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Because the electorate says so. They aren't going to get enough seats. Neither are the torys, thats why its going to be coalition time again.


My guess is either: Tory/UKIP or Lab/SNP or Lab/LIB/Green


The electorate says so? How do you know? I believe I said it'll be tory/UKIP

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Your guess is as good as mine dude. No idea. But I'd say the majority of his 3.3 million YouTube subscribers are brits


Some giant assumptions here. He's an international star (I can't think of a better word). He was married to katy Perry which might account for a few. He's funny which will account for a few more. I follow boring james Milner and smug sherwood on Twitter. Am I going to vote because of anything they say? No!


If you think brand is going to get labour elected we need to be very very concerned about the future of this country. If that is the case why don't we just anoint brand PM and have done?

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The electorate says so? How do you know?
Because when we last had an election they didn't gain a majority. If I have to spoonfeed you everything then this is going to be incredibly boring. Try to keep up.


I believe I said it'll be tory/UKIP
Did you? Well stamp me vitals, we agree on something, isn't it cute when we can play nicely?
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:hihi: encouraged apathy? Whatever dude!


I can see where he's coming from. The short term goal is to ensure Cameron and his buddies don't rape the poor for another full term.


I was also a RB fan, just face it mate we've been had big time. Lab Con, Lib UKIP all the same, they're only there to give you the illusion of choice.


How can any revolutionist support Labour - responsible for profiteering from warmongering and the deaths of over 2 million people, banksters and corporate fraudsters, NSA spying, removing many civil rights, our surveillance Police State etc etc...along with so many of their MP's been convicted paedo's




RB is a sell-out and Labour are akin to the nazis.


---------- Post added 06-05-2015 at 02:33 ----------


Just had a flick through the comments. It's nothing like 90% are against him.


---------- Post added 05-05-2015 at 17:59 ----------



If none of the candidates are putting forward anything meaningful to you in their manifesto, don't vote for them. Don't vote for the best of a bad bunch, just because you feel as though you have to vote.........unless one of them stands a very realistic chance of getting Cameron out of office.


Also, I think Ed Miliband said a few things in his interview with Brand that were actually of substance. Things like building a society from the bottom up. Putting power back in the hands of people. Regulating big business, taking out the banks, listening to people, taxing the wealthy and closing loopholes. All makes sense to me.


So ED tells RB a few things he wants to hear and then tell us all to vote Labour. Unbelievable.


---------- Post added 06-05-2015 at 02:34 ----------


Just had a flick through the comments. It's nothing like 90% are against him.



It is mate, thousands have now unsubscribed and loads of people on the youtube comments, facebook twitter etc are voicing how they feel betrayed, their disgust and anger at RB been a complete shill.

Edited by gwhite78
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He's realised that standing on the sidelines shouting 'they're all the same' and refusing to vote doesn't actually achieve anything. Meanwhile, there's an actual election going on - and if people fail to vote it simply makes it easier for the Tories to remain in power.


That's the real problem with the 'I don't vote' crowd. It's YOUR fault that politics is rotten. You let them get away with it but simply not turning up. You are letting other people choose for you. By letting others decide on your behalf you achieve nothing, other than endorsing the winner by default.

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He's realised that standing on the sidelines shouting 'they're all the same' and refusing to vote doesn't actually achieve anything. Meanwhile, there's an actual election going on - and if people fail to vote it simply makes it easier for the Tories to remain in power.


That's the real problem with the 'I don't vote' crowd. It's YOUR fault that politics is rotten. You let them get away with it but simply not turning up. You are letting other people choose for you. By letting others decide on your behalf you achieve nothing, other than endorsing the winner by default.


Eloquently put. It's an encouraging sign that Brand is more of a realist than some us thought.

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