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US drone have murdered 1000's

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It's just a great shame that ISIS groups are spread apart so much otherwise we could collectively finish them off with a nuclear bomb.


Now it's going to take a considerably long time, a lot of money, manpower and expensive weaponry to finally neutralize them for good.


In the meantime expect to see hundreds more Christians being executed by those scumbags


---------- Post added 03-04-2015 at 18:26 ----------


They did steal Iraqi oil. Tell me, are you one of those people who still thinks Iraq was invaded because they had WMD or anything to do with 9/11?

Or are you one of the people who realise that Iraq was only invaded because it started selling its oil in Euros?


Oh knackers ! Give it a rest! If Saddam had fully co-operated with the UN and allowed unfettered access to the search teams instead of acting all arrogant and denying them access, making out he really had something to hide (which he didn't) then he would still be alive. The man was a fool who by his own behavior brought it all upon himself

Edited by Harleyman
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Just completely and hopelessly wrong. The US has since Iraq started to extract oil by fracking and also opened up previously untapped resources in various parts of the country. It also imports some oil from Canada and Venezuela.


You seem to have resorted to making ridiculous allegations and accusations to put across a point.


This whole thing about "stealing Iraqi oil" is just tired, old worn out, out of date clap trap.


Whose oil was used to run your tanks and vehicles whilst over there?

I have read somewhere that oil has been plundered by the U.S. so I'm not making it up= http://www.wethepeoplenow.org/reasons_for_iraq_invasion.htm

Also why has the U.S. stolen Iraqs oil money= http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2005775/Iraq-demands-return-17bn-missing-oil-money-stolen-US-2003-invasion.html. :)

It's the U.S. that has made the world a more dangerous place and the U.S. is a lying theif too.....

Edited by mafya
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They did steal Iraqi oil. Tell me, are you one of those people who still thinks Iraq was invaded because they had WMD or anything to do with 9/11?

Or are you one of the people who realise that Iraq was only invaded because it started selling its oil in Euros?


I thought that after the original Gulf War there was a trade embargo place upon Iraq by the UN restricting their sale of oil?

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My bold=

The stocks are high as its all the oil you plundered whilst in Iraq.

Bin Laden aka Tim Osman CIA agent was part of the whole charade and the U.S. allowed the 911 attacks to go ahead as it would give it justification to go on the rampage.

Saddam was right when he said attacking Iraq would be like a quagmire, you reap what you sow as the saying goes...


this is a graph of US oil imports since 1993



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Whose oil was used to run your tanks and vehicles whilst over there?

I have read somewhere that oil has been plundered by the U.S. so I'm not making it up.

Also why has the U.S. stolen Iraqs oil money= http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2005775/Iraq-demands-return-17bn-missing-oil-money-stolen-US-2003-invasion.html. :)

It's the U.S. that has made the world a more dangerous place.....


The Iraqis had every chance to create a democracy after Saddam was gone. The money was there, courtesy of the US to rebuild the infrastructure, build new schools, hospitals etc and all it required was that Iraqis get down to it and form a democratic system of government based on democratic principles,


But what happened instead? Old sectarian rivalries surfaced, Shi'ites taking revenge on Sunnis, Sunnis killing Shi'ites, bombings which killed hundreds of women and kids... the lot.


Then along came a government headed by a corrupt and incompetent Prime Minister which excluded Sunnis from power in that new government, encouraged outside interference from Iran, made a complete mess of the military forces to the point that it was degraded and which resulted in it being soundly beaten by ISIS forces and much of northern Iraq falling to that group


No good trying to deny the truth.

Edited by Harleyman
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My bold=

The stocks are high as its all the oil you plundered whilst in Iraq.

Bin Laden aka Tim Osman CIA agent was part of the whole charade and the U.S. allowed the 911 attacks to go ahead as it would give it justification to go on the rampage.

Saddam was right when he said attacking Iraq would be like a quagmire, you reap what you sow as the saying goes...


So come on then Aladdin tell us how they extracted this oil with a clapped out oil infrastructure and shifted it from the Gulf to the USA without anyone noticing the takers?


Do you imagine they drilled a pipeline through the earth's core and pumped the oil out in Texas pretending it came from Bush Oil? Or perhaps the marines filled their water bottles full of the stuff and smuggled it back to the States when the troops withdrew.

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So come on then Aladdin tell us how they extracted this oil with a clapped out oil infrastructure and shifted it from the Gulf to the USA without anyone noticing the takers?


Do you imagine they drilled a pipeline through the earth's core and pumped the oil out in Texas pretending it came from Bush Oil? Or perhaps the marines filled their water bottles full of the stuff and smuggled it back to the States when the troops withdrew.


I have worded my previous post better, the theft of oil wasn't just in its physical form, also how does the oil America imports or as Harleyman says used to import get to America then smart arse!

Using iraqi oil during the invasion meant the U.S. wasn't using its own reserves and that is why they remained high.

Read the link about the missing £17 billion pound of Iraqi oil money too and do you think all the american tanks, warships and vehicles went back to the USA on Empty?

Edited by mafya
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The Iraqis had every chance to create a democracy after Saddam was gone. The money was there, courtesy of the US to rebuild the infrastructure, build new schools, hospitals etc and all it required was that Iraqis get down to it and form a democratic system of government based on democratic principles,


But what happened instead? Old sectarian rivalries surfaced, Shi'ites taking revenge on Sunnis, Sunnis killing Shi'ites, bombings which killed hundreds of women and kids... the lot.


Then along came a government headed by a corrupt and incompetent Prime Minister which excluded Sunnis from power in that new government, encouraged outside interference from Iran, made a complete mess of the military forces to the point that it was degraded and which resulted in it being soundly beaten by ISIS forces and much of northern Iraq falling to that group


No good trying to deny the truth.


Basically, Saddam was a hard man. He had to be. He understood the different warring factions would have a pop at each other if he didn't keep the peace by scaring both sides equally.


Once again the Americans and British blundered in trying to impose their own style of democracy, and assuming everyine would play fair. They didn't, and we have the mess we have now. And we get the blame for everything.


Much better if they had kept out in the first place, instead of meddling

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Whose oil was used to run your tanks and vehicles whilst over there?

I have read somewhere that oil has been plundered by the U.S. so I'm not making it up= http://www.wethepeoplenow.org/reasons_for_iraq_invasion.htm

Also why has the U.S. stolen Iraqs oil money= http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2005775/Iraq-demands-return-17bn-missing-oil-money-stolen-US-2003-invasion.html. :)

It's the U.S. that has made the world a more dangerous place and the U.S. is a lying theif too.....

This is so blatantly stupid as to make it not worth the answering. You read somewhere that the oil was stolen by the US, so you're not making it up!!! Beano maybe, Dandy? Go and sober up.:hihi:
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I have worded my previous post better, the theft of oil wasn't just in its physical form, also how does the oil America imports or as Harleyman says used to import get to America then smart arse!

Using iraqi oil during the invasion meant the U.S. wasn't using its own reserves and that is why they remained high.

Read the link about the missing £17 billion pound of Iraqi oil money too and do you think all the american tanks, warships and vehicles went back to the USA on Empty?


That's pretty easy thicko. They import oil either by pipeline from neighbouring countries or by tanker via the oceans. The thing about tankers is they all show up on Vesseltracker. So if the USA was getting tanker loads of oil from Iraq we would all know about it.

I think you will find that most of the oil used by the US forces during the invasion of Iraq was brought with them. The planes were refuelled on the carriers where they were based. They didn't have to land in Iraq and buy fuel from the gas station. I think you will also find that the fuel usage of the US forces in Iraq would amount to around 0.01% of the fuel usage of a nation of 300,000,000 who drive around all day in gas guzzler cars and fly between major cities as a matter of course. If you bothered to check your facts you would find that the USA has cut back massively on oil imports even from Canada as it is getting most of its requirements from the shale reserves.


By the way the USA has 2 huge naval bases in Saudi. The King Abdulaziz Naval Base & The King Faisal Naval Base. The US navy ships were refuelled there throughout the conflict as it wasn't possible for most of them to use Iraqs only port which was both damaged and in range of Iranian missiles. Other than that you did a pretty acurate report.

Edited by Bigthumb
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