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Walter Scott shooting

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No it doesn't. If you cant see that a few million more cops in this country do a good job then that's a chronic case of myopia


Yes it does. A tiny minority of Muslims are fundamental terrorists, yet 1 and a half billion of them get blame. One bad apple can certainly does spoil the bunch.

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Just take a look on some right wing websites and one thing that sticks out is the mostly american posters with their anti muslim posts.

I'm from Kashmir by the way and the 'your anti-american Middle east websites' comment doesn't apply as I only have to look on the EDL/storm front/ websites to see the comments by mostly American muslim haters.

You have been categorised by quite a few posters on SF from what I have seen over the years so your one to talk. :hihi:


What's your opinion on UKIP then? By any standards a party like that should be a political joke but it's not is it. The party continues to gain support along with a rising tide of anti-immigrant sentiment across the rest of Europe, meanwhile Jews in France are being targeted by Muslim extremists.

So you're a one to talk about racism in the US. In the long term western Europe could well be heading for a troubled time


---------- Post added 09-04-2015 at 14:34 ----------


They are trying to pass a bill in Texas to make it illegal for private citizens to be within 25 feet of a police officer while filming them.




Licensed news operators would be exempt.


Were you aware that police are now required to wear body cameras? Why do you think that came about?


---------- Post added 09-04-2015 at 14:38 ----------


Yes it does. A tiny minority of Muslims are fundamental terrorists, yet 1 and a half billion of them get blame. One bad apple can certainly does spoil the bunch.


Only if people are stupid enough to see it that way so being stupid doesn't make them right

Edited by Harleyman
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What's your opinion on UKIP then? By any standards a party like that should be a political joke but it's not is it. The party continues to gain support along with a rising tide of anti-immigrant sentiment across the rest of Europe, meanwhile Jews in France are being targeted by Muslim extremists.

So you're a one to talk about racism in the US. In the long term western Europe could well be heading for a troubled time


---------- Post added 09-04-2015 at 14:34 ----------



Were you aware that police are now required to wear body cameras? Why do you think that came about?


---------- Post added 09-04-2015 at 14:38 ----------



Only if people are stupid enough to see it that way so being stupid doesn't make them right


There's a relationship with the highlighted sentences.

I think UKIP, by virtue of their dog whistle politics, and championing in the right wing press, are picking up votes from some disgruntled people whose racism is thinly veiled.

I don't accuse all of UKIP voters sharing racist sentiments, some have a principled objection to the EU, which I believe was the reason for UKIP's being.

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I'm.. stunned.


You realise that in the last couple of months the police in the US have killed more people than the police in the UK have killed in the last century.


That's rather a sad state of affairs. I know there are more people in the USA, but even so that's still orders of magnitude more deaths..


---------- Post added 09-04-2015 at 12:29 ----------



I see you are still as touchy as a shaved monkey whenever someone dares criticise your beloved adopted homeland...


Do you think you could debate things dispassionatly for once? It's just street theatre till you do...


This whole debate is a comedy. Obviously the general opinion is that all American cops have a racist mentality, most of the cops are white males and the only people they shoot are black men.


Why do you among others insist on keeping up this stupid, senseless comparison between the UK and the US? The two are poles apart not the least of which is that the US has always had a much larger criminal element, often violent and dangerous to that of the UK. Read your American history


There have probably been more American police killed in the line of duty in the last one hundred than the total number of officers who have served the Sheffield and Manchester combined police forces during the same period


---------- Post added 09-04-2015 at 15:09 ----------


There's a relationship with the highlighted sentences.

I think UKIP, by virtue of their dog whistle politics, and championing in the right wing press, are picking up votes from some disgruntled people whose racism is thinly veiled.

I don't accuse all of UKIP voters sharing racist sentiments, some have a principled objection to the EU, which I believe was the reason for UKIP's being.


Objections no doubt also based on their belief that "Ws begin at Calais". That attitude has existed for longer than the EU has.

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This whole debate is a comedy. Obviously the general opinion is that all American cops have a racist mentality, most of the cops are white males and the only people they shoot are black men.

Not always. Sometimes they shoot black boys, and black women.



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...Were you aware that police are now required to wear body cameras? Why do you think that came about?...
Yes I am aware, I'm also aware that not every police department has bodycams and the ones that do have them allow the officers carrying them to either turn them off or they have to activate them to retain a record of events by pressing an event button.


This is to allow the officers to have private conversations and I'm sure most will use the feature properly, however there will be a few bad apples who 'forget' to press the event button or 'accidentally' turn the system off and 'forget' to turn it back on.


Those officers drag the rest down, because of those officers, you need a system that records an entire shift, cannot be turned off and is used in every police department.


Until that day arrives you have to rely on private citizens using phone cameras to keep the police honest and you shouldn't be thinking of laws to prevent or limit this activity, like they are in Texas.

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Yes I am aware, I'm also aware that not every police department has bodycams and the ones that do have them allow the officers carrying them to either turn them off or they have to activate them to retain a record of events by pressing an event button.


This is to allow the officers to have private conversations and I'm sure most will use the feature properly, however there will be a few bad apples who 'forget' to press the event button or 'accidentally' turn the system off and 'forget' to turn it back on.


Those officers drag the rest down, because of those officers, you need a system that records an entire shift, cannot be turned off and is used in every police department.


Until that day arrives you have to rely on private citizens using phone cameras to keep the police honest and you shouldn't be thinking of laws to prevent or limit this activity, like they are in Texas.


I think it is still quite possible to record an incident with decent clarity from a distance of 35 feet.


Much ado about nothing

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Perhaps we are debating the fact that yet again a person has been shot by a police officer in circumstances where the colour of the skin of the deceased is black and the officer is white - is it no wonder we ask does the colour of your skin determine if you live or die ? Were not in the 1940s or 50s are we but it does seem -from the outside looking in- that maybe the world first nation has some way to go in certain areas !



April 2015: Walter Lamer Scott, 50, is shot eight times in South Carolina as he runs away from Officer Michael Slager. Mr Scott dies at the scene. The shooting is captured on video and Mr Slager is charged with murder.


December 2014: Jerame Reid, 36, is shot dead during a routine traffic stop in New Jersey. An officer claims Mr Reid was reaching for a gun, but video footage seems to suggest he was attempting to step out of the car, hands raised.


November 2014: Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old boy, is shot dead in a playground by Cleveland police after a local resident reports he is pointing a gun at passers by. The gun turns out to be a toy. A grand jury will decide whether police will face charges.


August 2014: Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old, is shot dead by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri. The shooting leads to protests, first in Ferguson and later nationwide. A grand jury decides not to charge Mr Wilson.


July 2014: Eric Garner, an asthma sufferer, is stopped by police in New York and placed in a chokehold after refusing to be handcuffed. He dies despite repeatedly telling officers he cannot breathe. No police are charged.


March 2014: James Boyd, an unarmed homeless man camping in Alberquerque, is shot dead by two officers. Video of the incident leads prosecutors to say the officers acted with "deliberate intention" and they are charged.

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Only if people are stupid enough to see it that way so being stupid doesn't make them right


See, that's the thing here.


No-one is saying all cops in the USA are rabid, racist, murderous gits.

but some of them clearly are.


I don't know if its a hangover from the slavery plantation days, if it's due to the gun laws that cops are so edgy they shoot first ask questions later or if its just a co-incidence that a lot of black folks seem to get shot by police.


But in this thread, about this guy, getting shot in the back (why not go for the legs? Or a warning shot?) again by a cop.


It's not about the other cops, the good cops, it's not about the muslims, the drones, 911 or other distractionary crap it's about another unarmed citizen being killed by the guys who are supposedly meant to protect and serve


Some questions shouldn't be shouted down by patriotic nonsense.


Have you ever said; 'if you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to fear' ?


why 35m if you've nothing to hide.......

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