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US drone have murdered 1000's

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What are your thoughts? With any luck this message will get through to enough people and the drone attacks will stop. Its unlikely though and i know its just wishful thinking but how bad must it be for American veterans to speak out?

Its murder plain and simple and it has to stop!

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Im sure you can Google some images if murder and baby killing is you thing.


You asked what people thought, I just gave my opinion.


How many people would have been killed by the people that were killed by the drones, if they hadn't been killed by the drones?

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You asked what people thought, I just gave my opinion.


How many people would have been killed by the people that were killed by the drones, if they hadn't been killed by the drones?


Wow! Well that sorts it then. They were killed to stop them being killed by the terrorists. :thumbsup:

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Which makes a difference how?


Killing the terrorists will have saved lives, the question is did killing them kill more innocent people than would have been killed by the terrorist.


A group of terrorists are in a building with 10 innocent people, the terrorists are planning to blow an airliner out of the sky, your best chance to stop them is to destroy the building they are in, but that means killing ten innocent people.


Would you destroy the building to save the 300 people on the airliner?

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