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Walter Scott shooting

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What videos are you referring to? Walter Scott or the man swiped by the cop car in Arizona.


If it's the latter I definitely saw the man back towards the police camera mounted on the dash board walking along to left of vehicle wearing white or bright colored shirt, dark pants and carrying what very much looked like a rifle. Just a few yards before the car swiped him he raised his hands up with what looked like a rifle as if to fire in the air.


The police had been called because this man had already fired the rifle and robbed someone


If there's another video showing something different then I'm not aware of it


You know exactly which video, you were asked enough. Provide a timeline from the vid or a still from the vid then maybe others will take you seriously. It is charterer assassination when you accuse another of it when you fail to provide evidence, effectively calling them a liar by concocting something that didn't take place within the vid.


You can go whining to the mods till your hearts content for all I care. Your time would be better spent providing what was asked by several posters. If there is evidence within that vid you'd be ramming it down our throats with " there you go pardner" - :hihi::D -.


As for "Character assassination", you do pretty well all on your lonesome.

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What videos are you referring to? Walter Scott or the man swiped by the cop car in Arizona.


If it's the latter I definitely saw the man back towards the police camera mounted on the dash board walking along to left of vehicle wearing white or bright colored shirt, dark pants and carrying what very much looked like a rifle. Just a few yards before the car swiped him he raised his hands up with what looked like a rifle as if to fire in the air.


The police had been called because this man had already fired the rifle and robbed someone


If there's another video showing something different then I'm not aware of it

We're talking about the video which Mafya posted a link for in post #128, the one you quoted and replied to in post #129



The one where the cop car runs over the guy with his arms down and ploughs through the wall.


You claimed that you could see him raising the rifle to fire into the air although myself and others can see that his arms are down when he is hit (and throughout the lead-up to it). I even provided a time stamp to the seconds where he is hit.

Surely if you saw him raise his arms you could provide a time stamp for it?

The video does show the man with a rifle and what I saw was that he had raised it up to fire in the air just as he was swiped by the car.


Are you watching the same video? :huh:


I just watched it several times again to make sure I wasn't imagining what I'd seen, the guy clearly has his arms down by his sides when the car strikes him. (time stamp 0:36 - 0:37)


Like Roots I must be looking at a different vid to you. If not, could you time-line where the gun is evident?
Edited by RootsBooster
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