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Food banks not being used properly

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Good for her looking after her 2 grandchildren. If they were placed in care it'd cost the tax payer a fortune....


---------- Post added 07-04-2015 at 16:00 ----------



I know, and the sad thing is all these people pouring hate on food bank users like Katie Hopkins and Rod Liddle would turn their noses up at the food stored by such banks. It's things like Tesco value range & Betta Buy stuff, not Fortnum & Masons :roll:


But she doesn't need the food bank. She is provided for already. She is greedy it would seem and using a resource for those who have no choice.


---------- Post added 07-04-2015 at 16:03 ----------


I know, and the sad thing is all these people pouring hate on food bank users like Katie Hopkins and Rod Liddle would turn their noses up at the food stored by such banks. It's things like Tesco value range & Betta Buy stuff, not Fortnum & Masons :roll:


Can you answer the question I raised though? Its a genuine request that does not deserve the ridicule.

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Is this another of those threads about someone getting something that someone else isn't getting? I always thought that stupid people said that it is the left who practise the politics of envy. Obviously not.


Well that's precisely it isn't it? The right wingers always want benefits for themselves but as soon as they don't need them they turn round and say nobody else can have them

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But she doesn't need the food bank. She is provided for already. She is greedy it would seem and using a resource for those who have no choice.


---------- Post added 07-04-2015 at 16:03 ----------


Can you answer the question I raised though? Its a genuine request that does not deserve the ridicule.


I'm sure there are cases, maybe do some research on Google? No your request for an answer doesn't deserve ridicule, but the lady to who the Sheffield Star article referred to doesn't deserve your ridicule by you calling her greedy either.

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But she doesn't need the food bank. She is provided for already. She is greedy it would seem and using a resource for those who have no choice.


---------- Post added 07-04-2015 at 16:03 ----------



Can you answer the question I raised though? Its a genuine request that does not deserve the ridicule.


Considering it's not exactly even a comfortable lifestyle for one person to support themselves on minimum wage, I wouldn't call someone who is splitting 3/4ths of a minimum wage between 3 people greedy for getting some food top ups. Even if they get reduced council tax heh. I've tried a few calculations and even living frugally they can't be saving much for that one holiday a year.

Edited by Nem88
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To be honest I'd rather a few people ripped the places off than they didn't exist and the people who were in genuine need starved.


I don't really begrudge it to heroin addicts either, they must live pretty grim bleak lives, a square meal or two can't be a bad thing.


I don't think being picked up in a fancy car is much of an indicator either, it could belong to a friend who's taken them there but is up to the hilt in HP payments and can't afford to buy them a bag of shopping.

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I'm sure there are cases, maybe do some research on Google? No your request for an answer doesn't deserve ridicule, but the lady to who the Sheffield Star article referred to doesn't deserve your ridicule by you calling her greedy either.


Mister M, you and others are claiming food banks are needed. All I want is for you to back up the claim with evidence. Its not for me to prove your argument.


---------- Post added 07-04-2015 at 19:21 ----------


Considering it's not exactly even a comfortable lifestyle for one person to support themselves on minimum wage, I wouldn't call someone who is splitting 3/4ths of a minimum wage between 3 people greedy for getting some food top ups. Even if they get reduced council tax heh. I've tried a few calculations and even living frugally they can't be saving much for that one holiday a year.


Oh I agree, its cant be easy, but she does receive a lot of money already. I note they missed off her housing benefit from the list of received benefits. She will be receiving this and so her income appears to be more than what is reported. An estimate would put it at approx. £15,460 pa. Thats not a great deal, but then again look at it this way, its a lot of money to be doing no work.


I do not begrudge people getting help, but if this woman can afford to save up the child benefit, she can afford not to be using the food bank. She has a choice which is different what we are being told about the rise in food banks.


So far all I have seen are drug addicts and this women as examples of those using the banks. Drug addicts will use them no matter what party is in power as they will stick their money in their arm, so they are no indication of anything, while this woman obviously has a choice.


Where are the staving families living hand to mouth we are being told exist? Where are the destitute who would stave to death if it where not for the banks? Is its real or is this something the media are feeding (no pun intended) us? Are these stories designed to provoke a reaction by the left wing papers, one that those who question it are considered heartless?


Show me the real people in need, and the charities that help them and I will accept it, plus I'll contribute to that charity, but please do not belittle someone for wanting to know the facts/truth before making a judgement.

Edited by Berberis
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Totally agree she is being greedy doesn't need the holiday its a nice to have, same could be said for the tv to be honest. She is just looking for as much stuff as possible and being part of the claim culture that sadly comes along with all the people trying to help ones who do really need it.

But she doesn't need the food bank. She is provided for already. She is greedy it would seem and using a resource for those who have no choice.


---------- Post added 07-04-2015 at 16:03 ----------



Can you answer the question I raised though? Its a genuine request that does not deserve the ridicule.

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Going off the thread subject a little I'm intrigued to know what gave you this impression?


Well, I think it's unlikely that you were actually surprised by someone abusing charity, you give two examples of people misusing them and then ask the self evidenced and somewhat rhetorical question of are the figures being inflated by misuse.

What other reason could there be to bring this subject up in this manner?

By highlighting their misuse then asking are the figures being inflated rather than asking; what damage this misuse causes, how this can be avoided, should we tighten access, how many people are too proud to use them?

It does create the impression that because usage figures are demonstrably being skewed by the non-needy that their importance and need is being overstated for nefarious reasons by those who do so.....


Or perhaps I've just been on theses forums for far too long and am jaded and cynical :suspect

But I doubt it.

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Well, I think it's unlikely that you were actually surprised by someone abusing charity, you give two examples of people misusing them and then ask the self evidenced and somewhat rhetorical question of are the figures being inflated by misuse.

What other reason could there be to bring this subject up in this manner?

By highlighting their misuse then asking are the figures being inflated rather than asking; what damage this misuse causes, how this can be avoided, should we tighten access, how many people are too proud to use them?

It does create the impression that because usage figures are demonstrably being skewed by the non-needy that their importance and need is being overstated for nefarious reasons by those who do so.....


Or perhaps I've just been on theses forums for far too long and am jaded and cynical :suspect

But I doubt it.


How about making all food bank use by referral only? Similar to the way the job centres used to manage crisis loans? That way someone on benefits who isn't in need, cant just turn up, give a sob story and walk out with food that would be better off helping a family in real crisis.

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Mister M, you and others are claiming food banks are needed. All I want is for you to back up the claim with evidence. Its not for me to prove your argument.


---------- Post added 07-04-2015 at 19:21 ----------



Oh I agree, its cant be easy, but she does receive a lot of money already. I note they missed off her housing benefit from the list of received benefits. She will be receiving this and so her income appears to be more than what is reported. An estimate would put it at approx. £15,460 pa. Thats not a great deal, but then again look at it this way, its a lot of money to be doing no work.


I do not begrudge people getting help, but if this woman can afford to save up the child benefit, she can afford not to be using the food bank. She has a choice which is different what we are being told about the rise in food banks.


So far all I have seen are drug addicts and this women as examples of those using the banks. Drug addicts will use them no matter what party is in power as they will stick their money in their arm, so they are no indication of anything, while this woman obviously has a choice.


Where are the staving families living hand to mouth we are being told exist? Where are the destitute who would stave to death if it where not for the banks? Is its real or is this something the media are feeding (no pun intended) us? Are these stories designed to provoke a reaction by the left wing papers, one that those who question it are considered heartless?


Show me the real people in need, and the charities that help them and I will accept it, plus I'll contribute to that charity, but please do not belittle someone for wanting to know the facts/truth before making a judgement.


Your request of information was specific to people whose use of foodbanks wasn't related to benefits or those who use drugs / alcohol....

Anyway one of the most well known foodbanks, the Trussel Trust has released some figures for 2013-14 about reasons for referral. I've attached it here:


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