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Top doctors attack government record on NHS

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It was a sound idea but any idea needs 100% support from those expected to make it work.


May I ask what you think was sound about it? In what way is a CCG naturally superior or preferential to a PCT? Doesn't the lack of geographic obligation in new tenders open up horrific problems and pave the way for mandatory health insurance? Are you sure that the cost of the restructure has been justified? Why do you think the risk register wasn't opened up to scrutiny?


I would hazard a guess that you may not be that familiar with the HSCA 2012

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May I ask what you think was sound about it? In what way is a CCG naturally superior or preferential to a PCT? Doesn't the lack of geographic obligation in new tenders open up horrific problems and pave the way for mandatory health insurance? Are you sure that the cost of the restructure has been justified? Why do you think the risk register wasn't opened up to scrutiny?


I would hazard a guess that you may not be that familiar with the HSCA 2012


Why do you think it wasn't a sound idea?

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