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Walter Scott shooting

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HERE WE GO AGAIN!!! Another thread about something very negative happening in the bad old USA, Isn't anyone on here from Sheffield capable in the slightest of starting a thread containing something positive for a change?


Something positive, eh? Well, just give us a week or two.


---------- Post added 08-04-2015 at 20:47 ----------


Canada failed me in it's promises. They lied at Canada House in London. Told me I would have steady work as a carpenter and plumber but didn't tell me that it was seasonal so I got laid off when the snow came down and to make ends meet ended up working as a friggin' janitor.


HERE WE GO AGAIN!!! Another thread about something very negative happening in bad old Canada, Isn't anyone on here from California capable in the slightest of starting a thread containing something positive for a change?

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That's not nice and totally irrelevant to what I posted. The south has changed beyond recognition since the 60s. One bad cop isn't what the south is today so why that silly comment?


Because contrary to what the song might say, even ONE bad apple spoils the whole bunch.

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Christ on a crutch ! Now give it a rest. :rant: :rant:


Touchy much?


The thread is on SF because it is newsworthy. It has been on the main BBC news and in most papers. If you expect people on a general news forum to ignore the second biggest new story on most news networks then you fail to understand how general news forums work.

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Walter Scott's murderer has been brought to justice at last!


It begs the question though, would he have been found guilty of murder if the incident wasn't caught on camera? I doubt it very much!


Filming the police has become a trend in the US, and rightly so!


How long until the government try to make filming the police illegal? Would it be possible for a court to dismiss amateur video footage as evidence?


What the actual ****?


---------- Post added 08-04-2015 at 21:08 ----------


The policeman in question has been arrested, charged with murder


Would this have happened without this clip I wonder?


Literally cannot believe what I've just seen :gag:


---------- Post added 08-04-2015 at 21:28 ----------


Am really quite upset about this story :cry:

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That's not nice and totally irrelevant to what I posted. The south has changed beyond recognition since the 60s. One bad cop isn't what the south is today so why that silly comment?


---------- Post added 08-04-2015 at 17:22 ----------



No because I don't live in Sheffield anymore. Why doesn't someone still in Sheffield do it instead?


You still post on Sheffield forum even though you don't live here anymore.

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Touchy much?


The thread is on SF because it is newsworthy. It has been on the main BBC news and in most papers. If you expect people on a general news forum to ignore the second biggest new story on most news networks then you fail to understand how general news forums work.


The big earthquake in Haiti some years back was very newsworthy. American aid was the first on the scene. The rescue of thousands of Kurds trapped on a hill and surrounded by ISIS was also newsworthy. Not a mention of that


The murder of 147 or so people in Nigeria by Al Shabab may have started a thread. If it was it didn't get much response but oh my god one bad incident (and yes it was bad by any standard and shocking that a trained cop could do that) and the whole hyena like howls of outrage come to life on the SF. Meanwhile a few other million cops across the nation do their duty with honor, serve their communities with respect, save lives after traffic accidents occur, volunteer their off time to coaching kids baseball and basketball teams and over 115 of them were killed last year while on duty and yes I do know how general news forums work, only some are filled with blinkered and biased people who seek out the negative only. Their lives must be pretty pathetic outside of the forum I would think


I'm not saying that members should be denied the right to voice their opinions in response to news stories but it always seems that it's the worst and most negative news stories that stir some people to start threads. It can only be assumed that the Yank hating brigade very much dominate things around here

Edited by Harleyman
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The big earthquake in Haiti some years back was very newsworthy. American aid was the first on the scene. The rescue of thousands of Kurds trapped on a hill and surrounded by ISIS was also newsworthy. Not a mention of that


The murder of 147 or so people in Nigeria by Al Shabab may have started a thread. If it was it didn't get much response but oh my god one bad (incident (and yes it was bad by any standard and shocking that a trained cop could do that) and the whole hyena like howls of outrage come to life on the SF.


I'm not saying that members should be denied the right to voice their opinions in response to news stories but it always seems that it's the worst and most negative news stories that stir some people to start threads. It can only be assumed that the Yank hating brigade very much dominate things around here


I can tell you that yes, the murders by Al Shabab, and the abductions of the girls in Nigeria by Boko Haram have indeed had threads started about them, and if they are no longer on the forum then that is because of the ferocity of the opinions voiced therein.


I'd suggest you get a bit of perspective- yes, this is being discussed, but then so are a lot of other things.

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Guest sibon


I'm not saying that members should be denied the right to voice their opinions in response to news stories but it always seems that it's the worst and most negative news stories that stir some people to start threads. It can only be assumed that the Yank hating brigade very much dominate things around here


You do seem to be trying to close down debate with your rather OTT flouncing.


I didn't read this as an anti-American thread, rather as an anti American cop shooting people running away thread.


Unfortunately for you, this case has opened up quite a few more questions about the US police and their ability to blow away black citizens. It looks as though you (and they) are in for a bit of a bumpy ride.

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