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US drone have murdered 1000's

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The USA was formed with the most noble of intentions. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, Gettysburg address, all documents laying down aspirations for a country that would be an example to all.


Well that didn't last long did it, not when pure human greed and averice took over.


The US is now no better than all the previous empires it despised.


A corrupt thieving murderous entity that cares more for it's wealth than any concern over right or wrong.


The US went to war for profit.


Of course you don't want to discuss how we got here, because it was your scummy bunch of political villains ably abetted by our own greedy arseholes that caused all this grief.


Things in the area were bad enough when dictators like Saddam and Gaddafi were in control, but at least they were in control.


Now because of our interference for profit the place is chaos and no longer contained.


Dick Cheney former CEO of Halliburton ( and holder of 400,000 stock options ) Vice President of the USA the man who 'advised' ( pulled the strings of ) Dummy Dubya.


In 2010 Cheney was named in a 2010 corruption complaint by the Nigerian government, Halliburton settled for $250 million.


Halliburton has made billions from the Iraq war.




One of it's subsidiaries made even more




They're not the only ones.




As has already been pointed out to you on previous threads, wars a racket and big business run the world.


And they just love gung ho wrap the star spangled banner around me types like you who can't see beyond the end of their noses.


---------- Post added 09-04-2015 at 21:26 ----------



You do realise that this was going on regularly?


We were dropping leaflets on the Germans and they were dropping leaflets on us.


As toilet paper was in short supply I'm sure everyone was suitably grateful.




The point is that dropping leaflets on the civilian population was a pretty daft idea supposedly designed to effect morale.


You say the US dropped leaflets on !st of August and the atomic bomb on 6th August?


What precisely were the civilian Japanese population supposed to do in that time?


As this crap was going on on a regular basis they wouldn't take much notice, and even if they did what do you think the response of the authorities would have been to someone turning up with a leaflet saying " Hey, this is a bit scary, let's call the whole thing off" ?




---------- Post added 10-04-2015 at 00:27 ----------



The USA was formed with the most noble of intentions. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, Gettysburg address, all documents laying down aspirations for a country that would be an example to all.


Well that didn't last long did it, not when pure human greed and averice took over.


The US is now no better than all the previous empires it despised.


A corrupt thieving murderous entity that cares more for it's wealth than any concern over right or wrong.


The US went to war for profit.


Of course you don't want to discuss how we got here, because it was your scummy bunch of political villains ably abetted by our own greedy arseholes that caused all this grief.


Things in the area were bad enough when dictators like Saddam and Gaddafi were in control, but at least they were in control.


Now because of our interference for profit the place is chaos and no longer contained.


Dick Cheney former CEO of Halliburton ( and holder of 400,000 stock options ) Vice President of the USA the man who 'advised' ( pulled the strings of ) Dummy Dubya.


In 2010 Cheney was named in a 2010 corruption complaint by the Nigerian government, Halliburton settled for $250 million.


Halliburton has made billions from the Iraq war.




One of it's subsidiaries made even more




They're not the only ones.




As has already been pointed out to you on previous threads, wars a racket and big business run the world.


And they just love gung ho wrap the star spangled banner around me types like you who can't see beyond the end of their noses.


---------- Post added 09-04-2015 at 21:26 ----------



You do realise that this was going on regularly?


We were dropping leaflets on the Germans and they were dropping leaflets on us.


As toilet paper was in short supply I'm sure everyone was suitably grateful.




The point is that dropping leaflets on the civilian population was a pretty daft idea supposedly designed to effect morale.


You say the US dropped leaflets on !st of August and the atomic bomb on 6th August?


What precisely were the civilian Japanese population supposed to do in that time?


As this crap was going on on a regular basis they wouldn't take much notice, and even if they did what do you think the response of the authorities would have been to someone turning up with a leaflet saying " Hey, this is a bit scary, let's call the whole thing off" ?

Edited by Harleyman
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You do realise that this was going on regularly?


We were dropping leaflets on the Germans and they were dropping leaflets on us.


As toilet paper was in short supply I'm sure everyone was suitably grateful.




The point is that dropping leaflets on the civilian population was a pretty daft idea supposedly designed to effect morale.


You say the US dropped leaflets on !st of August and the atomic bomb on 6th August?


What precisely were the civilian Japanese population supposed to do in that time?


As this crap was going on on a regular basis they wouldn't take much notice, and even if they did what do you think the response of the authorities would have been to someone turning up with a leaflet saying " Hey, this is a bit scary, let's call the whole thing off" ?


The leaflets were in addition to.


President Harry S. Truman and fellow Allied leaders, Josef Stalin and Clement Attlee, issued the Potsdam Declaration, an ultimatum for Japan to surrender unconditionally or face “prompt and utter destruction.”



So Japan was warned and given the opportunity to surrender before the bombs were dropped.

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The leaflets were in addition to.


President Harry S. Truman and fellow Allied leaders, Josef Stalin and Clement Attlee, issued the Potsdam Declaration, an ultimatum for Japan to surrender unconditionally or face “prompt and utter destruction.”



So Japan was warned and given the opportunity to surrender before the bombs were dropped.[/QUOT


At that time no one was aware of an Atomic bomb and the destruction that it would cause followed by the ongoing consequences.


Therefore the Japanese would have regarded a threat of "prompt and utter destruction" as a load of hyperbolic hot air.


If threats could cause countries to surrender during wartime we would have a lot less casualties.


An offer to demonstrate the bomb might have worked if the Japanese had taken up the offer, I doubt that they would have, but it would have removed any criticism from people about Americas use of the bomb on a civilian population.


My opinion is that they wanted to show their capability and ruthlessness as a lesson to others especially the Russians.


And the US is still the only nation to have exploded such a weapon over a populated city.


That's my last comment on that particular subject, what is your view on the use of drones as weapons?

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At that time no one was aware of an Atomic bomb and the destruction that it would cause followed by the ongoing consequences.


Therefore the Japanese would have regarded a threat of "prompt and utter destruction" as a load of hyperbolic hot air.


If threats could cause countries to surrender during wartime we would have a lot less casualties.


An offer to demonstrate the bomb might have worked if the Japanese had taken up the offer, I doubt that they would have, but it would have removed any criticism from people about Americas use of the bomb on a civilian population.


My opinion is that they wanted to show their capability and ruthlessness as a lesson to others especially the Russians.


And the US is still the only nation to have exploded such a weapon over a populated city.


That's my last comment on that particular subject, what is your view on the use of drones as weapons?


Japan and Germany both had a nuclear weapon program during WW2 so they will have been fully aware of its destructive capabilities and they will have also known about the nuclear weapon program of the USA. If Japan or Germany had developed the bomb first do you think they would have shown restraint?


Drones are more accurate and less likely to cause civilian casualties than a cruise missile.

Edited by loraward
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Drones are more accurate and less likely to cause civilian casualties than a cruise missile.


You consider an attempt to target a specific 41 men, failing to kill several of them ( seven are still alive and one is unknown ) and killing 1,147 people including over a hundred children as an acceptable way to conduct a war?




Note that ' 500 drone strikes outside of Iraq and Afghanistan have killed 3,674 people'.


These devices were hailed as 'precision weapons' and humane in that their targets would be 'clinically' dealt with reducing 'collateral damage'.


Well that turned out to be a load of crap didn't it?

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You consider an attempt to target a specific 41 men, failing to kill several of them ( seven are still alive and one is unknown ) and killing 1,147 people including over a hundred children as an acceptable way to conduct a war?




Note that ' 500 drone strikes outside of Iraq and Afghanistan have killed 3,674 people'.


These devices were hailed as 'precision weapons' and humane in that their targets would be 'clinically' dealt with reducing 'collateral damage'.


Well that turned out to be a load of crap didn't it?


How did Reprieve get their figures?

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How did Reprieve get their figures?


How would I know?


What I do know is that the Guardian newspaper printed the story in a high profile article as fact.


Presumably they would have checked out the background of Reprieve rather than risk being made to look foolish and possibly attract a law suit.


If you're that interested phone up Reprieve and ask them yourself.



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How would I know?


What I do know is that the Guardian newspaper printed the story in a high profile article as fact.


Presumably they would have checked out the background of Reprieve rather than risk being made to look foolish and possibly attract a law suit.


If you're that interested phone up Reprieve and ask them yourself.




I will assume the reports of who is killed by drone attacks comes from the Taliban, because they usually control the media in the area they control.

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George Orwell once said " People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf


As for Orwell, he was an arsehole as proven by his ridiculous defence of thugs.




stop pretending you know your Orwell, thats a quote from an essay by Richard Grenier.....Arsehole.:hihi:

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