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Zero Hours Contracts - Pleased or Not

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When I lived at home with my parents I joined a company & was on a zhc, it worked fine for me as I had no responsibilities. I now work for a company full time, im a single mum of one with a mortgage so i need to know I have a certain amount of money coming in every month, so zhc wouldnt be good for me. As someone has already said I think its ok for the younger generation with no ties & the semi-retired who want to keep busy. A young girl at my work was on a zhc & couldnt get a mortgage with her fella. It all boils down to the individual persons curcumstances & if they are happy with it then thats fine :)

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try telling that to the people of Sheffield and elsewhere where the private sector is running council services (public sector) paid for by taxpayers (both private and public):roll:

Sort of. I agree that private companies where their main or only source of income comes from taxes, are not necessarily generating wealth. They are different.

I am talking about true private companies which have to go out and earn their keep and earn their customers. Obviously the private sector running the public services will be more efficient and effective. But I'm not sure what this has to do with ZHCs.


---------- Post added 06-04-2015 at 22:29 ----------


When I lived at home with my parents I joined a company & was on a zhc, it worked fine for me as I had no responsibilities. I now work for a company full time, im a single mum of one with a mortgage so i need to know I have a certain amount of money coming in every month, so zhc wouldnt be good for me. As someone has already said I think its ok for the younger generation with no ties & the semi-retired who want to keep busy. A young girl at my work was on a zhc & couldnt get a mortgage with her fella. It all boils down to the individual persons curcumstances & if they are happy with it then thats fine :)


I'm pleased the ZHC worked out for you and company you worked for.

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there you go again ron just when you show an ounce of respectability do you blow it in the next breath :roll:. zhc are fine for the people who have neither a mortgage/rent to pay weekly/monthly, for the young who have no responsibilities or for older people who (because after working fulltime all their lives have managed to buy a house/save for a pension) and have now retired and just want to get out of the house. they are no good for someone who wants to get on the housing ladder/ start a family /save for the future etc . what part of that cant you understand


Just to put a bit of context to the thread..There are over 30 million people working in the country, there are just under 1 miilion on ZHC (according to the media) of these 200,000 would like more hours...

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Perhaps there should be a split between which companies can use ZHCs and which cannot. Base it on similar rules with regards to opening hours on Sundays. Companies with less than 200 employees can use them as long as the employee is given a choice of contracted work too, but a company bigger than that may not use them. This should give flexibility to the smaller firms who might not be able to guarantee work and also to the gardeners, seasonal workers etc, but should stop the rules being exploited by bigger firms who just use it to avoid giving full contracts.

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Perhaps there should be a split between which companies can use ZHCs and which cannot. Base it on similar rules with regards to opening hours on Sundays. Companies with less than 200 employees can use them as long as the employee is given a choice of contracted work too, but a company bigger than that may not use them. This should give flexibility to the smaller firms who might not be able to guarantee work and also to the gardeners, seasonal workers etc, but should stop the rules being exploited by bigger firms who just use it to avoid giving full contracts.


Or perhaps they could leave it alone. It seems to work quite well for the vast majority of employers and employees alike.

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Sort of. I agree that private companies where their main or only source of income comes from taxes, are not necessarily generating wealth. They are different.

I am talking about true private companies which have to go out and earn their keep and earn their customers. Obviously the private sector running the public services will be more efficient and effective. But I'm not sure what this has to do with ZHCs.


---------- Post added 06-04-2015 at 22:29 ----------



I'm pleased the ZHC worked out for you and company you worked for.

the private sector running services in Sheffield for example are using zhc. The services they are providing are not more efficient or effective have you not noticed bins going to fortnightly collections/ dumpit sites with reduced opening hours etc. btw seeing as you still haven't addressed what I put to you I'll try to explain , the older generation working these contracts (I bet) held full time permanent work of which they paid into pension pots to be able to retire early .out of this full time employment status they were able to get a mortgage and get on the property ladder. Do you think the people on the zhc are going to be able to do the same
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the private sector running services in Sheffield for example are using zhc. The services they are providing are not more efficient or effective have you not noticed bins going to fortnightly collections/ dumpit sites with reduced opening hours etc. btw seeing as you still haven't addressed what I put to you I'll try to explain , the older generation working these contracts (I bet) held full time permanent work of which they paid into pension pots to be able to retire early .out of this full time employment status they were able to get a mortgage and get on the property ladder. Do you think the people on the zhc are going to be able to do the same


It is unlikely.


---------- Post added 07-04-2015 at 18:38 ----------


As for the first bit - the specification for refuse removal, would have specified the frequency of collection. If there was a desire by the council to have more frequent collections then I'm sure the private company would be happy to oblige. Your example does not prove anything either way.

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I've worked on ZHC through college. Wasn't a issue, I didn't want more hours, and the establishment would never had afforded to be able to hire their staff (many of us on ZH) without cost to consumer rising (basically they would have had to let people go).


We liked the flexibility, I would think it's mainly private small business using ZHC and I worry how students might work or these businesses stay afloat if they were removed as a option. I know some business owners who employ ZHC - they always respond to requests to more or less hours where they can and it suits them and their employees.

Edited by Nem88
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I've mostly set people on a self employed basis and paying them for jobs done.I've always found because of the random nature of my kind of business I can't really turn round to someone and say I can give them a full time job all the time,I can see where zhc could be useful.

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I've worked on ZHC through college. Wasn't a issue, I didn't want more hours, and the establishment would never had afforded to be able to hire their staff (many of us on ZH) without cost to consumer rising (basically they would have had to let people go).


We liked the flexibility, I would think it's mainly private small business using ZHC and I worry how students might work or these businesses stay afloat if they were removed as a option. I know some business owners who employ ZHC - they always respond to requests to more or less hours where they can and it suits them and their employees.


This term ZHC has only just been invented.

Like you say, they were the norm through Uni when it suited some students (not knowing hours and when is a little inconvenient) and employers alike.

Wouldnt like to try raising a family on one.

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