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Howard Rd, Walkley, accident blackspot

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A wet dull morning last week. Children walking to school and still cars go past that speed indicator at 40+mph. Matt is right a speed camera there would pay its way. Might also stop the boy racer mob that come out later in the evening for the flat out run down Howard road (yes I've seen the figures from the speed indicator sign, council sent me a copy)


I saw the damage to the railings last week and assumed we had another Commonside statistic .


Reducing the area to 20mph wont make a difference to journey times as you end up spending 5 minutes in the traffic queue at the library no matter how quickly you get there but will make for a much better environment to shop in. Walkley seems to be promoting this local trader village like image these days so really needs to improve the public realm to make it more welcoming to shop .

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Needs real speed cameras. Probably make a few quid because not many folk do 30mph through walkley.


I doubt it Matt, urban speed cameras are more likely to catch the unwary, a few MPH over the limit, than the ones who know the area and regularly drive like loonies; they will soon slow down for the camera and speed up afterwards.

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I doubt it Matt, urban speed cameras are more likely to catch the unwary, a few MPH over the limit, than the ones who know the area and regularly drive like loonies; they will soon slow down for the camera and speed up afterwards.


I don't agree with speed cameras, but I don't understand why they don't use average speed ones more in cities.

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I don't agree with speed cameras, but I don't understand why they don't use average speed ones more in cities.


There's no way average speed cameras would work in a busy urban area. Drivers could easily travel at high speeds for short periods, but still register a legitimate average speed just by stopping to let someone pass for a few seconds. They only work on long stretches of road with free flowing traffic.

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There's no way average speed cameras would work in a busy urban area. Drivers could easily travel at high speeds for short periods, but still register a legitimate average speed just by stopping to let someone pass for a few seconds. They only work on long stretches of road with free flowing traffic.


I don't believe that's true of SpeedSpike or Safezone

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