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The ITV Leaders' Debate

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Wage increases and inflation are not linked. That myth has been busted by years of inflation whilst wages have gone down or stayed the same.


Inflation is linked to more than just wages increases, easy credit can replace wage growth, demand is also a driving force, any increase in cost to a company will mean they have to increase the price of their end product, high fuel prices have also driven inflation.


---------- Post added 03-04-2015 at 08:14 ----------


Just because someone works in the public sector and does figures, does not mean they have logic and are right. :huh:

All political decisions are short term. Typical example, RTB council housing stock. Local authorities are now trying to buy them back at auction, while meanwhile paying private market rents to those landlords who bought these council properties. :loopy:


The only way to find out though would be to employ a private company to look at the figures produced by the public sector and that will mean another increase in cost.

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Someone on a huge public sector salary will have looked at the figures and concluded that hiring a mini bus and driver is cheaper than buying a mini but and employing a driver.



And they use both, so the costs cannot be much different, but private hire can be dropped at short notice, where as selling off your fleet of buses would be very expensive.

Those dishing out the contracts fail to ensure the contract is value for money.

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And they use both, so the costs cannot be much different, but private hire can be dropped at short notice, where as selling off your fleet of buses would be very expensive.

Those dishing out the contracts fail to ensure the contract is value for money.


That will be one of the reasons behind hiring a private company to provide a public service.

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Sturgeon mentioned her free education but failed to mention how her family were allowed to cheaply buy their council house.


---------- Post added 02-04-2015 at 22:04 ----------



If the minimum wage is raised and zero hours contracts banned, then people can say goodbye to Krispy Kreme outlets for one.


So what if her family did buy their house at a knock down price? Should they have voted for Thatcher out of gratitude? If anyone on here suggested that because someone had used the NHS they ought to vote Labour, you'd have had a hissy fit complaining about 'buying votes'....And I'm sure that securing votes for the Conservatives was far from Thatcher's mind when she brought into the right to buy in the 80s ;)

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Observation for Del:


Best comment of the night so far when David Cameron was asked why ordinary people are being told about the tough choice of having another 50 billion pounds of cuts that their communities will have to shoulder BUT why Cameron has not asked the wealthy to contribute 1 extra penny towards those massive cuts and in fact Cameron has given them money !!! A minimum of 48,000 pounds tax free to every millionaire ( the more you have the more money you got ) , every single year of his parliament. That's all you need to know about the Tory party...

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The only way to find out though would be to employ a private company to look at the figures produced by the public sector and that will mean another increase in cost.


Why would the council need to employ a private company to look at the council's OWN figures as well as private companies figures. :huh: Employees in the council are quite capable of doing this themselves, as they used to do.

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For me I thought Sturgeon won the debate, she came across clear and precise in what they were going to do whilst others just wanted to score points.


Best bits for me:

Farage telling the others there was sod all they could do with regards to Europe

Farage pointing out correctly that we are borrowing more now than we ever did

Miliband telling Cameron that Labour got it wrong over Bank regulation, but that his party wanted less regulation.

Bennett telling Cameron to take more than 143 Syrian refugees in


Overall I can only see UKIP and the Tories forming a coalition this time, whereas I can see Labour working with all of the others.

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Pressure also causes things to explode.


Look at Daily Mail for evidence of that...if any more asylum seeking, left wing, cancer causing gay Muslims are let into the country to destroy Middle England, Daily Mail journalist's heads will explode with rage :)

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Well I watched the whole thing, and really didn't come to the conclusion that anyone particularly came out on top. I don't think whatever political persuasion you are, the debate would have changed anyone's perception.


Also, I found it a bit galling to be pitched by leaders of a party I can't possibly vote for. I live in England.


My own personal opinion was that Dave sort of shot himself in the foot having 6 rivals on the platform, who constantly laid into him and his policies, and he didn't seem to handle it well at all. His only defence seemed to be historical references to what mistakes the others made. Plus his anecdotes of meeting people who said...... He was definitely coached wrong with those.

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