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US drone have murdered 1000's

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I am British, and totally agree with you, I've always argued they shout for help from the west.. US and UK in particular. Our boys do the dirty work for them then they want us out with a vengeance.



Our boys do the dirty work? lol You need to put down your copy of the Sun or similar tabloid and read some proper news. Al Qaeda and IS and the rest are zero threat to us. Its us in the west who are the threat. We need to stop America and us bombing the **** out of innocent civilians and leave them to get on with life. We are blaming other people, usually muslims for problems we are causing and then the Sun shouts out about 'Our boys, our girls, our this and our that' and how brave they are Gor Blimey Guvvner when they arent brave at all. How brave do you need to be to sit behind a drones controls and play a video game?

Edited by Timeh
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Our boys do the dirty work? lol You need to put down your copy of the Sun and read some proper news. Al Qaeda and IS and the rest are zero threat to us. Its us in the west who are the threat. We need to stop America and us bombing the **** out of innocent civilians and leave them to get on with life. We are blaming other people, usually muslims for problems we are causing and then the Sun shouts out about 'Our boys, our girls, our this and our that' and how brave they are Gor Blimey Guvvner when they arent brave at all. How brave do you need to be to sit behind a drones controls and play a video game?


I don't actually read the sun, but that's an unnecessary, pretty arrogant snobbish comment. I realise this thread is centred on the use of drones. and IS, but whatever the reasons for our presence in the middle east as a whole, the men and woman that are the boots on the ground are not politically motivated, they are the brave ones and have given their lives in the hundreds. (yes I know that more civvies have been killed).

Its easy to sit at home in safety and comfort and criticise what we see and hear and give sarcastic hindsight judgement.


Yes there are political motives, I get that, and I dont always agree with what our governments do in our name. But dont take it out on the men and woman that are trying to protect and serve our countries and I might add the occupants of the countries they serve in.

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I don't actually read the sun, but that's an unnecessary, pretty arrogant snobbish comment. I realise this thread is centred on the use of drones. and IS, but whatever the reasons for our presence in the middle east as a whole, the men and woman that are the boots on the ground are not politically motivated, they are the brave ones and have given their lives in the hundreds. (yes I know that more civvies have been killed).

Its easy to sit at home in safety and comfort and criticise what we see and hear and give sarcastic hindsight judgement.


Yes there are political motives, I get that, and I dont always agree with what our governments do in our name. But dont take it out on the men and woman that are trying to protect and serve our countries and I might add the occupants of the countries they serve in.


Our troops, the ones who keep us safe by invading non threatening countries are no heros in my view. Sure what they do is dangerous but then they choose to do it so saying they have no choice or saying its not politically motivated changes nothing im afraid. They still go to a foreign land and by either design or accident they kill 10's sometimes 10's of 1000's of civilians who just want to get on with their own lives. Brave would have been to say no, im not going to fight an illegal war so a few people can get even richer at the expense of so many peoples lives and even more peoples freedoms.

My judgments is neither sarcastic nor with hindsight. Ive been saying this from day 1. Unlike lots of people i dont rely on the tabloids or the mainstream media for my info. I get it from reliable places that anyone can find should they really be interested to find out whats actually going on in the world instead of what your being told is going on.

Edited by Timeh
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That is so effed up im sure you must be trolling or just trying to be funny.

If you think the US and us are fighting a war on terror then your so wrong its almost embarrassing. Let me let you into little secret not many in the west know (because they dont want to)

WE are the terrorists!

We are the baby killers!

We started this!

We want their oil!

WE will help America in its goal and so WE are just as culpable.


You forgot to mention that Obama and Cameron are reptilian shape shifters :hihi:

Less time trawling the depths of the Internet for conspiracy theories please! There are some serious nutters out there hell bent on killing everybody and anybody that won't join them. They need neutralising howsoever that can be achieved. Collateral damage is sad but inevitable in the real world we live in and always will live in -the one where everybody can't just get along.

Edit-we shouldn't have interfered in Iraq etc and no doubt that was down to oil but Isis and Al Shawaddywaddy represent a HUGE and growing threat to world stability.


---------- Post added 12-04-2015 at 11:12 ----------


Ok I accept that, please help me then, point me in the direction of where you obtain the truth about these matters.


Sleeping With The Devil by Robert Baer (ex CIA) is a good read. As is his other book See No Evil

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I am British, and totally agree with you, I've always argued they shout for help from the west.. US and UK in particular. Our boys do the dirty work for them then they want us out with a vengeance.


There's hope on the horizon though. The middle easterners are now getting the idea that they need a united coalition force of their own. Pakistan however has declared neutrality in the operations against the Yemeni Houthis and the reason probably is that the country is shot through with the Taliban and any action by the government against Islamic extremists would only cause public unrest and political instability.


Meanwhile we continue to send 2 billion of taxpayers money to Pakistan every year, the country that hid Bin Laden for so many years.


---------- Post added 12-04-2015 at 18:05 ----------


Ok I accept that, please help me then, point me in the direction of where you obtain the truth about these matters.


Don't hold your breath on getting a straight forward answer :hihi: It all comes directly from his noggin :hihi: In his own words "a reliable place" :hihi:

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Our troops, the ones who keep us safe by invading non threatening countries are no heros in my view. Sure what they do is dangerous but then they choose to do it so saying they have no choice or saying its not politically motivated changes nothing im afraid. They still go to a foreign land and by either design or accident they kill 10's sometimes 10's of 1000's of civilians who just want to get on with their own lives. Brave would have been to say no, im not going to fight an illegal war so a few people can get even richer at the expense of so many peoples lives and even more peoples freedoms.

My judgments is neither sarcastic nor with hindsight. Ive been saying this from day 1. Unlike lots of people i dont rely on the tabloids or the mainstream media for my info. I get it from reliable places that anyone can find should they really be interested to find out whats actually going on in the world instead of what your being told is going on.


There's a good reason why what you believe is not in the MSM.........it's garbage written by,and on behalf of,the TinFoilHat brigade.

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There's a good reason why what you believe is not in the MSM.........it's garbage written by,and on behalf of,the TinFoilHat brigade.


Youre entitled to your view. Your lazy as hell but youre entitled to youre view. If you arent lazy though then research the matter for yourself :)

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