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A Question on Road Rules in Britain.. Almost got run over, again

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I appreciate many of your concerns, but just to clarify I look both ways when crossing any road. The problem is that some drivers out there are idiots and don't indicate the direction that they are turning to. This is one example from my previous post that shows another example of bad road behavior.


'1. I lived in Endcliffe in my first year and there were about 5 or 6 times when I happened to be walking on a pavement located right in front of someone's garage or private parking space, and I got honked by a car that tried to get into them because they had to stop in the middle of the road to wait for me to get out of their way. I actually got into a fight/row two of these times, both times coincidentally with a gentleman wearing a suit and driving an Audi or a Mercedes.'


How do you explain this based around my responsibility as a pedestrian? It's quite clear that quite a lot of drivers, especially those driving expensive German cars, feel like they own the bloody road. And they have the cheek to tell me or any other pedestrian that they deserve to drive to anywhere without being stopped, even on legal grounds. The example that I posted in the OP of another fellow pedestrian who was actually HIT ON THE ARM by a car that couldn't bother to wait until we walked by is a good indication of this.


Learn to cross the road properly. Try standing on the pavement, look both ways and then cross, i usually find it helps.


---------- Post added 11-04-2015 at 08:18 ----------



Pedestrians are to blame 100%. The number ive seen wandering into roads, coming out of pubs like the OP..not even looking or on a mobile. Or just simply carolling traffic in the middle of lanes..


---------- Post added 11-04-2015 at 08:28 ----------


The best are chinese or asian students. The look on their faces when you nearly run them over is priceless.


You didn't read my post fully. I do take those precautions. I'm not an idiot. Looking both ways when crossing any road is common sense to me as much as it is for you. It's just that many cars don't use blinkers to indicate the direction that they are going so people often turn without telling me. Indicating which way you are going is, to me, something that any driver must do. THAT is common sense.


And none of these incidents happened when I was intoxicated. It was during the middle of the day, and I was wide awake. Actually, I noticed that drivers become quite cautious during night time...


---------- Post added 13-04-2015 at 23:47 ----------


In Britain cars have right of way, or at least that seems to be the primary rule.


Also checking here, but aren't both those junctions controlled by traffic lights?


No. If they are I would obviously wait for it to turn green.

Edited by Radomu
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It doesn't matter what the rules or law are. There are some terribly ignorant drivers and you can't second guess what they might do. Pay no attention to their indicators because you simply can't trust them 100%.


If you've followed the rules and a driver hasn't I don't think that will be much consolation when you are in hospital/dead.


As a pedestrian you have to assume that if a car is nearby don't cross.

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It doesn't matter what the rules or law are. There are some terribly ignorant drivers and you can't second guess what they might do. Pay no attention to their indicators because you simply can't trust them 100%.


If you've followed the rules and a driver hasn't I don't think that will be much consolation when you are in hospital/dead.


As a pedestrian you have to assume that if a car is nearby don't cross.


I would agree with that mentality. :(

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