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Poor Old Hicks Street.

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I wonder if Mr Hicks the builder ever realised what would become of his houses he built there in the early 19 hundreds i,m refering to the fact that apart from factory units there its now well known as the "Redlight District.

I lived at number 27 and have some wonderful memories there until we were moved out in 1963.SHAME!!!

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In the archives the other day i saw an interesting article apparently the Rutland Hall at the top of Hicks Street was called "The Neighbourhood Guild Settlement " in1917 and in their 21st annual Report the president was E.Willoughby-Firth J.P and the hon secretory was Dr.Helen Wilson.who the Rutland Hall was named after years later when it became a youth club.

The activities then were ; Mens Bible Class twice a week.

Womens Meetings.

Girls Class,singing,elocution,embroidery and piano lessons.

French Classes .

War Savings Club.

and many other activities also a food and clothing day for the poor(Sound Familier).

The balance sheet read as follows;Liabilities £324 17s and 6pence.

Assets after payments £33 2s 2p.

Many of the funds went to local men coming back from the First World War.

Many years later i had many good times there when it became a youth club.


---------- Post added 03-05-2015 at 13:39 ----------


One of my school mates just remindered me that the Rutland Cycling Club went from the Helen Wilson Settlement i remember the big crowds that were there every Sunday but unfortunately the church members of the area complained about sport on sunday so the club left in 1950.

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Hi Danpatson - welcome to the Forum!.:)


There are some photos of the Hicks Street area on the picturesheffield.com site - here is a link to one of them. This scan from the 1957 Kelly's Directory might bring back a few memories!


My grandparents had the newsagents at no 8 Edmund Wilson. They retired about 1960

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Just been informed that when South Yorkshire Printers took over the Helen Wilson Settlement they found a load of photographs these were probably taken by Syd Flynn who had a photo club there.

When South Yorkshire Printers moved to Harvest Lane the photo,s went with them be nice if Picture Sheffield could get hold of them.

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