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US drone have murdered 1000's

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Killing the terrorists will have saved lives, the question is did killing them kill more innocent people than would have been killed by the terrorist.


A group of terrorists are in a building with 10 innocent people, the terrorists are planning to blow an airliner out of the sky, your best chance to stop them is to destroy the building they are in, but that means killing ten innocent people.


Would you destroy the building to save the 300 people on the airliner?


Yes I would, its mathematics.


---------- Post added 03-04-2015 at 11:13 ----------


The governments of the civilized world should use all in its power to destroy our enemies wherever they are. We should use "boots on the ground" sparingly.


If drones can be used or other forms of airpower we should be ruthless in its use.


Failure to do so will lead to our children and grandchildren having to defend themselves on our home ground due to our weakness and indecision at this time.

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Yes I would, its mathematics.


---------- Post added 03-04-2015 at 11:13 ----------


The governments of the civilized world should use all in its power to destroy our enemies wherever they are. We should use "boots on the ground" sparingly.


If drones can be used or other forms of airpower we should be ruthless in its use.


Failure to do so will lead to our children and grandchildren having to defend themselves on our home ground due to our weakness and indecision at this time.


That is so effed up im sure you must be trolling or just trying to be funny.

If you think the US and us are fighting a war on terror then your so wrong its almost embarrassing. Let me let you into little secret not many in the west know (because they dont want to)

WE are the terrorists!

We are the baby killers!

We started this!

We want their oil!

WE will help America in its goal and so WE are just as culpable.

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19 al-Qaeda terrorists killed 2,996 people in one attack as well as causing major financial consequences.


Drones killed 41 al-Qaeda terrorists along with 1,147 other people.


So it very likley that drone attacks saved more lives than they took.

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That is so effed up im sure you must be trolling or just trying to be funny.

If you think the US and us are fighting a war on terror then your so wrong its almost embarrassing. Let me let you into little secret not many in the west know (because they dont want to)

WE are the terrorists!

We are the baby killers!

We started this!

We want their oil!

WE will help America in its goal and so WE are just as culpable.


And I suppose ISIS, Al Qaeda and Al Shabab are benevolent welfare organizations devoted entirely to doing nothing but good deeds.


As for oil try something new. The US is not only producing enough for it's own needs it's also exporting the stuff. US stocks of oil as a result are the highest in 80 years.


Oil is becoming more and more a cheap commodity, readily available from many sources other than the middle east and there is more than enough for anybody who needs it

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You asked what people thought, I just gave my opinion.


How many people would have been killed by the people that were killed by the drones, if they hadn't been killed by the drones?


There were about 150 children shot in a Kenyan school this week and several hundred girls abducted as sex slaves a few months back. The odd civilian being beheaded. The trouble is it happens so often it barely makes the news.


The terrorists don't like the air strikes or the drones so they often fake carnage by blowing up buildings themselves and littering it with the bodies of those they executed themselves.


---------- Post added 03-04-2015 at 17:31 ----------


19 al-Qaeda terrorists killed 2,996 people in one attack as well as causing major financial consequences.


Drones killed 41 al-Qaeda terrorists along with 1,147 other people.


So it very likley that drone attacks saved more lives than they took.


Many of those attributed to being killed by drones will actually have been killed by the terrorists and sites faked to try to blame it on the drones.

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And I suppose ISIS, Al Qaeda and Al Shabab are benevolent welfare organizations devoted entirely to doing nothing but good deeds.


As for oil try something new. The US is not only producing enough for it's own needs it's also exporting the stuff. US stocks of oil as a result are the highest in 80 years.


Oil is becoming more and more a cheap commodity, readily available from many sources other than the middle east and there is more than enough for anybody who needs it


My bold=

The stocks are high as its all the oil you plundered whilst in Iraq meaning you didn't use much of your own stock leaving it to build up.

Bin Laden aka Tim Osman CIA agent was part of the whole charade and the U.S. allowed the 911 attacks to go ahead as it would give it justification to go on the rampage.

Saddam was right when he said attacking Iraq would be like a quagmire, you reap what you sow as the saying goes...

Edited by mafya
Worded post better
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The terrorists don't like the air strikes or the drones so they often fake carnage by blowing up buildings themselves and littering it with the bodies of those they executed themselves.


Many of those attributed to being killed by drones will actually have been killed by the terrorists and sites faked to try to blame it on the drones.


Really? Wow, that's the same mindset as those who believe 9/11 was an inside job too!

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My bold=

The stocks are high as its all the oil you plundered whilst in Iraq.

Bin Laden aka Tim Osman CIA agent was part of the whole charade and the U.S. allowed the 911 attacks to go ahead as it would give it justification to go on the rampage.

Saddam was right when he said attacking Iraq would be like a quagmire, you reap what you sow as the saying goes...


Just completely and hopelessly wrong. The US has since Iraq started to extract oil by fracking and also opened up previously untapped resources in various parts of the country. It also imports some oil from Canada and Venezuela.


You seem to have resorted to making ridiculous allegations and accusations to put across a point.


This whole thing about "stealing Iraqi oil" is just tired, old worn out, out of date clap trap.

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Just completely and hopelessly wrong. The US has since Iraq started to extract oil by fracking and also opened up previously untapped resources in various parts of the country. It also imports some oil from Canada and Venezuela.


You seem to have resorted to making ridiculous allegations and accusations to put across a point.


This whole thing about "stealing Iraqi oil" is just tired, old worn out, out of date clap trap.


They did steal Iraqi oil. Tell me, are you one of those people who still thinks Iraq was invaded because they had WMD or anything to do with 9/11?

Or are you one of the people who realise that Iraq was only invaded because it started selling its oil in Euros?

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