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Problems with Prescription Drugs for Hypertension

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Fifteen years ago I was diagnosed with Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) during a routine health check at a local hospital. My readings were 247/143, which were very dangerously high. I was admitted and treated with the Ace Inhibitor Lisiniprol, and until recently I had no problems with it.

I awoke one morning to find that half my face was paralysed and thought I had suffered a stroke. It was a Saturday so I went to see the emergency G.P. She could not establish the cause of the paralysis, and asked me to return next day. Blood tests were undertaken next day (Sunday) but she still could not diagnose the problem.


On Monday, the paralysis affected my mouth, throat and both cheeks. I realised that before long it would be in my windpipe and then I would be asphyxiated. I managed to drive to my own G.P. and he immediately told me to sit down and telephoned for an ambulance. He then got together the tools he needed to do a trachyoctomy. The ambulance arrived and I was whisked away to hospital. Drip fed with Adrenaline and two hours later, I was stabilised.


Diagnosis - Angio Edeama caused by a latent reaction to Lisiniprol and aspirin.


When discharged I did not go to see my G.P. for an alternative to Lisiniprol, instead I remembered being advised years before that Essence of Hawthornberry was the best way of dealing with Hypertension. I got some from a well known health food and herbal shop, and Bingo !, ten days later, my B.P. was 120/80, which is that of a young healthy person. My G.P. didn't believe in alternative remedies but had to agree that this one was more appropriate than Ace Inhibitors. I later learned that N.I.C.E. the body which authorises drugs for prescriptions, had published a warning about Lisiniprol becoming dangerous even after many years.


My B.P. hovers around 125/80 and is still that of a young healthy man.


IMPORTANT POSTSCRIPT. The hospital never investigated the cause of my high blood pressure, but some months later, I went to Boots to buy a well known decongestion drug over the counter. I had been using it at full dose for Catarrh for two weeks before being admitted to hospital, and for a long time before then. For the first time ever, the assistant read out the health conditions which precluded the use of this drug. Hypertension was at the top of the list. It had not been on the list when I had taken it, and the assistant said that if taken regularly, it could cause Hypertension. Using it had obviously caused my problem.


I have gone to some length to inform you all of this because it is one of those little gems that sometimes crops up that could be of profound benefit to others.


If anyone needs further information, please send me a private message.


Sincerely, Harry Bunker, P.C. Plod.

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