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US drone have murdered 1000's

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It's strange, Alan Ladd, how none of this is ever mentioned by the haters. Maybe they never heard of it. I was a teenager when WW2 ended. Instead of hounding Germany into the ground, General George Marshall promoted the Marshall Plan to rebuild West Germany, at the same time as General McArthur took over the rebuilding of Japan. By their work the US created two good allies out of mortal enemies.



Buck, the difference seems to be we are scarred to actually take them on, in WW2 we did not stop until we had licked em. Flattened their cities, used the atom bomb. I appreciate that thousands died as a result of what we did, but we did not start the war.It was the price of victory, and from, as you rightly say, has emerged nations who are now our closest allies.


Nor have we started this one, the idea that we can find rapprochement with these lunatics is insane.

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There's enough BS on the internet to fill a cow pasture and the radical Islamists groups have spread it thick and wide.

The haters who loathe the US and the west are naturally drawn to it and it's only a matter of time before they come to believe the BS and convince their own gullible and simple minds that the western press is lying about everything on the middle east situation

It's quite amazing that even the few more educated and intelligent among them are convinced to head for Syria via Turkey and sacrifice their lives for a bunch of maniacs who want to turn the whole middle east into something resembling a 12th century Caliphate



Never underestimate the power of BS


Well said.


In other words you look on the net until you find something that supports your opinion, and because it supports your opinion it must be fact.


It seems that if you want to say something on here someone will challenge you to back it up... now you want to belittle that they have backed it up. Folks just can;t win with you can they


Who are these "same people" ??


You have internet access.. I'm not going to name then on the internet or in print for you. Do you think I am as naive as a labour voter?



Buck, the difference seems to be we are scarred to actually take them on, in WW2 we did not stop until we had licked em. Flattened their cities, used the atom bomb. I appreciate that thousands died as a result of what we did, but we did not start the war.It was the price of victory, and from, as you rightly say, has emerged nations who are now our closest allies.


Nor have we started this one, the idea that we can find rapprochement with these lunatics is insane.


Well said.


Edited by Tommo68
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  • 2 weeks later...
Well said.




It seems that if tou want to say something on here someone will challenge you to back it up... now you want to belittle that they have backed it up. Folks just can;t win with you can they




You have internet access.. I'm not going to name then on the internet or in print for you. Do you think I am as naive as a labour voter?





Well said.



Why not name them?! You can't claim to be in the know then refuse to disclose what you know. You're trying to sound like you have seen the light when I strongly suspect you have just had your mind twisted by too many conspiracy theories! Is it the reptiles that really control us?

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Why not name them?! You can't claim to be in the know then refuse to disclose what you know.


If I actually did do that then I did so for a reason. I would suggest to you that you are giving the impression that you are too lazy to look sruff up for yourself.


You're trying to sound like you have seen the light


Don't we all just love the narrow minded?


Not being blind of course I have seen the light if you are inferring that I have had some sort of religious epiphany then not since I sussed out as a child that religion is bull**** used by states to control the masses.


when I strongly suspect you have just had your mind twisted by too many conspiracy theories!


I like to watch or read about many things that amuse me in various ways, some SF posts and so called conspiracy theories are amongst them, like several imaginary gods I have read about I don't believe in them just because I read about them. Some are just entertaining some are food for thought some are worthy of further research... its called having an open mind.


Were you not encouraged to think for yourself by your parents or at school? mmm silly question I'm thinking


Is it the reptiles that really control us?


If your pet iguana has been telling you to do naughty things again then perhaps it is your mind that is a little twisted.


I am not the right person to help you with that although you have convinced me that you might need it. Good luck.

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