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US drone have murdered 1000's

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Japan and Germany both had a nuclear weapon program during WW2 so they will have been fully aware of its destructive capabilities and they will have also known about the nuclear weapon program of the USA. If Japan or Germany had developed the bomb first do you think they would have shown restraint?


Drones are more accurate and less likely to cause civilian casualties than a cruise missile.


Before Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed Japan's cities were already mostly flattened through conventional air raids.


Surrender was a word that had no place in the Japanese language or culture. Throughout the war very, very few Japanese soldiers were taken prisoners. They either fought to the death or committed suicide rather than face the ultimate disgrace of captivity.


It was estimated by the Allied Commanders that to conquer the whole of Japan by land would cost millions of casualties. both allied military and Japanese civilian. It would have fallen to the Americans to have taken the brunt of the military casualties.


The Japanese Emperor had secretly recorded an offer of peace on wax discs which were hidden in the royal palace. These discs which were like the old turn table records became known to some of the more fanatical members of the Japanese high command and they set out to find them, destroy them and if necessary depose the Emperor. This just shows how fanatical they were since the Japanese people regarded their Emperor as a God.


It's not difficult to understand why they wanted to fight on. They fully understood that a hangman's noose awaited them in the near future

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Before Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed Japan's cities were already mostly flattened through conventional air raids.


Surrender was a word that had no place in the Japanese language or culture. Throughout the war very, very few Japanese soldiers were taken prisoners. They either fought to the death or committed suicide rather than face the ultimate disgrace of captivity.


It was estimated by the Allied Commanders that to conquer the whole of Japan by land would cost millions of casualties. both allied military and Japanese civilian. It would have fallen to the Americans to have taken the brunt of the military casualties.


The Japanese Emperor had secretly recorded an offer of peace on wax discs which were hidden in the royal palace. These discs which were like the old turn table records became known to some of the more fanatical members of the Japanese high command and they set out to find them, destroy them and if necessary depose the Emperor. This just shows how fanatical they were since the Japanese people regarded their Emperor as a God.


It's not difficult to understand why they wanted to fight on. They fully understood that a hangman's noose awaited them in the near future


That didn't stop a Japanese soldier surrendering in 1974 and 2 more surrendering in 2005. They should be in the Guinness book of records for the longest game of hide and seek.



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That didn't stop a Japanese soldier surrendering in 1974 and 2 more surrendering in 2005. They should be in the Guinness book of records for the longest game of hide and seek.




Were they using walking sticks or in wheel chairs when they surrendered? :hihi:


---------- Post added 10-04-2015 at 16:00 ----------


I will assume the reports of who is killed by drone attacks comes from the Taliban, because they usually control the media in the area they control.


They round up locals, toss grenades among them, arrange for the media to take videos and then claim that drones killed them.


Propaganda at it's best.

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Of course they do, and there's no way for the poor old US of A to prove that it wasn't a drone strike and place the blame where it belongs, which would be even better propaganda.


Well actually that's not true is it?


All drone strikes are recorded by the military and have TV footage as proof of their operation, so if an explosion occurred killing civilians where no drone strike had taken place it would be fairly simple to prove it wouldn't it?


X number of drone strikes over a given period = X number of video recordings and GPS proof of geographic position.


But you keep believing the BS they feed you Cowboy. :D

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Of course they do, and there's no way for the poor old US of A to prove that it wasn't a drone strike and place the blame where it belongs, which would be even better propaganda.


Well actually that's not true is it?


All drone strikes are recorded by the military and have TV footage as proof of their operation, so if an explosion occurred killing civilians where no drone strike had taken place it would be fairly simple to prove it wouldn't it?


X number of drone strikes over a given period = X number of video recordings and GPS proof of geographic position.


But you keep believing the BS they feed you Cowboy. :D


Planting dead bodies at the site of a drone attack isn't beyond the realms of possibility.


Taliban blamed for 'air strike' deaths

US officials have claimed Taliban militants killed scores of Afghan civilians with hand grenades to mimic the impact of US air strikes during fierce fighting in the west of Afghanistan.



Edited by loraward
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Planting dead bodies at the site of a drone attack isn't beyond the realms of possibility.


Taliban blamed for 'air strike' deaths

US officials have claimed Taliban militants killed scores of Afghan civilians with hand grenades to mimic the impact of US air strikes during fierce fighting in the west of Afghanistan.




As Mandy Rice Davis once said " well he/they would say that wouldn't they? ".


The thing about the USA is that too many of their citizens have a blatant disregard for the value of peoples lives.


This is particularly true if the victims skin colour isn't to their taste.


For example, in March this year - according to this report - US police killed more people than the British police have in over 100 years.




111 deaths by cop in 31 days.


China with four times the population only had 12 deaths caused by their police in the whole of 2014.


The US police motto is I believe 'To Protect and Serve'.


Any country that callous with regard to their own citizens lives is bound to be less than caring with regard to the lives of foreigners.


Basically, whilst most Americans are decent honest hard working and extremely polite people in my personal experience, there are far too many who are influenced by the Hollywood BS version of the country.


They think and act like cowboys, too ready to resort to gunplay at any given opportunity.

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Planting dead bodies at the site of a drone attack isn't beyond the realms of possibility.


Taliban blamed for 'air strike' deaths

US officials have claimed Taliban militants killed scores of Afghan civilians with hand grenades to mimic the impact of US air strikes during fierce fighting in the west of Afghanistan.


Ironic isn't it, killing innocents to mimic killing innocents. Maybe if the Americans didn't do it the Afghans may mimic them.

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Of course they do, and there's no way for the poor old US of A to prove that it wasn't a drone strike and place the blame where it belongs, which would be even better propaganda.


Well actually that's not true is it?


All drone strikes are recorded by the military and have TV footage as proof of their operation, so if an explosion occurred killing civilians where no drone strike had taken place it would be fairly simple to prove it wouldn't it?


X number of drone strikes over a given period = X number of video recordings and GPS proof of geographic position.


But you keep believing the BS they feed you Cowboy. :D


No not BS Micko ! :D A drone strikes it's target killing it's intended target or targets. The Taliban rounds up a bunch of nearby villagers because they know that the info about the target more than likely came from a local source, they frag em and then they either video the scene themselves for Boob Toob or call in a local media dude to video and interview a "Survivor" who just happens to be a member of the Taliban himself. That person is always an outwardly harmless looking old dude, beard an all who passes himself of as one of the sadly bereaved. The old dude through an interpreter tells the media dude that he has lost "a son" or a "daughter" "his aged mother in law" or all of them and a day or two later this little videod scenario reaches some western media outlet like the BBC or CNN International.


The media then presents it generally in the following manner.

"A drone strike yesterday has reportedly killed a number of people in the ..... fill in the blank ...... area of ...... fill in the blank"

Then follows the video tape of the bearded simple old dude telling the reporter about his "tragic loss" and the loss of X number of the (recently fragged) villagers


Hollywood has nothing when it comes to the fine and noble art of acting compared to these comedians

Edited by Harleyman
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No BS Micko ! :D A drone strikes it's target killing it's intended target or targets. The Taliban rounds up a bunch of nearby villagers because they know that the info about the target more than likely came from a local source, they frag em and then they either video the scene themselves for Boob Toob or call in a local media dude to video and interview a "Survivor" who just happens to be a member of the Taliban himself. That person is always an outwardly harmless looking old dude, beard an all who passes himself of as one of the sadly bereaved. The old dude through an interpreter tells the media dude that he has lost "a son" or a "daughter" "his aged mother in law" or all of them and a day or two later this little videod scenario reaches some western media outlet like the BBC or CNN International.


The media then presents it generally in the following manner.

"A drone strike yesterday has reportedly killed a number of people in the ..... fill in the blank ...... area of ...... fill in the blank"

Then follows the video tape of the bearded simple old dude telling the reported about his "tragic loss" and the loss of X number of the (recently fragged) villagers


Hollywood has nothing when it comes to the fine and noble art of acting compared to these comedians


You should write scripts for the movies amigo. :)


These drones have live TV cameras onboard with recorded evidence don't they?


So there would be a record of how many people/bodies were in the strike area immediately prior to the hit wouldn't there?


The whole sales pitch was how precise and clinical they are, and how this would reduce civilian deaths to the absolute minimum.


If there was evidence of a drone strike where it was plain to see that only four people were present at the point of impact and later the Taliban showed twelve dead bodies at the scene don't you think it would have been made public to much acclaim?


The Taliban know about the cameras, why would they try something on that they know will be shown as a murderous fraud at some point?


I have no time for these lunatic fanatical savages but if we lower ourselves to their level by indiscriminately killing innocent civilians then we have to ask what's it all for?


We outnumber them and we have far more technology available to us. If we can't conduct ourselves with some basic humanity - which they appear to lack - then we don't deserve to prevail.

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As Mandy Rice Davis once said " well he/they would say that wouldn't they? ".


The thing about the USA is that too many of their citizens have a blatant disregard for the value of peoples lives.


This is particularly true if the victims skin colour isn't to their taste.


For example, in March this year - according to this report - US police killed more people than the British police have in over 100 years.




111 deaths by cop in 31 days.


China with four times the population only had 12 deaths caused by their police in the whole of 2014.


The US police motto is I believe 'To Protect and Serve'.


Any country that callous with regard to their own citizens lives is bound to be less than caring with regard to the lives of foreigners.


Basically, whilst most Americans are decent honest hard working and extremely polite people in my personal experience, there are far too many who are influenced by the Hollywood BS version of the country.


They think and act like cowboys, too ready to resort to gunplay at any given opportunity.


So now you've taken to using quotes from old 60s British whores:D


You've been watching too many westerns. if your knowledge of the Old West is any indication of your knowledge about the rest of America then why not give it up. You've already joined the ranks of the wide eyed and naïve who have bought all the Taliban BS.


You mention China as a fine example of what policing should be. China reserves it's killing for the privacy and out of public sight prisons. You don't videotape police in China under any circumstances. I tried to take a photo of a cop in Shanghai and he almost went ballistic. Had I been a Chinese he would have likely confiscated the camera and destroyed it on the spot


Now with all your bias you condescendingly state "while most Americans are decent honest and hard working" you begin to sound like some old New York Irish cop commenting on Puerto Ricans. "While most of em are daisent enough folks there are far too many of em who are too handy with a switch blade"


Can the phony rhetoric. Stay as you are. I like you better that way :D


---------- Post added 10-04-2015 at 18:32 ----------


You should write scripts for the movies amigo. :)


These drones have live TV cameras onboard with recorded evidence don't they?


So there would be a record of how many people/bodies were in the strike area immediately prior to the hit wouldn't there?


The whole sales pitch was how precise and clinical they are, and how this would reduce civilian deaths to the absolute minimum.


If there was evidence of a drone strike where it was plain to see that only four people were present at the point of impact and later the Taliban showed twelve dead bodies at the scene don't you think it would have been made public to much acclaim?


The Taliban know about the cameras, why would they try something on that they know will be shown as a murderous fraud at some point?


I have no time for these lunatic fanatical savages but if we lower ourselves to their level by indiscriminately killing innocent civilians then we have to ask what's it all for?


We outnumber them and we have far more technology available to us. If we can't conduct ourselves with some basic humanity - which they appear to lack - then we don't deserve to prevail.


But you never come up with an alternative to neutralizing ISIS or the Taliban. Sending in a bloody great ground coalition force into northern Iraq along with hundreds of tanks and artillery would effectively over a period kick ISIS out of that area and probably permanently eliminate that group but the number of civilians killed and wounded in the process would be astronomical not to mention the wide destruction... far more than exists now.

Edited by Harleyman
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