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Is S17 a safe seat?


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30 years ago Hallam would have been considered safe Conservative. You'd have thought it would now be marginal LibDem - Conservative, unless you saw how the Tory party in Sheffield has all but withered away. It now appears to be run from Rotherham.


This time round a lot of seats will be marginal due to the complexity of changing loyalties and so many more candidates. The DM makes Central marginal. Maybe last time, but surely not this time?

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No. I think the Lib dems will lose quite a few seats this election.


I hope so. I look forward to seeing Cleggy queuing up for his JSA outside West Street Jobcentre. As well as that vile Esther McVey: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/generalelection/general-election-2015-esther-mcvey-touted-as-a-future-pm-but-could-soon-become-a-former-mp-10169010.html

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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I live in Cleggie's constituency and from the number of Labour posters displayed locally it's not looking too safe for him.


Totally agree. The majority seem to be at last cottoning on to the fact that the Tories and Lib Dems are putting the super rich first, and more than 99% of Clegg's constituency don't fall in that category, and realise that voting for him makes them even less rich!

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Totally agree. The majority seem to be at last cottoning on to the fact that the Tories and Lib Dems are putting the super rich first, and more than 99% of Clegg's constituency don't fall in that category, and realise that voting for him makes them even less rich!

As opposed to Labour, you mean, a Party hardly more well-disposed towards the moneyed; itself based on visceral class antagonism and suffusing envy?

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