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US drone have murdered 1000's

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To hell with the rest of the world, we owe it no favors. UK had only the channel to cut itself off from European idiocy, we have the whole Atlantic ocean.


The USA does not involve itself in other countries affairs as a favour to anyone but itself.


Just the same as every other country throughout history which had an Empire it's presence anywhere in the word is directly connected to it's own self interest.


That is precisely what the British Empire did for hundreds of years, all the hogwash about 'bringing civilization to backward countries' and ' spreading the gospel' were nonsense propaganda for the gullible.


" Let's invade anywhere we can find that doesn't have an armed force able to defend themselves and steal all their stuff. " Doesn't really have a particularly nice ring to it does it?


No different to the French, Spanish, German, Russian etc it's the US turn.


America will continue to involve itself whilst ever it believes there is an advantage of some kind to be gained.

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To hell with the rest of the world, we owe it no favors. UK had only the channel to cut itself off from European idiocy, we have the whole Atlantic ocean.


You owe the world a massive debt, one you could never hope to reply. You owe the debt in payment for all the countries your raped, people you have murdered, governments you have removed, dictators youve installed and oil you have stolen. I dont for one second think youll acknowledge what your country is responsible for but then thats part of the problem with America.

When Germany bombs, England ducks

When England bombs, Germany ducks

When America bombs, everybody ducks.

You dont care and never have, life is a commodity for your country to use and abuse. I await your imbecilic gung ho arrogant as hell response.

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You owe the world a massive debt, one you could never hope to reply. You owe the debt in payment for all the countries your raped, people you have murdered, governments you have removed, dictators youve installed and oil you have stolen. I dont for one second think youll acknowledge what your country is responsible for but then thats part of the problem with America.

When Germany bombs, England ducks

When England bombs, Germany ducks

When America bombs, everybody ducks.

You dont care and never have, life is a commodity for your country to use and abuse. I await your imbecilic gung ho arrogant as hell response.


WOW you really hate America don't you and I have never had the need to duck to avoid American bombs. :roll:

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WOW you really hate America don't you and I have never had the need to duck to avoid American bombs. :roll:


Do you mean the country itself or the people? Before you answer ill enlighten you. I love the American people on the whole. My sons private tutor is American and hes fab. There is a minority of gung ho shoot first American who are still stuck in the wild west and probably think they are Billy the Kid or a close relative. What i do hate about America is its government or rather the last few of their governments.

So there you have it. I hop[e this answers all your questions.

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Do you mean the country itself or the people? Before you answer ill enlighten you. I love the American people on the whole. My sons private tutor is American and hes fab. There is a minority of gung ho shoot first American who are still stuck in the wild west and probably think they are Billy the Kid or a close relative. What i do hate about America is its government or rather the last few of their governments.

So there you have it. I hop[e this answers all your questions.


You remind me of the bigot who always answers the question as to why he so obviously hates Jews with "Me hate Jews? Why, some of my best friends are Jews"


Don't try to BS a BS er. You are what you are and it's patently obvious


---------- Post added 06-04-2015 at 17:20 ----------


The USA does not involve itself in other countries affairs as a favour to anyone but itself.


Just the same as every other country throughout history which had an Empire it's presence anywhere in the word is directly connected to it's own self interest.


That is precisely what the British Empire did for hundreds of years, all the hogwash about 'bringing civilization to backward countries' and ' spreading the gospel' were nonsense propaganda for the gullible.


" Let's invade anywhere we can find that doesn't have an armed force able to defend themselves and steal all their stuff. " Doesn't really have a particularly nice ring to it does it?


No different to the French, Spanish, German, Russian etc it's the US turn.


America will continue to involve itself whilst ever it believes there is an advantage of some kind to be gained.


Just exactly how does that highlighted statement fit in with the US spending billions of it's wealth in combating the likes of ISIS and Al Qaeda?


Isnt getting rid of ISIS and Al Qaeda to Europe's and the whole middle east's benefit also?

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Do you mean the country itself or the people? Before you answer ill enlighten you. I love the American people on the whole. My sons private tutor is American and hes fab. There is a minority of gung ho shoot first American who are still stuck in the wild west and probably think they are Billy the Kid or a close relative. What i do hate about America is its government or rather the last few of their governments.

So there you have it. I hop[e this answers all your questions.


Its government is elected by the people so they are responsible for the governments actions.

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To hell with the rest of the world, we owe it no favors. UK had only the channel to cut itself off from European idiocy, we have the whole Atlantic ocean.


I would certainly favor a US Presidential candidate whose foreign policy was to extend the hand of goodwill and friendship to any country which sought it but at the same time adopt an isolationist policy when it comes to military matters.


I think Obama tried somewhat to put this policy in place but got bogged down with obligations to NATO because it seems NATO without the US does not have the wherewithal to deal with it alone.


When I see people here struggling to make ends meet, schools having to close for a day here and there due to budget cuts, bridges, highways that are not upgraded because the money is not there, college students faced with ever rising tuition costs and a zillion other things that money needs to be spent on I think it's time rethink how much we are spending on worrying about what goes on in other countries.


All we need is an ultra super state of the art defence system that would only be used if the US is directly threatened or attacked. We already have a pretty decent homeland security system in place.


The US shouldn't feel it has to potentially go to war with China. The Chinese and American people were never natural enemies anyway and China was a good ally throughout WW2. The US and China today benefit each other in so many ways. It doesn't matter if Putin and Russia start to throw their weight around. It's not in our backyard and the EU sanctions will eventually bring Russia to heel anyway.


As for the middle east, their oil was never a big import item into the US anyway. If the US ceased to import what oil it does from the middle east tomorrow it wouldn't make the slightest difference to the supply or availability of oil here


---------- Post added 06-04-2015 at 18:14 ----------


Its government is elected by the people so they are responsible for the governments actions.


Well in some instances you can vote for a particular candidate or party because you like it's foreign and domestic policies.


But sometimes the party you voted for does not win and you get a party in you don't like. So if President John Doe decides to start sending thousands of troops all over the globe and spending even more billions in the process then I for one "among the people" would feel no responsibility for that.


You grin and bear it and hope he gets kicked out in the next election. That's democracy

Edited by Harleyman
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---------- Post added 06-04-2015 at 17:20 ----------



Just exactly how does that highlighted statement fit in with the US spending billions of it's wealth in combating the likes of ISIS and Al Qaeda?


Isnt getting rid of ISIS and Al Qaeda to Europe's and the whole middle east's benefit also?


Well for a start off, if the US had left Saddam ( the man who was helped by them in the war with Iran ) in power and controlled him by other means we wouldn't have the murderous chaos currently existing would we?


Secondly ISIS are currently making about $2 to $3 million dollars a day out of oil production they control.




After a while that can add up to serious change.


As ISIS consists of fanatical murdering religious fundamentalist lunatics who hate the west and everything we stand for - and given the chance wouldn't hesitate to obtain a nuclear device(s) and set it off in one of our major cities - the US probably thinks it is well in it's interest to attempt to solve a problem that they were at least partially responsible for.




Saddam was a monster, but he kept the lid on all the conflicting hatreds in the area by being a monster.


Once his hold on power was destroyed all hell broke loose in a similar fashion to what happened in Yugoslavia when Tito died.


America is seen as the big Satan by these lunatics and if they are allowed to continue growing and becoming richer they will strike on US soil without a shadow of a doubt.


Always best to fight a war on someone else's territory, less costly and painful in the long run.

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You remind me of the bigot who always answers the question as to why he so obviously hates Jews with "Me hate Jews? Why, some of my best friends are Jews"


Don't try to BS a BS er. You are what you are and it's patently obvious


Im sure i do remind you of a bigot but then you remind me of a trigger happy goon with not much for brains and even less for common sense,

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Im sure i do remind you of a bigot but then you remind me of a trigger happy goon with not much for brains and even less for common sense,


No time to waste getting into a slagging contest with you. You've only just walked in the door on this forum. Just one of a particular kind who utters all kinds of hate and prejudice,


Good bye ! :hihi:


---------- Post added 06-04-2015 at 19:46 ----------


Well for a start off, if the US had left Saddam ( the man who was helped by them in the war with Iran ) in power and controlled him by other means we wouldn't have the murderous chaos currently existing would we?


Secondly ISIS are currently making about $2 to $3 million dollars a day out of oil production they control.




After a while that can add up to serious change.


As ISIS consists of fanatical murdering religious fundamentalist lunatics who hate the west and everything we stand for - and given the chance wouldn't hesitate to obtain a nuclear device(s) and set it off in one of our major cities - the US probably thinks it is well in it's interest to attempt to solve a problem that they were at least partially responsible for.




Saddam was a monster, but he kept the lid on all the conflicting hatreds in the area by being a monster.


Once his hold on power was destroyed all hell broke loose in a similar fashion to what happened in Yugoslavia when Tito died.


America is seen as the big Satan by these lunatics and if they are allowed to continue growing and becoming richer they will strike on US soil without a shadow of a doubt.


Always best to fight a war on someone else's territory, less costly and painful in the long run.


What makes you think that Saddam without US involvement would have survived indefinitely anyway?


I think he would have eventually gone the same way as Mubarak, Khadaffi and probably soon Assad.


No good basing your arguments on "Well we should have left him alone because he kept the lid on things" Even in the middle east strongmen don't always enjoy job security.

The inevitable demise of the so called absolute strong man has resulted in the middle east going the way it was always meant to go, a cauldron of squabbling tribes with long histories of rivalries and hatreds. Even under the Ottoman Empire that region was a nest of power struggles, conspiracies and rivalries, the only difference being then that the only weapons available were scimitars, knives and antique rifles while the ruling Turks were somewhat better armed but still in many ways unable to keep the lid on the lot.


As for "always better to fight a war on someone else's territory" that has no relevance here. That made more sense during WW2 when it was better to get to Hitler first before he finally got around to getting to the UK.


I hardly expect a mass invasion by ISIS but the threat for individual terrorist attacks exists here as much as it does in Europe. A small loss of privacy in communications if it means stopping the buggers is what matters most. I'm also sure that the security services are very much au fait about the whereabouts and movements of the home grown idiots who are currently with ISIS

Edited by Harleyman
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