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Shoplifting in coop

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How many times have we seen headlines outlining court cases where the defendant has stolen food to feed themselves or their kids? Very few.

How many of them actually steal easily portable, sellable, meats, cheeses, aerosols etc that can be easily and quickly sold off in the pub in order to feed their habit.

I don't know, but I bet it is more to feed a habit than their kids.


Of course you don't see it in the papers. It doesn't fit the government ideology and villify the poor enough.


Much better to feed the beast with tales of degenerate poor people who are only poor because they are lazy, won't work, take drugs, and are generally feckless. That sells newspapers.

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Of course you don't see it in the papers. It doesn't fit the government ideology and villify the poor enough.


Much better to feed the beast with tales of degenerate poor people who are only poor because they are lazy, won't work, take drugs, and are generally feckless. That sells newspapers.


No, but I see it on a daily basis!

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No, but I see it on a daily basis!


You do see it on a daily basis. The reason you dont people stealing for food because its not happening. Do you think if people were stealing for food there would be a media outcry. Of course they would a first world country not feeding its populace.


The reality is it is people stealing for a drug habbit. I see it with my own eyes I dont need papers to tell me.

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I'd love to know what evidence you have to support this. We are not feeding all our population properly which is why we need foodbanks. Some may not know how to go about them, or find themselves in a one off situation, and resort to stealing. It happens, but of course you know better...


Not everybody on hard times is on drugs.


Your prejudice is showing.

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I'd love to know what evidence you have to support this. We are not feeding all our population properly which is why we need foodbanks. Some may not know how to go about them, or find themselves in a one off situation, and resort to stealing. It happens, but of course you know better...


Not everybody on hard times is on drugs.


Your prejudice is showing.


Nope, my knowledge of who is stealing for what reason is showing.

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Talking of not judging on appearances I saw a guy on the Judge Rinder programme who was the most tattooed man in England and immediately thought what a pillock. I WAS WRONG. He was a lovely guy who his so called friend had sponged off

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