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Voice-throwing advice please

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Without getting too technical, I need to learn to ventriloqualise as a first (but important) step toward the end result of a project I'm currently working on.

I've been peeking on You-tube and stuff, but not really happened upon anything of any particular use.

Having watched Ray Alan and Lord Charles (more times than I care for), I can just about manage 'gockle og geer' and (more topically perhaps) 'google'. I realised pretty quickly that Lord Charles isn't actually real, merely a puppet (before any smarty-pants points this out) but once again, so far as my project is concerned, is of little/no import.


I need to be able to throw my voice clearly over a considerable distance (without using a telephonic device!). Not before I achieve this can I continue.


Basically, I know SF has many members … and by quick calculation, even if say, only 1% are expert in ventriloquisulisational techniques, that makes for several thousand by my reckoning.

So please, can you give me any tips on how to successfully throw my voice in a clear (and pleasant, preferably) manner? No puppets please.


Thank you in advance ... :thumbsup:

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Without getting too technical, I need to learn to ventriloqualise as a first (but important) step toward the end result of a project I'm currently working on.

I've been peeking on You-tube and stuff, but not really happened upon anything of any particular use.

Having watched Ray Alan and Lord Charles (more times than I care for), I can just about manage 'gockle og geer' and (more topically perhaps) 'google'. I realised pretty quickly that Lord Charles isn't actually real, merely a puppet (before any smarty-pants points this out) but once again, so far as my project is concerned, is of little/no import.


I need to be able to throw my voice clearly over a considerable distance (without using a telephonic device!). Not before I achieve this can I continue.


Basically, I know SF has many members … and by quick calculation, even if say, only 1% are expert in ventriloquisulisational techniques, that makes for several thousand by my reckoning.

So please, can you give me any tips on how to successfully throw my voice in a clear (and pleasant, preferably) manner? No puppets please.


Thank you in advance ... :thumbsup:

Hmmm... :huh:


... in the interests of elf and safety Mr Alco, I just thought I'd remind you that throwing your voice is a very difficult task and should under no circumstances be attempted unless you have first mastered the arts of throwing a hissy fit, throwing a sickie, and of course throwing your toys out of the pram.


You will also require the help of a reliable and trustworthy assistant who will be able to locate and retrieve your voice for you during your many inevitable failed attempts, thereby ensuring you dont lose your voice. ;)

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Throwing your voice and ventriloquism are different, there are ventriloquists who cannot throw their voice, and people who can, but not without moving their lips..


The 'art' of throwing your voice works on projection of sound, acoustics of the room and/or location and also whats being said..


For example - it's almost impossible to throw your voice in large open outdoor areas as there's nothing for your voice to bounce off (and so no location for it to seem to be coming from)

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I'm no expert in ventriloquism but if it is anything like an actor is trained to throw the voice, to the back of the auditorium I would say it is all about control. I've had voice coaching in my time as a thespian and believe me it's the best way of saving enough puff to string a couple of words together after the performance!


All to do with the diaphragm, and not in any way pushing from the voicebox. That way you'll train up your voice levels, thus saving energy.

Have fun!

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I'm no expert in ventriloquism but if it is anything like an actor is trained to throw the voice, to the back of the auditorium I would say it is all about control. I've had voice coaching in my time as a thespian and believe me it's the best way of saving enough puff to string a couple of words together after the performance!


All to do with the diaphragm, and not in any way pushing from the voicebox. That way you'll train up your voice levels, thus saving energy.

Have fun!


That's my understanding too ... ventriloquism was formerly also known as gastromancy, as in 'from the belly' (not voice-box). Quite often there're dark connotations to it as well. People (rather stupidly, I might add) used to think there was someone else living inside the gastromancer's stomach, we're not talking pregnant here either.

Ghozer is correct in saying what he/she(?) said also.


However, interesting as it is, these facts are not really helping me along very quickly in my voice throwing attempts.

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You need an incentive.

Super glue your lips together and stand at the bar in your local.

Concentrate and order your preferred tipple as best you can.

This may take a few nights of devoted effort but I am sure that ultimately desperation will win out.

There may be associated problems to be overcome,such as the bar person not recognising who ordered the drink,and of course actually drinking your pint when your lips are glued together.

Theres plenty of time to work out ways round this whilst you accomplish step one.

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Without getting too technical, I need to learn to ventriloqualise as a first (but important) step toward the end result of a project I'm currently working on.

I've been peeking on You-tube and stuff, but not really happened upon anything of any particular use.

Having watched Ray Alan and Lord Charles (more times than I care for), I can just about manage 'gockle og geer' and (more topically perhaps) 'google'. I realised pretty quickly that Lord Charles isn't actually real, merely a puppet (before any smarty-pants points this out) but once again, so far as my project is concerned, is of little/no import.


I need to be able to throw my voice clearly over a considerable distance (without using a telephonic device!). Not before I achieve this can I continue.


Basically, I know SF has many members … and by quick calculation, even if say, only 1% are expert in ventriloquisulisational techniques, that makes for several thousand by my reckoning.

So please, can you give me any tips on how to successfully throw my voice in a clear (and pleasant, preferably) manner? No puppets please.


Thank you in advance ... :thumbsup:


Maybe you could seek the advice of the 'talking dog' from Britain's' Got Talent last Saturday?.....Just a thought! ;)

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Maybe you could seek the advice of the 'talking dog' from Britain's' Got Talent last Saturday?.....Just a thought! ;)


Although I don't watch such piffle, I'd hardly call Amanda Holden a 'talking dog'.

Anyway, it's nothing like the advice I'm looking for, and in no way will it help me with my project. :(

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Although I don't watch such piffle, I'd hardly call Amanda Holden a 'talking dog'.

Anyway, it's nothing like the advice I'm looking for, and in no way will it help me with my project. :(


That's hilarious....


Ah and here's Amanda and company:



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