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Noise from local pub

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I don't like traffic noise so I didn't buy a house near a main road.


I definitely wouldn't like aircraft noise so wouldn't buy a house near an airport.


I wouldn't like the smell of the countryside all the time so wouldn't buy a house there either.


I couldn't cope with being too near a pub/nightclub either, so wouldn't buy a house near one.


I like a quiet road with nice neighbours - that's where I live now.


People should really look into things before committing themselves then complaining after.


Forward planning - now that's the future :D

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I don't like traffic noise so I didn't buy a house near a main road.


I definitely wouldn't like aircraft noise so wouldn't buy a house near an airport.


I wouldn't like the smell of the countryside all the time so wouldn't buy a house there either.


I couldn't cope with being too near a pub/nightclub either, so wouldn't buy a house near one.


I like a quiet road with nice neighbours - that's where I live now.


People should really look into things before committing themselves then complaining after.


Forward planning - now that's the future :D


By the same reasoning though.... presumably pubs don't like having to cancel their music acts due to complaints about excessive noise, so why don't they simply not book excessively loud bands? Like you say, a bit of forward planning (by the pubs) and the problem doesn't arise.

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Why doesnt the pub move? Its not the residents making noise, so its the landlords responsibility and Its up to the pub to limit noise levels in resedential areas.


Why move into house next to a pub if you dont like noise ? Even a complete and utter thicko would know pubs make noise .

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Why move into house next to a pub if you dont like noise ? Even a complete and utter thicko would know pubs make noise .


There's noise and then there is excessive noise.


The pub behind my house is ridiculously loud. It wasn't like this when my parents bought the house 29 years ago, or up until about 8 years ago. They have their windows open year round so all the noise comes out, and they let their customers out onto the fire escapes where they shout and chant.


I am currently sat in my living room watching TV, with all of our windows shut, and the living room door shut, and I can still hear the music coming from the pub fairly clearly. How is that acceptable?


And it is not only like this on Friday and Saturdays either. It is pretty much all through the week.


If they kept their windows shut (and the fire escapes) then I'm sure the level of noise would be acceptable, you would hear it outside faintly but that is all.


Pubs can operate successfully in residential areas but they need to show respect for the neighbours.

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cuttise i totally agree with you. Folk move in and try to change a great city to suit them and not what the city is.

muddycoffee im sorry you are incorrect, one of the bands that played held its very first gig in that very pub 20 years ago. No plum faced Chelsea tractor driving muppets around then.

A good friend spoke to me about this yesterday and told me of a estate that was built in new zealand that had trees nicey planted around it and some residents complained and wanted them chopping down cos of the noise of the birds singing!!! they were told by te council to f off!

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cuttise i totally agree with you. Folk move in and try to change a great city to suit them and not what the city is.

muddycoffee im sorry you are incorrect, one of the bands that played held its very first gig in that very pub 20 years ago. No plum faced Chelsea tractor driving muppets around then.

A good friend spoke to me about this yesterday and told me of a estate that was built in new zealand that had trees nicey planted around it and some residents complained and wanted them chopping down cos of the noise of the birds singing!!! they were told by te council to f off!

On another thread [skyscraper City] some posters even say that the tree's in Fitzallen Square should be cut down :hihi:

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ubermaus why should the pub move ? it was there first and actually certain residents blast out drum and bass music at all hours at certain times, i have a friend who knows the area very well and this is a bigger problem then the "noise" from the long standing pubs. So its a case of glass houses and stones me thinks:loopy:

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