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Running a red light.

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Is it worth reporting a bus for going through a red light this morning? There was no accident or anything but he still went through a red light. Should i bother?

If i should then who best to report it to, the bus company or the police?

Thanks :)

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I reported an 87 bus last July for dangerous driving including going through a red light into Abbeydale Road and getting honked at by a lot of cars. I gave all the details - time, bus number, location, etc - and to this day I'm still waiting for a response.

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I reported an 87 bus last July for dangerous driving including going through a red light into Abbeydale Road and getting honked at by a lot of cars. I gave all the details - time, bus number, location, etc - and to this day I'm still waiting for a response.


Who did you report it to ?

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I reported an 87 bus last July for dangerous driving including going through a red light into Abbeydale Road and getting honked at by a lot of cars. I gave all the details - time, bus number, location, etc - and to this day I'm still waiting for a response.


There may be employee-confidentiality or similar reasons why the bus company can't tell you exactly what they've done about it.

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I wouldn't bother reporting a bus going through a red light, if there was no accident.


When I'm a bus passenger (which is rare but not unknown) I actively want the bus driver to run red lights and skip bus stops.


Otherwise it'll take a million years to get to my destination*, even with all the bus gates and bus lanes sccattered about the city.


*slight exaggeration there

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I'm sure a bus driver told me that if the option is to brake suddenly & harshly/emergency stop to come to a stop & potentially hurt people on the bus, or drive throught an amber-turning-to-red light then they drive through - only doing an emergency stop if they would hit something.


How many use that as an excuse to amber gamble, i don't know.

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I'm sure a bus driver told me that if the option is to brake suddenly & harshly/emergency stop to come to a stop & potentially hurt people on the bus, or drive throught an amber-turning-to-red light then they drive through - only doing an emergency stop if they would hit something.


How many use that as an excuse to amber gamble, i don't know.


You reminded the driver, no doubt, that Amber = Stop.

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