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US drone have murdered 1000's

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What are your thoughts? With any luck this message will get through to enough people and the drone attacks will stop. Its unlikely though and i know its just wishful thinking but how bad must it be for American veterans to speak out?

Its murder plain and simple and it has to stop!



Isn't the use of drones better than piloted aircraft?


They are cheaper to make and run and do not put the operators at risk.


This seems to be a far better way of the US maintaining it government spending at lower risk to itself and its electorate. It also serves to maintain their high profile in world affairs, gives them an opportunity to flex their military muscle and test new technology whilst it continues what appears to be it's apparently world sanctioned ethnic cleansing of the middle east.



Edited by Tommo68
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Isn't the use of drones better than piloted aircraft?


They are cheaper to make and run and do not put the operators at risk.


This seems to be a far better way of the US maintaining it government spending at lower risk to itself and its electorate. It also serves to maintain their high profile in world affairs, gives them an opportunity to flex their military muscle and test new technology whilst it continues what appears to be it's apparently world sanctioned ethnic cleansing of the middle east.




Should the middle east be left to ISIS then? How long before the west is inundated with millions of ethnic middle easterners fleeing the Caliphates?

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Should the middle east be left to ISIS then? How long before the west is inundated with millions of ethnic middle easterners fleeing the Caliphates?


At the moment the flow appears to be inwards traffic. Don't take the opinions of this forum as a reflection of public opinion. I think the majority of folk are happy to see the back of the Islamic nut jobs. We are also very happy for the USA and anyone else who cares to have a crack to zap them whilst they are there. We don't care if it is by drones or manned aircradft as long as the job gets done. We don't want them back.

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At the moment the flow appears to be inwards traffic. Don't take the opinions of this forum as a reflection of public opinion. I think the majority of folk are happy to see the back of the Islamic nut jobs. We are also very happy for the USA and anyone else who cares to have a crack to zap them whilst they are there. We don't care if it is by drones or manned aircradft as long as the job gets done. We don't want them back.


Voluntarily enlisting in a foreign army, militia or any other group which operates militarily should be grounds for automatic revocation of citizenship even if that person was born in the UK or the US and there should be no recourse to restore citizenship or apply for residency status in their former country of citizenship. That would be one way to stop the brainwashed idiots from coming back.

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With such a lack of confidence of the US to use weapons in the name of world security there should be a transparency to invite a team of international strategists and witnesses to such operations.

I would like to see that US aircraft, vehicles and personnel are never allowed to bring weapons to bear in the UK with all security taken care of by UK services. Americans have lost the plot.

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With such a lack of confidence of the US to use weapons in the name of world security there should be a transparency to invite a team of international strategists and witnesses to such operations.

I would like to see that US aircraft, vehicles and personnel are never allowed to bring weapons to bear in the UK with all security taken care of by UK services. Americans have lost the plot.


Would you volunteer to nip over to Syria as an embeded witness to report on what goes on in Islamic State?

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I don't have a masters degree in peace keeping conflictology or know the doctrine of US strategy but I do know some of the basic principles of peace keeping which are common sense to most but increasingly alien concepts to those on the ground as they get sucked into channels of irrationality regarding their role and that of others http://pbpu.unlb.org/pbps/library/capstone_doctrine_eng.pdf

You would need alot of experience to interpret what you've seen and not get hoodwinked

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With such a lack of confidence of the US to use weapons in the name of world security there should be a transparency to invite a team of international strategists and witnesses to such operations.

I would like to see that US aircraft, vehicles and personnel are never allowed to bring weapons to bear in the UK with all security taken care of by UK services. Americans have lost the plot.



I think the US should significantly downsize it's huge military which because of it's cost is sapping the strength of it's economy.


NATO should also be disbanded, all US forces withdrawn from Europe and let the EU fund it's own combined military forces. You can then deal with Putin and Russia on your own. The US has no cause to get into a war with Russia anyway. Who cares about a bit of the Ukraine going back to Russia. That does not impact the US in any way. If Putin starts to grab other little bits of territory then deal with it


It's a ridiculous state of affairs when China launched their new 50 billion dollar bank which could eventually threaten US dominance in world finance and at the same time continue to focus on building a strong economy while the US continues to weaken it's own economy by spending vast resources on maintaining the world's largest military to, in part protecting it's allies, including those allies who are joining China's bank. :loopy: :loopy:


After ISIS and Al Qaeda have been smashed then we should get the hell out of the middle east as well. We no longer rely on middle east oil anyway. Brazil, Mexico, Canada and the US can produce enough to keep this part of the world amply supplied and in addition supply many other parts of the world also

Edited by Harleyman
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I think the US should significantly downsize it's huge military which because of it's cost is sapping the strength of it's economy.


NATO should also be disbanded, all US forces withdrawn from Europe and let the EU fund it's own combined military forces. You can then deal with Putin and Russia on your own. The US has no cause to get into a war with Russia anyway. Who cares about a bit of the Ukraine going back to Russia. That does not impact the US in any way. If Putin starts to grab other little bits of territory then deal with it


It's a ridiculous state of affairs when China launched their new 50 billion dollar bank which could eventually threaten US dominance in world finance and at the same time continue to focus on building a strong economy while the US continues to weaken it's own economy by spending vast resources on maintaining the world's largest military to, in part protecting it's allies, including those allies who are joining China's bank. :loopy: :loopy:


After ISIS and Al Qaeda have been smashed then we should get the hell out of the middle east as well



Any US Presidential candidate who would favour the above foreign policy will get my vote in 2016


In an ideal world the UN would deal with this sort of problem. Threats to international security should be dealt with on an international basis.


A combined military force containing a percentage of contribution commensurate with each members size and wealth should be assigned the task of sorting it out with an agreed definition of what would constitute success.


Problem being that the UN is a toothless tiger and the blame for that lies with the five permanent members veto.


Any one of China, France, Russia, UK or USA can veto any resolution.


As just about any international situation which you can name will interfere with the 'interests' of one or more of that group bugger all tends to get done.


The veto should be removed, it should be agreed that if a majority of 65% of those countries voting ( sod them that abstain, no balls no glory ) agree upon a course of action then that is what should happen.


If IS new the world was coming to kick their arse it might give pause for thought, if not so be it.

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At the moment the flow appears to be inwards traffic. Don't take the opinions of this forum as a reflection of public opinion. I think the majority of folk are happy to see the back of the Islamic nut jobs. We are also very happy for the USA and anyone else who cares to have a crack to zap them whilst they are there. We don't care if it is by drones or manned aircradft as long as the job gets done. We don't want them back.

Agreed, if the traitorous, willfully backwards, homophobic, mysoginstic losers end up getting a hellfire or paveway up the jacksie then thanks for that Uncle Sam.

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