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Don't immunise your child, lose benefits?

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I can find no link that mentions aluminium has been removed in UK vaccines.


Can you provide one?


I never said aluminium had been removed from all UK vaccines.


As I mentioned, I will thank you not to misrepresent what I actually said.

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?Really don't understand what you're getting at there.
I really believe that you do perfectly well, so let's leave it there, shall we?

I think you'll find that some rich people do think for themselves, and that some are aware all is not well with the medical system. Steve Jobs, for example, tended to make his own health choices.
Steve Jobs, one of the richest persons on earth, and also one of the most socially maladjusted geniuses of his time? How representative an example.


Now, you said "some rich people"...How many is that? Out of how many? How representative are they?


Stats, dave, let's have some stats: what are the respective numbers of vaccinated vs unvaccinated amongst "the rich"? Say, in the UK only, MMR only, and let's say "the rich" is anyone earning more than the average £26k per annum, to keep things simple. Off you go :)

Yes- personal responsibility extends very much to health, hence why people should, IMO, do their own research and take advice from the medical system as what it is- advice, not gospel.


Once again I'll remind that I'm not against vaccination, I think there's evidence on both sides. I am against compulsory vaccination.

Way to miss the point, dave. I've just explained to you how this Australian proposal does not constitute compulsory vaccination.
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Dr Mcdougals a gp. Many medical professionals are standing up and saying the medical systems corrupted. Many would disagree with your GP. Ultimately you have to choose- choosing to blindly follow the advice of an arbitrary GP is itself a choice, especially when GPs are in deep conflict with each other.


He's not my doctor, he is someone that sells stuff over the internet so he has a vested interest on convincing people that what he sells is better than medical treatment.

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I really do understand your concern- if I believed, as you do, that colonoscopies are effective, I'd be saying the same.


However, I believe colonoscopies are both ineffective, and, harmfull.


What I'd say to anyone faced with the decision, is, do your own research- decide for yourself. Don't blindly listen to me, to JFKvsNixon, to your GP, or to anyone else. Do your own research, take others opinions into account, come to your own decision. It's your life, you are responsible for it, it's your decision.


IMO, the medical system is seriously compromised, and people are dying as a result. If patients want to blindly follow it, that's their choice as well. But, my advice is, do your own research.


I am not saying that anybody should follow anybody blindly but you have to accept that you cannot gain the knowledge and experience that a gastroenterologist has gained by doing a few hours research on the internet.


What you need to do is use your gastroenterologist/GP/any specialist as a your reference tool, and direct all your questions and concerns towards them.


---------- Post added 14-04-2015 at 09:35 ----------


Dr Mcdougals a gp. Many medical professionals are standing up and saying the medical systems corrupted. Many would disagree with your GP. Ultimately you have to choose- choosing to blindly follow the advice of an arbitrary GP is itself a choice, especially when GPs are in deep conflict with each other.


If your GP had a business that made him lots of money, and when you went to see him with a problem, instead of referring to to a specialist, he directed you to his business, would you trust him?

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I can find no link that mentions aluminium has been removed in UK vaccines.


Can you provide one?


Aluminum salts are common food additives and they are found naturally in food.

The human body contains between 50 and 150 mg

Our daily intake of aluminum may range from 10-110 mg, but the body will eliminate most of this in the feces and urine and some in the sweat.


Aluminum is found naturally in large quantities in the environment, often consumed through drinking water or ingesting certain foods, such as infant formula.


A team of researchers has measured levels in the most popular brands and claims they could pose a threat to health – a claim disputed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) – the main UK regulatory body responsible for food safety.


The bottom line is that the study does not provide any evidence that the current regulations are wrong, or that current levels of aluminium in infant foods are in any way harmful to health.


Edited by loraward
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Aluminum salts are common food additives and they are found naturally in food.

The human body contains between 50 and 150 mg

Our daily intake of aluminum may range from 10-110 mg, but the body will eliminate most of this in the feces and urine and some in the sweat.


How long before this thread morphs into us being sprayed with aluminium and barium salts from covert aircraft do you think....?

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Dr Mcdougals a gp. Many medical professionals are standing up and saying the medical systems corrupted. Many would disagree with your GP. Ultimately you have to choose- choosing to blindly follow the advice of an arbitrary GP is itself a choice, especially when GPs are in deep conflict with each other.


If your GP had a business that made him lots of money, and when you went to see him with a problem, instead of referring to to a specialist, he directed you to his business, would you trust him?
Dr Mcdougal is quite clearly in a conflict of interest situation, and maintaining that situation in any way or form is a cardinal sin for any professional.


Unsurprisingly, the GMC has relevant rules about this possibility.

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Dr Mcdougal is quite clearly in a conflict of interest situation, and maintaining that situation in any way or form is a cardinal sin for any professional.


Unsurprisingly, the GMC has relevant rules about this possibility.


It's interesting that one of the reasons that the person who probably kick started the MMR nonsense, Andrew Wakefield, was struck off was the conflict of interest, where he put himself in a position to financially profit from the furore that he helped to create.


A pattern does seem to emerge.

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I really believe that you do perfectly well, so let's leave it there, shall we?
You appear to be calling me a liar?


---------- Post added 14-04-2015 at 12:21 ----------



Now, you said "some rich people"...How many is that? Out of how many? How representative are they?


Stats, dave, let's have some stats: what are the respective numbers of vaccinated vs unvaccinated amongst "the rich"? Say, in the UK only, MMR only, and let's say "the rich" is anyone earning more than the average £26k per annum, to keep things simple. Off you go :)

Way to miss the point, dave. I've just explained to you how this Australian proposal does not constitute compulsory vaccination.


I said

I think you'll find that some rich people do think for themselves, and that some are aware all is not well with the medical system. Steve Jobs, for example, tended to make his own health choices.


Presumably you actually agree with me that some rich people do think for themselves, and that some are aware all is not well with the medical system'?


I have no idea how many, or what proportion they constitute, neither do I care. I do know, however that some rich people do think for themselves, and that some are aware all is not well with the medical system.


In the unlikely event that you believe no rich people do think for themselves, and that some are aware all is not well with the medical system', do feel free to offer evidence yourself.


---------- Post added 14-04-2015 at 12:29 ----------


Show me the substantial research that concludes that for every one person who's life is saved by having a colonoscopy, one person is killed.


I didn't say there was "substantial research that concludes that for every one person who's life is saved by having a colonoscopy, one person is killed."


I stated the easily checkable fact that, in his article, Dr Mcdougal said it.


Here it is (in the last sentence)-


Colonoscopy Screening Is Unduly Dangerous


In terms of making a decision about whether or not to have a screening performed, the benefits and risks to you must be taken into consideration. The absolute risk of developing colon cancer for people following the Western diet is to 2.5%.15 Having one first-degree relative with colon cancer increases the risk to 4.7%, and with two relatives the risk becomes 9.6% (up to the age of 75). This increased risk is in part genetic, but also remember that mother teaches daughter and son how to cook and what to eat.


Harms from a colonoscopy may arise from the preparation, the sedation, and the procedure. In the United States, serious complications occur in an estimated 5 per 1,000 procedures.16 When biopsies or polyp removals are performed, then the risk of serious complications, including bleeding, increases. One of the most serious hazards, often leading to death, is perforation of the colon, which occurs in about 1 per 1,000 procedures. In the face of that disaster consider that to prevent one death from colorectal cancer (the benefit), 1,250 people would need to have a colonoscopy.17 This is almost an even exchange: for one life saved from cancer, one life is lost (or at least seriously threatened) from a complication, like perforation.



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