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Lying about how an accident happend

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I was involved in a car accident in Feb. The guy came into my lane and hit me. He admitted fault at the scene however when it came down to insurance. He has now lied saying I came to his lane. I have voice recording of him explaining how the accident happend to me but he has told insurance a total different story. Where do I go from here? The recording can clearly justify that this guy is lying

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I was involved in a car accident in Feb. The guy came into my lane and hit me. He admitted fault at the scene however when it came down to insurance. He has now lied saying I came to his lane. I have voice recording of him explaining how the accident happend to me but he has told insurance a total different story. Where do I go from here? The recording can clearly justify that this guy is lying


The same happened to my sister, where there no witnesses ? I'm glad you have the slime ball on voice recording.. I hope karma kicks is ass for you !! Nowt worse that liar.. Can I give you some advice get in car cam they do voice recording all in..halfords I have heard you can get them cheaper not sure where thow..good luck, theresa

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I know. I have forwarded it to my solicitors. I can't believe how people lie just to avoid their premiums. They say one thing to your face and then another story to his insurance company. I have independent witnesses who have come forward. Can he get done for lying to his insurance? He also did not report his accident within 48 hours. It took him almost a week.

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I know. I have forwarded it to my solicitors. I can't believe how people lie just to avoid their premiums. They say one thing to your face and then another story to his insurance company. I have independent witnesses who have come forward. Can he get done for lying to his insurance? He also did not report his accident within 48 hours. It took him almost a week.


I'm happy you got some witnesses ..as for lying to his insurance company yes I think he can also the fact he did not disclose it to the insurance company within 48 hours it not good outcome for him ..and his lies will get the better of him, and the insurance company will see this

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I was involved in a car accident in Feb. The guy came into my lane and hit me. He admitted fault at the scene however when it came down to insurance. He has now lied saying I came to his lane. I have voice recording of him explaining how the accident happend to me but he has told insurance a total different story. Where do I go from here? The recording can clearly justify that this guy is lying


What evidence do you have that the recording is actually him? Surely that's what he'll say?

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happens alot they admit fault at scene but then tell insurance a different story happened to me aswell i was only insured 3rd party at the time and the other driver was fully comp


was told they had changed there story i could still go ahead with claim but would prob lose my case and risk my no claims so didnt bother

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