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Noise from local pub

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My friends band has had to cancel a gig tomorrow night due to the flats nearby complaining about the noise.This pub had been there for many a year with no trouble and the flats are fairly new build. What i hate is new build flats in once "no go" areas and the area is now a yuppy heaven. The pub is and was there for the long gone factories, what right has someone who pays 250k for a studio flat to complain about a pub that was there long before the flats. Its a not in my back garden system, well im sorry u should have looked at the facts before buying over the odds for a lego house:loopy:

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My friends band has had to cancel a gig tomorrow night due to the flats nearby complaining about the noise.This pub had been there for many a year with no trouble and the flats are fairly new build. What i hate is new build flats in once "no go" areas and the area is now a yuppy heaven. The pub is and was there for the long gone factories, what right has someone who pays 250k for a studio flat to complain about a pub that was there long before the flats. Its a not in my back garden system, well im sorry u should have looked at the facts before buying over the odds for a lego house:loopy:


They are not complaining about the pub but the noise coming from it,everyone including people with more money than sense, are entitled to a decent nights sleep.The pub should fit a limiter system and extra noise insulation or have acoustic nights instead.

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They are not complaining about the pub but the noise coming from it,everyone including people with more money than sense, are entitled to a decent nights sleep.The pub should fit a limiter system and extra noise insulation or have acoustic nights instead.

Any sane person who moves to house near on to a pub and then starts complaining about the noise is crackers .

The same as those that move to the Country and then complain about cocks crowing , cows mooing , and the smell of pig ****te.

When I lived at Walkley the yuppie mob started moving in and the first thing that happened was that they called a meeting in the pub to complain about Doncasters hammer going all night .

Tooosers every one.

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' why should stopping a building .......' it's called progress. It's also called applying the law.


I'm grateful SCC is diligent and effective in dealing with noise; neighbours from hell, and in this case a too noisy pub.


That's the point: the pub makes too much noise. Decibels - measured and found excessive.


Those sleep fiends get what they deserve; a good night's kip.

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They do not have to stop having gigs just moderate the noise and stop being anti-social.Just because the pub was there first does not give then any special rights under the noise abatement act.

Sheffield was a noise, hammers hammering, furnaces belching, clattering cutlery , steel rolling down half mile mills and then !!!!!the pubs satisfied the thirst of the inhabitants of this once great City at 6 am to satisfy the thirst of the people that made the City.

And then a new tribe arrives , green wellies, yellow porches[cars] , sandles in december, pigtails , and plumbs in gobs .

This tribe decides that they are going to be stay on's from the two Universities and that the City must change to be the never never land that exists within their heads, wine bars, sushi ? cafe's , real ale? and Toyota priances.

They have ruined this proud place and made it a bleedin imitation .

Edited by cuttsie
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