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Walter Scott shooting

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The Dashcam video is now available to view on most news sites- clearly shows that all Walter Scott did was run out from his car (for whatever reason) and was shot in cold blood...the cop lied about his taser being grabbed as the person who recorded the whole thing says that never happened.


America's problem is guns and trigger happy people-even those who are supposed to protect and serve.. and those who were supposed to go and help others..



Edited by Baz1
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Without jumping to conclusions I hear every time this happens, from the media, that a scuffle ensued before the shooting took place. A witness has now come forward to testify that there was a "tussle" before Walter Scott was shot.


So why the scuffles or tussles ? The usual procedure is for the officer to ask you to get out of the car, he then requests that you place both hands on the hood of the car, spread the legs just a little and he then does a concealed weapons search. The last stage is that he asks you to place both hands behind your back and he attaches the cuffs


This must happen hundreds and hundreds of times a day all over the country. Why would anyone want to get into a scuffle or a tussle? Getting into a situation like that with a police officer has just led that person into unknown territory.


Better to go along with the old Brit copper advice "Just come quietly lad and there wont be any trouble"


But hold a moment. Maybe a black man at the wheel of a car must turn a lot of cops into foaming at the mouth psychos duh! that must be the reason


You seem to be jumping to the conclusion that the victim caused the scuffle.

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Another Black gunned down by a White cop and you waffle on about Hindus and Kashmir.


:huh: What luck?


Yeah well why not since racism has also been a theme in this discussion and racism is more a problem in present day Europe than it is here so Mafya needed to be educated to that fact. Read the posts why don't you?


---------- Post added 10-04-2015 at 15:47 ----------


You seem to be jumping to the conclusion that the victim caused the scuffle.


A new video shows that after being pulled over Scott after talking with the officer started to get out of his car after the officer went back to his own car. He then got back into the car but just afterwards got out and started to run.


This video does not shown any scuffle as an eyewitness claimed she saw. Neither does it show Scott stealing the cop's tazer as the cop claimed happened. After chasing Scott and firing at him several times the cop is then seen handcuffing his body, going to another spot, picking up an object and then returning to where Scott lay, placing that object beside him. I interpret this as the cop planting evidence.


Scott had been pulled over for having a broken tail light and it was discovered that he had an outstanding warrant for failing to pay child support.

Edited by Harleyman
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Mr. Scott ran from the police, which in the US, I'm sorry to say is essentially suicide no matter the color of your skin.


(Someone once posted a short clip of somebody mouthing off to the English police, and I was stunned at how polite your officers were.)


As Chris Rock famously said, "if the police have to chase you down, they're bringing an ass whoopin' with 'em!"


The audio of the officer's dashcam shows that Mr. Scott was driving a Mercedes, had an iffy driver's license, NO current registration and NO insurance...all the while being over $18,000 in arrears for child support.


Did he deserve to die over this? Of course not. Is the officer a murderer? It sure looks like it, but there may be more to this case than we know.


I sincerely hope the officer receives a fair trial and just punishment, and that Mr. Scott's children receive adequate compensation for the loss of their father. But no amount of money will ever compensate for that.


There is not enough money in the universe to make me want to be a police officer.

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I'm sure 95 percent of police in this country don't lose it when someone mouths them off.

There was a video taken from the camera on the dashboard of the police car showing someone in an SUV giving all hell to a police officer who had pulled him over. The SUV was actually rocking so he must have been pounding the dash and throwing his body around with it at the same time. The officer never lost his cool and when he had finished issuing the citation returned to his vehicle.


This was shown on the TV series "Cops"


Prior to 1985 it was legal for a police officer to shoot someone who was fleeing the scene. After that date it became illegal to do so


My youngest son did the police training course at a local academy but his wife persuaded him not to go into it.

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A new video shows that after being pulled over Scott after talking with the officer started to get out of his car after the officer went back to his own car. He then got back into the car but just afterwards got out and started to run.


This video does not shown any scuffle as an eyewitness claimed she saw. Neither does it show Scott stealing the cop's tazer as the cop claimed happened. After chasing Scott and firing at him several times the cop is then seen handcuffing his body, going to another spot, picking up an object and then returning to where Scott lay, placing that object beside him. I interpret this as the cop planting evidence.


Scott had been pulled over for having a broken tail light and it was discovered that he had an outstanding warrant for failing to pay child support.


Your point being.........? :suspect:

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I was taking a look at Kashmir. Hot spot in dispute between Pakistan and India.

The British partitioned India just before independence. Jenna, the leader of the Muslims just could not live in a newly independent country with a Hindu majority. That's my brief commentary on intolerance based on religious differences in your former country

Don't worry about the USA, the problems are always there just as in any nation but progress will be made, women have been long emancipated, many elected to Congress, some of them minorities, girls are free to choose who they marry, we have an African-American for a President and there is a chance that in 2016 we may elect our first female President.


I don't need your links. Worry about your own part of the world. India and Pakistan tensions of long standing over Kashmir, the rise of UKIP and rightist groups in other Euro countries, anti-immigrant sentiment along with it, the threat of ISIS attacks an every day thing, French Jews subject to hate attacks by extremist French Muslims. It's all building up to something down the road and pretty ugly looking too.


You need the luck... I dont


I was born here 42 years ago, Britain is my country and homeland, my parents are from Kashmir.

Why do you feel the need to switch it about muslims or muslim country's when the thread is about racist white cops killing unarmed black people?


Edited by mafya
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Distractionary twaddle, what else?


Know thy Bill Hicks,


“Go back to bed, America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again. Here. Here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here is 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their ****ing skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go, America! You are free to do what we tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!”

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At least this guy only got a good kicking


Animals. What other word is there to describe those pieces of crap? America is turning into a pit where the law can do what ever they like. My sons private tutor wont be returning to the states any time soon and this is part of the reason why. America is on a rocky road and its only going to get bumpier so he says.

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