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Superbugs could kill 10mn per year

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If superbugs mutate and become anti-biotic resistant they could kill 10 million people per year.


In additional news scientists have predicted that if an asteroid the size of Sheffield were to hit Sheffield the results could be devastating.


A spokesman for the National Society for Stating the Blinking Obvious said that he was delighted these stories are beginning to receive national attention.

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In additional news scientists have predicted that if an asteroid the size of Sheffield were to hit Sheffield the results could be devastating.


Should perrhaps read:


In additional news scientists have predicted that if an asteroid the size of Sheffield were to hit Sheffield city centre nobody could tell the differrence.


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If superbugs mutate and become anti-biotic resistant they could kill 10 million people per year.


In additional news scientists have predicted that if an asteroid the size of Sheffield were to hit Sheffield the results could be devastating.


A spokesman for the National Society for Stating the Blinking Obvious said that he was delighted these stories are beginning to receive national attention.


Yes because it is stories generated by hypercondriacs who are responsible for the superbug. If they and others like them stopped taking antibiotics for every minor sniffle and cough and instead used thier own natural immune system then these bugs wouldnt be as easily resistant in the first place.


In a nutshell we are too clean. We need bacteria to become immune.

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In a nutshell we are too clean. We need bacteria to become immune.


It's true. I posted my comment because of the reporting style. You know the thing: Conjecture followed by conjecture followed by conclusion of imminent disaster.


I guess the news has to be sensational for us to pay attention. "Antibiotics becoming increasingly ineffective" just ain't gonna attract the readers or viewers.

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